2 Sd a 3, Str gute oF he RR DI » As has become quit obvi- ous Bell Canada is in a pro- longed and' mulish sulk be- cause the Canadian Trans- port Commission has premit- ted it only half of the 'urgent' rate increase it 'demanded this summer. (The CYC will reconsider the other half this fall.) This poor mouthing is accompanied by warnings that new housing will inde- finitely: be without service, that little if any temporary service will be available for election night and that we country cousins will just have to put up with unfin- ished work; crossed connec- ttons and dead telephones. Why? Because Ma Bell is running out of cash. That is, cash to spend on subscribers. But what about share- holders? An advertisement run recently in a European paper describes Bell Canada as a big investment oppor- tunity; 6 billion dollars in assets and 2 billion in reve- nue last year. From another - source we learn that Bell's profit after tax rose by 12 percent last year. So Ma Bell is speaking with a forked tongue-stable and rich to potential foreign investors, with holes in her shoes and incipieg anemia to us at home Who use her services. Bell Canada was once sup- - posed to be a model of free enterprise efficiency. Suc- cess in business is when the interests of the consumer - and the .investor interlock equitably, not when the con- sumer is being panicked into arate rise to swell the value of its shares. Professor W. T. McCready will be returning this" week from a conference of Crypto- graphers in Flint, Michigan. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Innes attended the wedding of Miss Gail Mann "to Mr. Ronald Dunn in Stouf- fville. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Min- ten entertained at a small dinner Saturday evening to say good-by to their guests from Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks. Those present The Lanehoppers of the Wednesday night mixed bowling league came up as top team for the year. The team is one of six in the league. From left are Jim Rider, Jim Rowett, Ann Meester, Isabel Bartley, Mary Ellen Atkinson, and (front) 'Denise Quan: Ce WINTARIO . | Superior Jens Aluminum Port Perry Star 94 ELLA STREET -- PORT BERRY, ONT. - Witzel. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1975 -- 19 Blumen and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Minten. The U.C.W. will resume its monthly afternoon meetings at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sep- tember 3rd. Mrs. W. H. Graham is spending ten days in the Georgian Bay area absorb- ing whatever sun is avail-. - able. Visitors from Germany to the John Kronisters over the last month have been Mar- ian's sister, Mrs. B. Karl, and her 'cousin, Mrs. K. Mr. and Mrs. V. Mount drove to Carlyle on Sunday to visit Mrs. Mount's nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reading. On their way back they stopped in Freel- ton, their old home town, to renew acquaintanceships. In the variety store in Port Perry an anguished yankee voice was heard, "What has he done now!" While the man sorted out change to buy The Toronto Star, The EN Sun, The Globe and Mail, The Oshawa Times, his. wife peered around him saying , "Oh dear!". There was the name Nixon on every front page. A quick scanning of the column bewildered them even further. 'His name's not Robert," the woman was saying when a bystander kindly took over. The elec- tion, the parties and the. party leaders were explain lA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLALLLALLLALESHHE News from Greenbank ed. The American shook his head 'Imagine running for office with a name like that' It was not easy to tell him that the name of his ex- president no longer meant much in Ontario but that the name of the Nixon family, Robert and his father, of South Western Ontario had been in our consciousness for a long time and likely would remain so. Please telephone items to 985-7543. , . FRIENDLY U0 PHILOSOPHER THE WORLD IS FULL OF WILLING | PEOPLE... SOME WILLING TO HELD OTHERS WILLING TO LET THEM. WAGG BROS. TEXACO 257 Scugog St. Port Perry Phone: 985-7262 POV VV VV VV VV VV VV VIVIIVIIII IVI V IVI VIN > Keep yo included Mr. and Mrs. Tony" DPV OVVPPPPOPIIOVIIVIVOVIOIIOIVIVIVIVIIVIVIIIIIVIN under control with obedience training Registration- September 8, 7:30p.m. C. Swain 986-5332, A. Carlson 852-6708 Strickland Carlson Method AAAS DALLLLDLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDEHOOE ur dog OOOO LD EOD ocd LHOHHOH® POPPI VIVIVIOVIIVIVVIIIPIIOOIPPVPIIIIIIIE EY H. KAESTNER D.T. SIDING - WINDOWS - FASCIA .« Custom Denture Clinic SOFFIT - DOORS < ~ WHITBY MALL od ROUGH (Thickson Rd. and Hwy. 2) -- REYNOLDS DEALER -- Complete Denture Service 25 Year Written Guarantee CALL 985-3743 723-7496 MEMBER OF DENTURIST SOCIETY OF ONT. . The new HOMELITE Easy service -- and less of it, with the 150-Automatic sim- ple design and construction. Easy handling -- with vinyl ECL ITT CRE LENE dles. Plus positive action, easy to operate controls. Designed for homeowners, does rough carpentry jobs right up with the IR NCE EER CELCER IL CRETE] fuel and chain oil capacity, auto- matic oiler, 16" bar, hemispherical combustion chamber for extra power. . specially priced for you. "suggested retail price {re on hal TERRY Inoustaies Nr ~ R Fisher Farm Service ASHBURN, ONT.. PHONE 655-3842 | POOP OPPVPVIPVIIOVIVOIVIIIIIIIIIVIVVIVIVVIE VEY _ END-OF-SUMMER ALL TENNIS RACKETS AND SHOES PUP TENTS special $ 1 0 95 complete ADIDAS SHOES Nylon - sizes 3-12 Match - sizes 10-5 612 13.95 37.49. '8.49 LIFE JACKETS up fo 50 Ibs. Adult " Boys . eq. Reg. 58.55 10.89 Reg, $10.50 12s 19.15 Most Of Our Winter Hockey Goods Have Arrived. Sportsi.and 0% orr 68 Water St., Port Perry - 985-2174 - Jim Burnett, prop. OPEN: Monday 10 Thursdays and Saturdays 9:00 10 6:00 p.m OPEN: Friday 9:00 am. 109.00 pm