LY et 2 by Jean Bolan On Wednesday September 10. Court: Lady Snowbird, (Canadian Foresters) held their first meeting following the summer recess. Vice President, Carol Doyle pre- sided in the absence of the President Dorothy Lee, Cor- respondance was read by the Recording Sec., Sandy Day. A thank you card from Mark Vince 'for the award for the best all around student was read and acknowledged. The ladies agreed to form a team or two for the day of bowling in Bowmanville on Oct. 2nd. Plans for the annual bazaar and tea were discussed and a committee to handle same was selected. The bazaar shall be on Nov. 26. Please watch the coming events column periodically for Be on this event. The dies 'night out' was discus- sed and it is hoped that tickets may be available for an evening at the. Q'Keefe Center. followed by dinner. The Children's Christmas party was discussed and the members all agreed that we shall be very fortunate if Mrs. Santa is available again this year. The meeting was brief and closed on a pleas- ant note as per usual. Congratulations are in or- der to Dorothy Lee "as per usual". Again this season Dorothy has won prizes too numerous to mention at fall fairs all around our area. Her sewing and baking abil- ity are indeed a challenge to all. I wish that.I possessed half of her energy. Well done Dorothy. Congratulations are also extended to Mr. Bruce Law- son upon his awards recently at Orono Fair. Mr. Lawson, received two firsts which were well deserved. A recent wedding of inter- est was that of Mr. Rick Campbell, son of Helen and 'Grant Campbell of Nestleton to the lovely Miss Sharalyn Reader daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Owen Reader of "Shady Acres" in Caesarea. The ceremony was perform- ed in the Yelverton Unitea 'Church on Saturday, Sept. 6th. The reception was held in the Nestletor® Recreation Center. On behalf of the community may I extend a wish for happiness and pros- perity to the new Mr. and Mrs. Rick Campbell. Wishes for improved "health are conveyed to Mr. Graham Fish who was invol- ved in an accident. His many friends and neighbours trust, that he is feeling much better now. Get well wishes are also conveyed to Gordie Cooledge of Caesarea who had the misfortune to fall and cut his knee so badly that it required 29 sutures to close it. I have been informed that he is feeling better but that it still hurts. The "Big Star" ranch at View Lake has been sold and ' the previous owners, Dave and Marie Sandy have mov- ed to Vancouver. The Big Star ranch was a summer camp for children. Each building represented the "Old West" and quite auth- entic. We extend wishes for success and happiness to Dave and Marie in their new surroundings. On 'Wednesday afternoon, September 3, the ladies of the Nestleton Women's Insti- tute met for their first meet- ing following the summer recess. The Pres. Mrs. B. DeJong presided. Following the opening procedure Mrs. DeJong, manner, extended a wel- come to all and a special ~ FRUIT TREES + ANALDA Landscaping GARDEN CENTRE EVERGREENS + SHRUBS + TREES PERENNIALS PEAT MOSS + FERTILIZER FREE ESTIMATES ON LANDSCAPING + SATISFACTION GUARANTEED + 'R.R. 1, BLACKSTOCK Highway 7A - West Quarter Line 986-4771 Midtown Mall £3 ASK ABOUT, ST. CLAIR'S IN HOME DECORATING SERVICE St. Clair The Paint & Paper People 576-2431 v Oshawa in" her gracious - welcome to a comparative newcomer in the township, Mrs. Newton. The ladies decided to serve lunch at the auction sale of Mrs. Pantschuck of Nestle- .ton on October 8. 1t is hoped. that some of the ladies may be at liberty to attend the 75th anniversary dinner at Hampton on Sept. 22nd at 10 a.m. The W.I. is responsible for setting up the exhibit and for gathering of six crafts 'from each branch. Four ladies. are required to be present at the grounds at 9 am. on Thursday Sept. 25. The ladies are to remain for the day and assist in the "Hospitality Booth". Eleven members are donating 2 doz. cookies. Each member was also reminded that pies are needed for the auction sale. The "Roll Call", my pet peeve while shopping, was well responded to. Mrs. R.. Davison, answered to the motto, 'spend a thought be- fore you spend a penny". For Any Assistance Phone 985-3156 . Nestleton, Caesarea and area news Mrs. McLaughlin' compli- mented Mrs. Davison on her excellent. talk. A reading on the benefit of planned meals was done by Mrs. 'Murdoch. Miss Ruth Proutt did an old reading entitled, 'The Egg Money", which I am quite certain many of you remember. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin gave a most. enlightening talk regarding the family unit and budgeting Mrs. Newton served a most de- lectable and unusual lunch- eon which in England is referred to as 'high tea". This was a treat for the ladies as it consisted of sausage rolls, dainty sand- wiches and numerous deli- cate small cakes as well as' The layer cake and tea. appreciation was voiced by Mrs. W. Bowles with an added thank you to Mrs. Newman. Miss Barbara Welts, the lovely daughter of Mr. and cares. Sept.18 Vote Liberal You just can't afford another Davis government. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1975 -- 9 ara from her many friends. and neighbours. Just a thought ... Of all the treasures we cherish in life, one that ranks the most precious is friendship. Mrs. Walter Wells of Nestle- ton has taken up residence in Waterloo where she shall be attending university. Wishes for a completely successful year are conveyed to Barb- WES LAN E PLUMBING. HEATING PORT PERRY A 985-2473 Office - Residence