ELT EE ETE RTT 2-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 10, 1976 Up =< Down the Street Mayor Lawrence Mal- colm, Bill Williams and Bob Kenny of the Port Perry Public Utilities Commission were among over 1300 dele- gates representing electric utility commissions from across the province at the "annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal electric Association. The two day meeting was held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, March 1st and 2nd. Don't miss the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra in con- cert this Sunday at Port Perry High School. Last year's concert was an unqualified success and was enjoyed by everyone attend- ing. Guest soloist this year is Winston Webber, violinist with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Tickets avail- able at the High or Public Schools or at the door. At the noon hour meeting of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce on Monday, Richard Drew was nomin- ated to another term as president, with Cliff Crowell taking on the position of 1st vice-president, and John Williams, 2nd vice- president. « Mr. Edgar Leask and his sister Mrs. Eva Stone of Sunderland spent the week- end in Montreal with. their sister, Mrs. Sylvia Baird who was celebrating her 90th birthday. Mrs. Baird lived in "Port Perry for a number of years and will be known by - many in this area. The 5th Annual Fellowship Night sponsored by Warri- ner Lodge is to be held on Tuesday, April 6th this year. Mr. Mel Smith will be this years speaker with a talk geared to the young people. Representatives from at least 24 organizations will be in attendance with all pro- ceeds going towards charity. Due to the expected turn out, the night will be held at the Port Perry High School. Hospital Report Week Ending March 4th Admissions............cccveueee. 39 Bitten ninaman: 1 Death .........cccccnvrvernrrrrnns 1 'Emergencies ................. 153 Operations ............c.ccuuueee 13 Discharges........c.ccccevvvvennn 33 Remaining..........cccceuvnunes 35 Why you should let H&R Block worry about your income taxes. We are income tax specialists. We ask the right questions. We dig for every honest deduction. We want to leave no stone unturned to make sure you pay the smallest legitimate tax. Get a little peace of mind. H:R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 16 Water Street - Port Perry at Lakeview Plaza } Mon. to Sat. - 10: 00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone 985-2232 No Appointment Necessary For longer wear & tear. Reg. $12.95 Sale Propylon HARDTWIST i CHCH - 11 Tonight is the night that you can view all the latest fashions for spring at "Spring Fling '76" being held at the Port Perry High School. Fashions for all ages will be on view starting at 7 p.m, Family skating at the arena continues to be a popular Sunday afternoon outing for some, but there are only a few more weeks to enjoy it, as the skating season is quickly drawing to a close. If you haven't managed to try it out, you should act quickly. . Anyone interested in their children playing soccer should attend the general meeting of the Uxbridge and District Minor Soccer Assoc. -on Thursday evening. The meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. in the new wipg of the Uxbridge arena. Riding change The final report of the Federal Electoral Boun- daries Commission for Ontario designated Scugog as part of the new riding of Cobourg-Newcastle which takes in Newcastle, Manvers, Cavan and Hope Townships, and the Towns of Port Hope and Cobourg. A large part of the riding includes the former riding of Northumberland-Durham, represented by M.P. Allan, Lawrence. Bill McGuffin, executive assistant to Mr. Lawrence, said he would foreward a * more detailed account of the boundary changes. No further information was available at press time. itis written 'PEVERY SUNDAY 9a.m. 9:30 a.m. CKGN-22 GEORGE VANDEMAN TTT TET CRT TTT DURHAM CARPET 60 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Short Thick Nylon SHAG 985-3773 8% sq. yd. In 5 Vibrant Colours Reg. $10.95 Sale 95 sq. yd. Floor Show Ripouts Reg. $12.95 sq. yd. Brown Propylon HARDTWIST Sale at l/ Dice SEE LEWIS FORALL YOUR CARPET NEEDS. FREE ESTIMATES AROUND THE TOWN. TTT TAT Remnants for as low as 2/3 the regular price. Leslie Forder of Port Perry High School has placed first in the Royal Canadian Legion's Public Speaking Contest Zone level, held in Uxbridge this week- --__ end. ..Of the four entries from the Port Perry branch con- test, Leslie placed first in her category while contest- ants Claudia Lisbscher_ of R.H. Cornish and Barry Van Camp of Cartwright High School placed second in their categories. ..Leslie now goes to the . Legion's district competi- tions, to be held in Lindsay on March 21. Bleak outlook for taxpayers (Continued) the average tax bill could go up by about $25 a month. "You're kidding!" Someone from the floor breathed. : In a question and answer period following her address Mrs. Christie pointed to cur- ficulm development as one of the very definite advant- ages of regionalization of - education. That means that voungsters from Beaverton are getting the same core program in Grade 2 as kids in Oshawa. Mrs. Christie pulled no punches about some devel- opments in the education field. Speaking personally, she agrees that the "funda- mentals' should be taught first, and only after that should a student be allowed to branch out into other sub- jects. "If a youngster takes that kind of core program, then he is capable of taking on anything else, anywhere, at anytime." she said. Although the board must work within the guidelines set down by the education ministry, Mrs, Christie said there is not Ci pressure . 233 Queen Stree - Boats - Games - Puzzles . Trains - "FRED'S HOBBY SHOP Port Perry - 985-8035 MODELS - SLOT CARS being put on by teachers and guidance departments to try to get students to take a greater amount of core sub- jects, There is another area of education Mrs. Christie was critical about, an area she admits is hard to teach but nevertheless as important as anything else to getting along in later life. { 'Manners, respect for others and respect for what others have is just not being emphasized," she said. Asked about possible future cuts in education spending, Mrs. Christie said she could .not see cutting programs unless they are educational- ly useless. She added, how- ever, that she would not be surprised if the board "held to the status quo." "In other words, if we didn't chop anything, but nothing new is added." Ratepayer Roland Coy wasn't satisfied. He saw bankruptcy in the country "like in New York" if we keep spending the way we are, He asked that boards not only cut spending, but examine the value of entire popsis an Projets. Be Prepared, Not Surprised SAVE NOW, and watch you money grow in a C.U. Saving's Deposit Account. 7%% Compounded Monthly or 8%% Compounded Quarterly f= gi Phone 852-3388 852-3389 70 Brock St.; West Box 490, Uxbridge, Ont. LOC 1KO