Abs AT Aig ¥ Fito AL - Th WANT \ rs A ) 0) CAREER LE #5 BEV ae ANG AR a L CRIN ed Fi. . v ¥ { RR ows ts v TRF ' ANd N PRR. BF CBERVON LORERA PTL EWA TE BTR REE FOr TE 1 ARTERY A SS PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 9, 1976 -- 9 ---- een RA, a Sines cK ar ------ corisidered Second-To-None 6. A number of vintage steam engines took part in the parade and amused spectators for the two day fair puffing and tooting as the boiler @ o let off steam. 7. The Miniature Tractor Pulls at the Fair last week proved almost as popular as the larger models, with hundreds attracted to the event. Here one competitor con- centrates as he directs the tractor in a straight ¥ PY line as it pulls a weight transfer machine the length of the track. 8. For the fourth year in a row, Robert Flett has won the Flettdale Trophy for the Grand Champion Female Holstein at the Port Perry Fair. Mr. Flett's entry, Theynor ® € Hagen Cindy has been the champion for the past three years. Ann Hadden, Ontario. County Dairy Princess for 1975- 76, presented the ribbon to Mr. Flett following the competition. 9. Second vice-president of the Port Perry Fair, * ® Joe Baxter did a little clowning-around at the fair last weekend and provided fun and amuse- ment for the kids and adults attending. 10. The children's Petting Zoo was very popular with the youngsters, who had a chance to touch -~« ® many animals they would otherwise never see, There were geese and goats, dogs and pigs and many other varieties of animals for the child- ren to see. 11. The grandstand was packed to capacity again this year at the fair as hundreds of interested spectators watched the trotters go through their paces. One accident involving three horses and drivers did little to v & dampen the betting at the pari-mutual st nds.