Takes effect September 1 New school bus stopping law The new school bus stop: ping law announced in late €® February will go into effect Monday, September 1, Min- ister of Transportation and Communications John R. Rhodes announced today. The new law, under Section 120 of The Highway Traffic Act, requires traffic travel- ling in both directions to halt when a stopped school bus flashes its alternating red signal lights regardless of "the posted speed limit. Traffic may not proceed! until the school bus resumes: motion or its red lights ---- affixed to both the front and rear of the bus -- stop flash- ing. Failure to stop for a school bus with its alternating red signal lights flashing carries a penalty of four driver demerit points and a maxi- mum fine of $100. Previously, the stop-in- both-directions rule required drivers to stop only when the maximum speed limit was greater than 35 miles per hour. regardless of the posted speed limit -- on highways, country roads, city, town and village streets. The only exception is on highways divided by a median strip. Then, only vehicles behind the school bus rfiust stop upon seeing the flashing red lights. Oncoming traffic on the opposite side of the median may proceed. A median strip is a physical ig barrier or an unpaved stri of ground separating traffic travelling in one direction from traffic travelling in the opposite direction. With the new September 1st law, each municipality will have 'the authority to enact by-laws designating school bus loading zones. In these loading zones, the school bus driver will not be permitted to flash the vehicle's alternating red lights. The loading zones will have. identifying signs, and can be located only on the same side of the road as a school or The new law > applies 'non-school facility . often WHITBY DENTURE CLINIC 214 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY . 668-7797 - D. Thapar h Complete Denture Clinic Member of the Denturist Society of Ontario TF LET US HELP YOU TO STOP SMOKING SMOKER'S WITHDRAWAL COURSE Sponsored by the DURHAM REGION TB & RESPIRATORY DISEASE ASSOCIATION i at THE BLUE FLAME ROOM (Consumers' Gas Building) Corner Consumers' Drive & Hopkins Street Whitby, Ont. "Beginning - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th (Eight evening sessions) Sept. 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 29th October 2, 6th Follow-up Meeting, October 9th. Formation of Non-Smokers' Group Mail pre-registration form below to: DURHAM REGION TB - RD ASSOCIATION 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa, L1G 5J8 For further information please call 723-3151 Name .. Senior Citizen STudent "COUNTDOWN ON SMOKING" EERE EE EE EEE EEE EE Sevres Svveveew seseveveney ee AHIress .........cvisinnvisinens Telephone ........cceevueennen Registration Fee enclosed $5.00 [1] Students and Senior Citizens Free Another Christmas Seal Service tases sstsessrsessitestsatnrrrtsanes [N) 0 local-- visited by school children and teachers -- for example, the Royal Ontario Museum, where many school bus loads of students and teachers arrive from all over the area. The school bus driver can- not stop a bus, to drop off or pick up school children on a road or highway opposite a designated loading zone. And at the zone, the bus must be as close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway. A school bus is defined, under The Highway Traffic Act, as a bus used for the transportation of children to and from school that: bears on the rear the words DO NOT PASS WHEN SIGNALS FLASHING; carries. two red signal lights on the rear and two red signal lights on the front; is painted chrome yellow with black lettering and trim. No bus other than a school bus may be painted chrome yellow. No motor vehicle other that a school bus may bear the words "Do not pass when signals flashing" or "School Bus'. Privates Carol Sheter (left) and Norma Grylls receive instruction on 2v2 ton-truck from Corporal Rob Brooks of Prince Albert. Cpl. Brooks is serving with the Ontario Regiment of Oshawa, Ontario and is an instructor with the Summer Student Employment and Activities Program. 7° TR Jo © Joa No STORES 'Well Worth Looking For!"' 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