ow ® iy 3 | R. R."2, Seagrave, Trophy was won by Greenbank, tied. R. R. 3, Uxbridge. ONTARIO COUNTY 4-H AND JUNIOR FARMER JUDGING COMPETITION A very successful Judging Day was held on Saturday, May 29th, 1976 for 4-H and Junior Farmer "members in Ontario County. : . The 53 participants @valuated a class of dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, hay and grain. The competitors also completed quizzes on swine production, plant identifi- cation, and a general agricultural knowledge. Visits were made to Elmecroft Farms, Mac-Mar Farms, and the farm of Clarence of the Beaverton area, bef ition at the Beaverton To The senior competitor with the highest overall score was Ted Smith, R.R. 4 Sunderland. The top junior competitor was Larry Phillips, R. R. 5, Lindsay. The highest scoring novice contestant was Brad Howsam, The Junior Farmer Inter-Club the Port Perry Club, consisting of the following team members: Ted Smith, R. R. 4, Sunderland; Elaine Elliott, R. R. 3, Uxbridge, and Bob 3} Rahm, R. R. 5, Sunderland. 3 The winners of the Coaches' Class were the team of Jim Phoenix with members Elaine Elliott, Brad Howsam and Rick Werry. The winner in each of the eight sections of the competition were as follows: Dairy: Kelly Lee, R. R. 5, Sunderland. Beef - Ted Smith, R. R. 4, Sunderland, and Earl Phoenix, Swine - Ted Smith, R. R. 4, Sunderland. Sheep - Ted SMith, R. R. 4, Sunderland . and Earl Phoenix, Greenbank, tied. Grain - Terry Till, Identification Quiz - Robert Baird, R. R. 5, Sunderland, John Robertson, R. R. 2, Por; Russell Clark, R. R. 1, Beaverton. Swine Smith, R. R. 4, Sunderland. General - Ted Smith, R. R. 4, Sunderland. Hewitt and Sons, all re completing the compet- n Hall, ' erry, and iz - Ted Agricultural Quiz ee Seagrave and area [4 By: Marilyn Beacock Canoe the Nonquon Race, which has become quite a popular annual event, pro- vided entertainment for our village folk on Saturday mornings approximately 175 "canoeists paddled their way - through Seagrave. It was great to see so many Sea- grave and area residents. entered in the race. Congrat- ulations to each of you! From all reports this was one of the best years éver . for the race as the water level in the Nonquon is con- siderably higher than in past years and the lake was as smooth as glass and to top it all off Mother Nature was more than co-operative by providing a warm, sunshiny day for both spectators and participants. Saturday evening, the OFFICE HOURS: D. THAPAR, DEN t Uxbridge Denture Clinic 66 BROCK ST. W., UXBRIDGE Monday to Friday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday - 9 a.m. to 12 noon COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE TURE THEROPIST. Unit 2 gals and their hus- bands very much enjoyed a Travelling Supper. Every- one gathered at the home of Bruce and Suzanne Malcolm for hor d'oeurves, then on to Bert and Glenda Hutcheons for our first course, Don and Marilyn Beacocks. for dessert and coffee and lastly to Keith and Dianne Puck- rins for entertainment. Betty 'Somerville, Dianne Puckrin, Marilyn Beacock, Suzanne Malcolm and Glenda Hutcheon, with the assistance of Donna Wana- maker who had the honour of being M.C. for the even- ing, provided those in at- - tendance with quite a few chuckles and even some of the husbands of the afore- mentioned ladies were good sports and agreed to take part in parts of the program. 852-5291 SEE ety of Ontario. RELIABLE | PLUMBING & HEATING §} New Installations * Repairs - Alterations BERT FABER - PHONE 985-3734 "Service is Our Business." 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Vv Sa fa , - ~The Port Perry" High" School "held their 'annual Two-year-old 'Karen "Ferguson was so enfhusiastic outdoor concert last week at Palmer Park, and attracted a good number of people to the park to enjoy the warm sun and listen to the good music. Roy Puckrin, on behalf of those present, expressed ap- preciation to everyone who had helped in anyway to make the evening the suc- cess that it was. Looks as if there could be another sup- per planned for sometime in the future. Also a very special thanks to all the mothers and grandmothers who babysat our little ones for the evening. _ Sorry to report that Mst. Brandon Puckrin is hospit- alized at the moment. Sure' hope this little man recovers real soon. Ball season appears to be in full swing now with 3 local teams participating, Mari- posa, Robinglade and of course, Seagrave. I unfor- tunately only have the score total for the Seagrave team this week. Seems that they won over Valentia 17-14 Sun- day evening before being rained out. Congratulations to Phil Bertrand who made the first home run for the evening. The correspondents would be pleased to report the ball scores from each of the teams if someone would be with the results. . Belated happy birthday to Marion Barrett who cele- brated her birthday last week. We're pleased to hear that you are feeling so much better Mrs. Barrett. Mr. Tom Venner still re- mains a patient in the Oshawa General. We hope it ..won't be too much. longer before you are both home again to enjoy some of this lovely warm weather. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puck- rin, Dianne and finance Mr. Gord Hooker attended the (continued on page 15) kind enough to call one ofus PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, SE i) w Co a | | hy " June 9, 1976 -- 13 gary mS A J.G. Photo SUPPLIES . LEDGER BOOKS EXPANSION FILES STAPLERS and STAPLES TAPE DISPENSERS CLIP BOARDS TYPEWRITER RIBBONS STAMP PADS PENS & PENCILS TYPEWRITER TYPE CLEANER RULED and GRAPH PAPER TICKETS TYPEWRITER PAPER RECEIPT BOOKS BULLDOG CLIPS LEDGERS MNAR BODKS (2 col. to 18 col.) PAPER REINFORCEMENTS FILE FOLDERS CASH BOOKS SCRATCH PADS , TYPEWRITERS SCHOOL SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE CALCULATORS SCHOOL SUPPLIES STAR 191 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8123 Stationery & Office Supply A Division of Port Perry Star Co Lid