So 3 AT: AD = by ATWO vp De TON f VA PC ved uch Lu 8T 22 -- PUK PERRY STAR -- ThurSuay, May ig 1976 Scugog Island Women' S Institute By Mrs, Nelson Reader The May meeting of the Scugog Island W.1. was held in the community Hall on Wednesday, May 19th, at 8:00 pm. Mrs. Roy Free- man presided. The Qde was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect repeated. -- Sixteen members and two visitors answered the roll "call, "Name a nutritious food that: begins with your, initials". We were pleased to welcome Mrs. Doug. Anthony as our newest member. 'The motto was given by Mrs. Bah Hortop, "If you wish to thinner, dimish your dinner'. 3 Mrs. Everett Prentice read the minutes of the April meeting and .collection and '"'pennies for friendship' was received. Several members paid their $1.50 membership which is now due. Mrs, Jim Wilson, 4H leader for 'Let's Bake Bread" reported seven out of eight girls were able to at- tend Achievement Day at Uxbridge on Saturday, May 15th. We -were pleased to learn Miss Tammy Freeman received her County Honours, The committee for the ' Scugog Island Women's Institute Port Perry Fair Display requested ideas and' the members were very enthusiastic with their sug- gestions and offers of help. The flyers advertising our Auction Sale on July 17th are ready and will be distributed next month. The "pick up' will be on Saturday, July 10th, one week ahead of the sale. It was moved by Mrs. Don Gerrow and seconded by "Mrs. Jack Chambers that we pay for the transportation for our 4H girls to Uxbridge. Extra copies of recipe books which the girls had sent for on baking 'with yeast were distributed among . the members. Thank you, girls. We werereminded by Mrs. Brent Richardson that we will be acting as guides at the Museum Thursday after- noons during the month of August. Mrs. Maurice Fra- lick reported for the Kitchen Committee on prices she had obtained. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 16th, Mrs. 'remember'. Gregory Fedyk's "group "Agriculture and Canadian Industries". ; The meeting 'was then turned over to Mrs. Ralph Hortop's group "Family and Consumer Affairs". We re disappointed to learn that there would be no micro wave oven demonstration this meeting. We did enjoy the programme which fol- - lowed, Mrs. Hortop read a postscript to the motto, "Lunch is silver, dinner is' "gold and supper is lead". This was followed by a read- ing from Ethel Chapman's book 'Humanities and Homespun' - "In Spring We Mrs. Joe Dow- son gave us a very humorous reading "The Complaint", Everyone joined in the read- Hospital Auxiliary meeting May pra of Hospital: Auxiliary was held on Tues. May -18--in Prince Albert Community Centre. Thirty-- five members, volunteer workers and interested friends enjoyed a buffet luncheon President ~~ Mrs. Pugh conducted a short business period and a detail- ed report of the Spring Fair was given, To date net pro- ceeds is $848.00. A- special thanks is extended to the Rebekah Lodge for their donation from Rug Draw and for donations received ing of consumer tips and "Mrs. Everett Prentice read from Erma. Bombeck's column on the metric system in daily.chit chat. A lovely lunch was served by the group in charge. from organizations' and friends and all who helped to make this project. the huge success. Rose Tag Day for the hospital will be held on June 11. An afghan, knit by Mrs. Fishley, an auxiliary mem- ber 'was on 'display and tickets will be on sale during the summer. Draw to take place at the Fall Dance. Mrs. White, Director of Nursing for the hospital was present and showed two films, entitled Halo for a Cap and a film from County Hospital Volunteer Services. There were most inform- ative for volunteer workers and for those. who are con- templating entering volun- teer services in the hospital. Next meeting will be in the hospital on June 21 at 2 p.m. Gertrude Wanamaker DIRECTOR - Commercial - Residential - Industrial JOHN LAW ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Summit Drive, Caesarea FREE ESTIMATES 986-5395 705-357-3469 A) HOUSE RAISING & MOVING Clayton. Hallett. & Sons | Little Britain, Ontario 705-786-2441 SUBMARINE Subbys LAKEVIEW PLAZA Corner 7A & Water St. Call 985-7131 Clipping - Bathing - 10 yrs experience - Pick up Service for Small and Medium breeds Taunton Rd. E. near Wilson 728-5723 -- Oshawa H. F. GRANDER Ontario Land Surveyor ntario Phone: (416 von oreo R. R. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Seagrave 985-3481 v TIMMS GARAGE COLLISION REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Saintfield 985.7515 Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC - Tel. 6682670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Clarence's Mobile WELDING All phases of Welding & Repairs SANRIDGE | Sand & Gravel Greenbank - ROSS MOTORS NEW & USED CAR SALES MECHANICAL & BODY REPAIRS Simonizing Rust Proofing "Vinyl Roofs Body-Side 'Mouldings FREE ESTIMATES 985-3781 Brookiin 655-3061 DON CORNEIL Auctioneering Services - Sales At Your Residence or In Our Auction Barn R.R.#1, LITTLE BRITAIN" (705) 786-2183 250 Queen St., A.J. SHEPHERD, B.Comm.. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 985.7031 985.2751 - Port Perry, Ontario. "A-1ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor Commercial Industrial - Residential Free Estimates. Phone John Heyes [705) 786-2850 R.R. #3, Little Britain For Photograph REPRINTS from the Port-Perry Star © "Phone 985-7383 | 985-3261 Rick tarocque ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "RESIDENTIAL & FARM WIRING R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. [3 Ron Rankin AND SONS General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - - Phone 985.7679 _ Phone 985-2589 | MIKE'S PAINTING Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. Wacs Elctronics SALES & SERVICE T.V./s & Stereos CB RADIOS - ANTENNAS TOWERS - ETC. MANCHESTER, ONT. AT HWY/ 7A & 13 PHONE 908-8043 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED ; -- General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985.7306 BERNARD T. CHANDLER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-3972 (evenings) RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR paperhanging - DECORATING painting - spraying Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks BRIAN S. JORDON PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE - BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 [Macteop EecTRIC] [7 Residential Wiring Alterations, Repairs Electric Heating Oshawa .-.723.5674..|.. |... Jne Buckley... Masonry, Brick, Block and Stone Work ". Cottage Raising - Foundatidns Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing BUCKLEY MASONRY Oshawa $79:1179 or 79-2542} = Alterations All Your Aluminum Needs. 199,117). 4 CRM AL CINE SHIT from the SEITE Comfort Specialist R. 5. THOMSON ~~ HEATING --- 985-3365 24 HOUR Hygrade Fuels R.R, 2, Seagrave, Ont. AGENT: ARVICE FISHER Port Perry - 985.7951 URNER SERVICE : HEATING CO. FREE FURNACE CLEANING & 74 HOUR ~ SERVICE TOOUR OIL CUSTOMERS Complete Parts Plan $16.95 per yr. DA ---- DS Chain and, Sprockets FH RT SEFC Cd HAN ATA AT) 985-2975 Wood & Metal . L ciLoank AN "| |SARY YOUNG RON'S ROOFING & Blackstock, Ont ING & H MERE ANTIQUE [1] "omitted EAVESTROUGHING Leousling Vioneking Stripping & Dipping 3 Spetalty HALT & STEEL ROOFS har conten Shon Rian) Con. 11 East Jim * BROOKLIN, ONT. * ALUMINUM. GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING 986.4962 Scugog Island Griffin 655-4936 FREE ESTIMATES -- Phone 985-3959 Superior WES LANE - | ICTANTYITG TE aT FREE. ESTIMATES Aluminum Plumbing fica & d carpent Phone 985-3912 | os EAT =) arpeniry = WINDOWS & DOORS and Heating ah , : Bert Faber Dennis - 1-708. 786. 2040 id 1-416-728-7009 -- 3 Week Delivery -- Port Perry 985-2473 PI Little Britain Oshawa Ornamental Shutters - Custom Made - Monte Carls Unisex Mair Fashion 108 WATER STREET Sales & service of men's hairpeices by experts. 985-3684 'Custorn Built Homes by ) STICHMANN HOMES LTD, By . 985-2454 < e