S83 Ay > \ 3S (3 ge : AY 3 ie Seren 4 i [] h - A bh " \ Hospitals face belt-tightening . Ontario Hospital Associa- government's decision to each hospital. Some have B | tion Director, R. Alan Hay, change the groundrules already told us they will warned that many hospitals means that hospitals may have to reduce beds and h " across Ontario will be forced find that for seven months staff. 4 ~ into further staff and service they have been spending "There are early indica- cuts this fall asa result of the money they aren't going to tions as well from some £ iy " Provincial Government's get. A 1 percent reduction hospitals that cuts in out- 3 cost constraints. slices hundred of thousands patient funds may force In a statement prepared of dollars out of the patient them to tell their physicians ns for release, Mr. Hay said, "I care programs of bigger to make still greater use of : am appalled that with seven hospitals. It becomes much private commercial labora- ' oH months of the year gone, more serious when you only tories for out-patient tests, If VER hospitals are only now being have five months left in that happens the extra cost Fon ev 8 notified by the Ministry of which to make a full year's to OHIP and the taxpayers is ih Health of their 1976 budget saving. The Ministry has certain to be far higher than --\ A allowances. What is worse", itself acknowledged that dif- any savings squeezed out of N= A said Hay, "is that most ficulty by saying that hospit- hospital out-patient budgets, & ZN ---- "SP o@se hospitals are finding they als can take some of the and that doesn't make any Zao Yi i : will have less money for money out of next year's sense at all to me. PN cl Eo : services and staff than the budget if necessary", he "Our Association is alse 1 (EP No Ministry had previously led said. : EE -- " y p hearing that a number of "3 A --_~-- them to expect. "We won't know how ad- hospitals, particularly in the : RC mN-- "Earlier this year", said versely these cuts will affect north, are being faced with YA ---- Hay, 'hospitals were told services across the province heavy cuts in ambulance 0 ---- they would be permitted until each hospital has been funds and frankly I don't » 8 = a budget increases over 1975 able to assess what its own know what that might mean 0 -- -- equivalent to 8 percent more budget allowance will per- for services to péople living Rt 4% § iB -- ---- for employee costs and 10 mit. Recent province-wide in those communities," he "ESE ---- -- percent more for all other wage settlements with ser- said. RR owe rl | supplies and services. When vice-worker unions, still to Port Perry's Community {ia \ ---- the government came to add be approved by AIB, and Memorial Hospital has al- ¢ ARIA - Bd up the bill, however, it upcoming negotiations with ready suffered budget cuts . fed : obviously decided it was too the nurses' union, will also ordered by the Ontario These three young charmers are the first entries in the Miss Port Perry Fair high. As a resull most have to be considered by health ministry. contest so far, and organizers expect that more girls between the ages of 14 and 18 hospitals are now being cut % will enter. The girls are, from left, Debbie Ireland, 15; Barbara Gibson, 18; and Jy EE XR NI ANN NN NNN SSS SSS : Debbie Menzies, 16. "The lateness of the ' ENITH ' i | ; ? ' | CHROMACOLOR | | CHROMACE ' - at - ¢ H _-- ! 2) wr: : mw UXBRIDGE ELECTRONICS § ' 75 Brock Street W. Uxbridge Ontano Phone 852-3481 ' GUARANTEED INVESTMENT | °° CERTIFICATES 1 YEAR 9%% 2 YEAR = 9%% 3 YEAR 9%% ©' 4 YEAR 10% 5 YEAR 10%% Rates subject to change. These rates are paid on new certificates. They do not affect any you may now hold. A, % P Stationery & STAR Office Supply 191 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8123 A Division of Port Perry Star Co. Lid Before you start back to school - Stop at "Star Stationery" for all your school supplies! e "Funk & Flash" Exercise Books eo Refill Paper e 3 Ring Exercise Books e Metric Graph Paper eo Science & Math Workbooks e 3 Ring Pocket Pages e Corrasable Bond Typing Paper o Bookkeeping Refills o Dividers o Memo Books e Duo Tangs e Binders Why wd it o Clipboards e Sketch Pads e Math Sets U nti age 60 oD e Markers, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, etc. g s For those 55 and over Ontario Trust has a lot of things going for you. 3 a Get full details by calling or visiting your local branch. TRUST 1, : 0 © i ONTARIO TRUST ved J.A. PHINN Supervisor of Branches & Manager 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. * * Member, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation