EER ERE RAS HR AR AR Ee i RE ire PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar, 10, 1976 "Encephalitis a in Durham this summer " A war against mos- sive and costly programme ship did take the steps YOu go outside the borders of earth to rid ourselves of the Rose said, is that the Pro- quitoes? to implement," Mr. Rose necessary to rid the mos- Scugog Township into an disease," Mr. Rose said, vince feels an area south of Recognizing the fact that told the STAR on Friday. quitoes from the area this area that has not been "but to undertake a project a line extended from north of "there is a chance that "It involved mapping out all summer it does not mean sprayed, you could very like this that would cost Metro to the north of Lamb- Durham Region will be of Scugog Township, finding that residents in the town- easily contact the disease Durham Region in the ton County is the area most infected by Mosquitoes every puddle, in tires, hub ship would not come into and not know it until two or millions of dollars to imple- likely to be affected. . cortying the disease caps along the side of the contact with it. three weeks later." ment does not seem ig : ; ' "encephalitis" this summer, road, etc., and then taking "People travel a lot these "If it was an epidemic, we practical." hi cugog is outside of the Durham Region Board samples of water to locate days," Mr. Rose said, "so if would move heaven and "The good news," Mr. this, he said. of Health met with officials the larva." of he works department and etre atl of wis ues Honeydale W.I. hold interesting meeting Ministry of Environment place, the township would last Friday. have to hire men to be The regular monthly meanipg of same.. Many for the Hospital Spring all Education is to Develop Encephalitis, a disease trained and licensed by the meeting of Honeydale oni responses were Fair to be held May 15th in Mankind to Think*'., closing that had never been found in province to carry our the Women's Institute was held heard. St. -John's Presbyterian with a humorous reading. this part of 'the world until operation. in the Municipal Hall, The April meeting will be Church. Mrs. Clara Warren enter- last year, is carried by mos- After larva is located, the Thursday, March 4th, with held the second Thursday Plans are in the offing to tained with an educational | quitoes which need ideal area would be sprayed, then "Education" Convenor, (April 8th) rather than the entertain the Friendly contest. Winner - Mrs. May & 15 weather conditions to breed. - repeat the spraying every Mrs. Clara Warren and usual day. As this is the Visitors Group, tentative Allen. Reg Rose, a member of six weeks from mid summer committee in charge. Annual Meeting of the date May 4th, to be held in "Oh, Canada!" was sung, the Board of Health said until fall. After a delicious Pot Luck Branch, Conveners of Prince Albert Community bringing a splendid meeting that they have asked the Just how serious is Luncheon held at 12:30 p.m., Standing Committees are Hall. } to a happy conclusion. government that if a pro- encephalitis, the STAR the business portion was asked to have their 'reports The usual amount of The April meeting, Theme gramme is to be carried out asked Mr. Rose? brought to order by Pres. ready, three copies are money was voted to the Port - "Family and Consumer 'that the councils of each "I don't want to alarm Mrs. Marian Bell opening needed. Members decided Perry Fair Board, to be Affairs" under the leader- individual municipality in anyone," he said, "but the with the usual procedure, to have a plant sale at this used to assist with. projects ship of Mrs. Edith Brunton e the Region be given the disease will disable, and is and extending a cordial wel- meeting to create interest, for girls and boys, 19 years and group, invited the authority to administer it, as' attributed to brain damage come to all present. and raise some 'money as and under, women of the community to they are best qualified to and numerous deaths." The "Roll Call" was ans- Well. Mrs. May Allen gave a attend. bel Cawk deal with their own area. Mr. Rose was quick to wered by naming a new Honeydale members are thought provoking 'talk on a Mabe b ds "It would be a very exten- point out even if the Town- word, and explaining the. asked to donate baking, etc. the motto: "The purpose of BUSINESS ATELECTRIC | | Whecs Slacronios | : £E3 : Electrical Contractor SALES & SERVICE ° ¢ Commercial T.V.'s & Stereos | ; Industrial - Residential LE. RADIOS SANTENNAS : : 3 Free Estimates. Phone MANCHESTER, ONT. : 4 RX : . : on Ee ~ John Heyes [705] 784-2850 AT HWY. 7A & 12 | R.R. #3, Little Britain PHONE 965-8043 3 . : . ' : or Photograph HOUSE RAISING & MOVING oon Corneil | [Ferien | [[EMMERSON INSURANCE : } } Auctioneering Services AGENCY LIMITED ' sales At Your Residence or . Clayton Hallett & Sons : ae Gann er General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 PY F i oF a i R.R.#1, LITTLE BRITAIN y : Little Britain, Ontario [705] 786-2183 Phone 985-7383 | ; ; 705-357-3469 705-786-2441 A.J. SHEPHERD. B. Comm. ~ BERNARD T. CHANDLER : . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Horo . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT : DER 9 LAREVIEW uf PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Telephone 985-7031 985-2751 N 985-3972 (evenings) | | S PLAZA 250 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario. 9 "Corner 7A & Water St. : pt SUBALARINE Call 985.7131 | R R IG , To RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 'y on ankin Walter J. Brown AND SONS CARPENTRY DECORATING DOG GROOMING Clarence's Mobile | | General Contracting RENOVATION paperhanging - painting - spraying onan Bowdon, E WELDING Pluating. Coepeniry ODD JOBS Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks experience - Pick up All phases of y 76 Phone 985-3259 PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Seryice or Sal ay Wenling & Repairs Phone 9857679 Prince Albert, Ont. | BRIAN S. JORDON - BLACKSTOCK - 986-4477 Taunton Rd. E. near Wilson | Phone 985-2589 : © . 728-5723 -- Osha Need a Good, Reliable " - v hi PAINTER MacLEOD ELECTRIC Masonry, Britk, Block and Storie Work 1 ve He SANRIDGE TRIO £ EXTERIOR Residential Wiring Cyriage Raising - Foundalites . plvirstions H. F. GRANDER Sand & Gravel fe Alterations, Repairs sinling « Eavasivoughing - Roofing Ontario Land Free Estimates Electric Heating BUCKLEY MASONRY 30B Water Call Morn. or Eve. 985-2930 Oshawa - 723-5674 Joe Buckley Oshawa 579-1179 or 579-2542 ERRY, Ontario 'Phone: (416) 985-3600 ; : DON MYERS GARY YOUNG : ™ ' NK a GILBANK 986 4868 CONSTRUCTION PLUMBING & HEATING RON S ROOFING & i" = LIMITED R R JON ES EC hiro EXCAVATING - Pumps & Water Softeners EAVESTROUGHING s Ws Lots Levelled Sand Gravel DRAG WORK a Specialty ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS ® le SEPTIC Aggregates Snow Removal PORT PERRY * BROOKLIN, ONT. * ALUMINUM &' GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING TANK PUMPING a Pac; 142 i FREE ESTIMATES -- Phone 985-3959. a i 1 1 REC ROOMS - ADD i : Seagrave 985-3481 Supsise - L_ WES LANE R ELIABL E FRAMING - RENOVATIONS - FREE ESTIMATES ; x ) Plumbing HEATING Mri n & a i -- 5 Phone 985- \ = carpentry = ih - TIMMS GARAGE hv S12 and Heating For Information Phone J . P y $0 = 3 Weak Dbliviroe : Bert Faber Dennis - 1-705-786-2040 Joe - 1-416-728-7009 iH SPRAY PAINTING y Port Perry 985-2473 985.2012 Little Britain Oshawa | - i : SPRAY PMNS Grianzais i v lle fe! _ - Custom Made - : INTERIOR AND EXT br 985-7515 ERIOR fd Saintfietd wl All Your Aluminum Needs. H YO ra d e F u e S Textured Ceilin & W Il ge . - - R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ont. , gs & Wa S t | Electric Motor 1N3.'1."[1) € | AGENT: ARVICE FISHER FREE ESTIMATES Rewinding and Port Perry - 985-7951 Phone: 985-2778 Calvin Moore Repair BCENDIESYACIND 3 > 3 Custom Built Homes by MITTON Sales & Service > 1° ELECTRIC a D a STICHMANN "HOMES LTD. Tel. 668-2670 Comfort Specialists HEA 208 Chast 54 East, A FREE FURNACE CLEANING & 24 HOUR » OM, R. S. THOMSON SERVICE TO OUR OIL V-Belts and Pulleys CUSTOMERS : ) : fH Bearings -- HEATING -- C . ® Vil } omplete Parts Plan 985.2454 hi | Chain and, Sprockets 985-3365 $16.95 per yr. Call 985-3998