VIVE STUPID IRA BR WR EWN TF ANWR BIA JE TR TRIN A nai) Drv V5 FIs Sa. EL SSS STE N 7x ' 7 . PLE WRALSANT {ie PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 4, 1975 -- § Reader's Viewpoint STAR editor Dear Mr, Gast, Thank you for the time and - attention devoted to me in vour editorial last week. For a man who dislikes pejor- atives when used by oy I thought you overcame your shyness rather nicely with INVEST Editor's Note: That the SMBS phrase was credited to anyone else but an outsider of Scugog is an example of the way some people read...not the way others write. Not only was the phrase not aimed "indirectly'" at any- 5" Sliding Door 6' Sliding Door | * Spiro Agnew's speechwriter ? unequivocably, that he is not interested in visiting com- munities. with prisons because no matter what he found, he would continue to be opposed to it, here. « This paper, on the other '349" '389% Babbling reporters..bias press..council..politicians... Dear Sir: In respect to the many articles, comments, discuss- ions and editorials relative to the penitentiary issue' am compelled to add a few more comments of my own for your consideration. You may recall that initial- ly I made a presentation at the Ratepayers meeting that was designed particularly to bring to the attention of in the decisions arrived at by a good many responsible people it is my opinion it should be directed at first, a council that did not take a business like approach to the problem; a newspaper that is obviously bias and ignoring important facts in involved at a level where their political prestige can have a detrimental influence the . matter; politicians becoming - credit the basi¢ rights of individuals to make a decis- ion or to indicate they do not have the intelligence to do so can only reflect gross ignor- ance and arrogance not usually displayed by a person having due respect for his fellow neighbours and com- munity. . There are also probably individuals who feel it was quite clever for some 4x8 x%" 3.62 DRYWALL TAPE 250" roll 1.50 © "Small Minded Bigoted ope in the township, it was hand, like other groups, spent concerned persons that the' on the decision making pro- members of Council to take Snob", even if the phrase quite obviously aimed exclu- Consider ane the 4 fase nature of the proposal would cess and a'core of persons Sahanligeot the pSence ofa wasn't aimed directly atme. gjyely at those from outside Sopa os rying Dn have such an impact on the whobelieve their intelligence yas pul to oe pe Whew. With that kind of stuff {he township. ou pr ose very things community to requireagreat is at a far greater level than 100, bu on 1S sie) e 2 you could have got a job As for our difference being MT- Harvey is afraid of. deal of constructive consider- many of those making up the Save Yo Ross and clearly writing spéeches for Spiro 'selectivity' and the con- As for bounding from a ation. Since that time many community. I think this has - wy ays i gogo Agnew. : sideration of "social costs", prison to "a profusion of thingshavehappenedthatdo been amply demonstrated Dot necessarily in the es t ts", ittli interests of the communit The only/problem between we agree. hot-dog stands, used-car lots NOt appear to me to be very for example by the belittling . com y us, Mr. GAst, is a question of The difference is obvious. and high-rise apartments..." constructive. of the Petition submitted to and maybe the result of selectivity. We both want to Mr. Harvey has stated, Whew! If there is fault to be found Council. To publicly dis- (continued on page 6) © @ seerestoration and use of the old Town Hall, we both want . to see growth and develop- ' ment in Scugog"s light industry. We start .to = diverge, however, as the oN : ' social cost of "development es ) gets-higher. . Where would you draw the line, John? If you'll buy a 25 " ™ acre prison surrounded hy . two high-wire fences process- . ' ing 1800 convicts a year, you perphaps wouldn't blench at a profusion of hot-dog stands, Y ; : used-car lots and high-rise es, its i i i BA A ; Fall again and time to do those jobs Scarborough into a complete . i , : ALON inn complete you 've been putting off all summer! standing start. . : ] ° Development is great, but R it must be very selective if it CAR i ET is to enhance rather than PAN ELLI N G , spoil a community. I would by - like to see a much greater - drive by the local councils to Nutmeg 4.95 Barrymore 2 Caravel attract light industry, and a > S 1 h much finer appreciation by Cedar $7 95 plus « Your paper of what is and is . * . not a fitting addition to the Charcoal Grey ® Shags life of this remarkably $ . beautiful Township. Barn Board 6.95 ® Twists And if that makes me a SMBD, so be it. - SPRUCE STRAPPING .® y WINTARIO LE Al) 1x3" BY4¢ lin. ft. TICKETS. 1x4" 7 lint available at the is N 2x3" 10° lin. ft. Port Perry Star TEMPERED - INSULATED 2x4" 14%* lin. ft. L] - . Sliding Glass Doors . by "WOODOOR" DRYWALL DRAMEX Texture Finish 25 Ib. Now! '» Victoria & Grey Trust Guaranteed Investments ! 0 b Years , INTEREST ~is-payable half yearly or may be left to compound. « EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED * 193 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Ae A El hel AL '4.95 101b. 32.95 | 3' Sidelights Bag \_© match above) FLINTKOTE TILE 12" X 12" 26% 'OUT CORNERS 8 ft. 72¢ ea. 199" ___ "Franklin Fireplace and Grate {52 FLOORING 22 $85 Large "opment SQ. YD. AKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER ST. - 985-7391 - PORT PERRY