Se ol rs oo Ro A a Tt ERIN i te, By Jean Jeffery * Our sympathy, to Mr. and Mrs. John Osaduke in the passing of John's father Mr. Steven Osaduke who was resident of the area for a long time e children: . JHe will be by those Rogs Evans were entertain- ed with dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Evans on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling motored to Kingston last Wednesday to attend the Ordination Service for Rev. Robert and Rev. Beverly Thompson, It was a beautiful service and the Church was filled to capacity with well wishers from the Thompsons and the two others ordained at the same service. Now Bob-and Bev will start a new life in a new -province for they are slated for a charge in New- foundland with fourteen appointments, some of which will have to be visited by boat. Bob will be preach- ing at Epsom Church June 6th at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Any inquiries for the souvenir plates for Church and school phone 852-3503. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton and Miss Julie Ashton' were luncheon guests with Mr. Ashton's sister Mrs. Olive MacGregor Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and family had. luncheon on _ 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR J -- INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 YEAR 104% Rates subject to change. These rates are paid on new certificates. They do not affect any you may now hold. J ---------- Why wait | until age 607? For those 55 and over Ontario Trust has a lot of things going for you. | Get full defails by calling or visiting your local branch. TRUST ONTARIO TRUST J.A: PHINN Supervisor of Branches & Manager 19 Simcoe St. Sunday with Earl's mother Mrs. Mary Wilson and sister Ruby. uy Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Woodall and family of Manchester, England, were dinner guests on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baster, Julie and Cathy. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Enoch McKnight were supper guests on Sundaly with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clow. Several local girl guides enjoyed a weekend campout at Rudkins at Utica. Epsom-Utica UCW will be held at. Epsom Church June 1 at 8 pm. Group 1 in charge. - ) Mrs. Ross Munro and Mrs. F. Munro are home from the 'News from Epsom and area hospital, Mrs. F. Munro is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Ray Munro for awhile. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Lyons back is still giving her trouble and she has been unable to return to-work. Miss Barbara Hansen was home for a few days after being released from hospital following ear surgery. We hope that nice warm weather will soon have these ladies in the pink of health, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Watson called on Rev.. Archie and Mrs. Scott at Ballantrae on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are leaving for a holi- day to recuperate from recent illness. We do hope they will return feeling rest- ed and altogether recovered. Burketon area news By Stanley Taylor Mr. R. Cochrane spent a few days in Bowmanville . Memorial Hospital. 'He is much improved in health ang able to be home again. Mr. Ted Holroyd, Bowmanville, was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd and family during the week. Several from this district attended the special rally held in Civic Auditorium, Oshawa, speaker Pastor Barry Moore in charge. Mrs. H. Grace and David attended a surprise Birtljday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Grace and family in Oshawa during the week. Mrs. D. Buma and family, Bowmanville, were recent ~ callers at the home of Mrs. Archibald and family. Mrs. A. Abrams, Tyrone, ANTEED | 10% 9%% 10% 10% | N., Oshawa. TL TA LOREAL RELOCATE TALEO OR OS LASS AMER : Member, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation ; called on friends in the vill- age during the week. Mr. and Mrs. *C. Rahm, 'Enfield, having sold their - farm are now living in an apartment in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Rahm have been residents of this district for many years and will be greatly missed. : Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee, Oshawa, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace, Saturday. The Public School children enjoyed a trip to the Toronto Zoo on Friday. Mr. F. Pomery had the misfortune of spraining his arm. Better health is our wish. The normal long line-ups of traffic that accompany a "holiday weekend were pre- valent once again as the first long weekend of the season finished on Monday evening. Hundred's of cars were backed up as usual along 7A highway from the Queen Street and 7A cutoff. J-- is here! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR LAWN MOWERS AND Ww CHAINSAWS READY FOR THE BUSY SEASON AHEAD. * LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR SERVICE' PROBLEMS. FREE DELIVERY PORT PERRY Dispite chilly Yemperatures and a brisk breeze, hospital v4 officials are satisfied with the turn-out at their Hospital Day display at the Post Office last week. While information on all 'aspects of hospital operation was on display, Resusci-Anne was the Number One attraction, drawing at least a second glance from even the most blase. Brooklin Fair 3-day event Overwhelming response in past years has moved the Brooklin Spring Fair Associ- ation to expand this year's fair to three days. The Spring Fair this year will be held on June 3, 4, and 5,- and organizers plan- a series of events for the fair that dwarf past years" cele- = brations. The fair has been operated as a one-day event before, but organizers point to a "fantastic "response" that annually taxes the available facilities, 3% IN THE ATTENTION FARMERS! || ~ WHY PAY MORE? FARM TANKS AND DXO Immediate Delivery ALL ENGINES SALES & SERVICE * Saintfield, Ont. 985-2905 or 985-3963 TT TTT TTT Tee [ : A&AS Save On e Diesel Fuel o Motor Oil eo Gasoline PREMIUM QUALITY PUMPS AVAILABLE OUT OF TOWN CALLS CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668-3381 i We Rent: LAWN MOWERS aa - LJ ---- td a, A 4 : 3 v i¥ 2