PR Tg AR = eh - 7 aN a a Ae SC - Sg nia forte. x 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 23, 1975 Expects Cable TV hook-ups to begin in October Have you ever dreamed about playing host in a tele- vision game show? Or the romantic lead in a television drama? How about news- casting, directing, produc- ing, or organizing a feature production? Or simply fool-, for school programming. Also included in local pro- gramming could be hockey, baseball, or other commun- ity and sports activities. The arena could be wired up for community television cover- age, and for that matter, so life programming or delayed programming, and even instant reruns of a Scugog council motions. The company has been busy for three weeks now moving into their Casimir Street offices (in the old The ment on Port Perry streets. The company uses hydro- PUC poles under a rental agreement. From pole hook- ups, the company must be capable of servicing homes in Port Perry. Mr. Compton said an overall system design is submitted to the CRTC Compton's advantage in the Port Perry enterprise is that the cable service is an expansion of existing facil- ities, rather than a complete new system. The tower, amplifiers and other equipment that will not have to be duplicated here the cable company. They hope for a slow but steady growth here to about 80 pers cent in about five years. + It'll all start this October, hopefully. That's when Mr. Compton expects to start hooking up individual house- holds. "That is, if everything Se ing wi i a building). o the C Si: i; i he tm Pn i Wa Foul) office consists ns storage before an approval is given. cost between $25,000 to goes like it has been going so : XB! cameras to computer equip- Video tape equipment, room and the studio, as well The Port Perry system is $30,000. har 3 ted he fa studio is slated for a ment? including portable cameras astwo offices for administra- fed via a buried eight-mile Sxponss eliminate e lly 1 fis! Well, you won't have to go and taping equipment, would tion and office staff. trunk line from the tower at S$ . " --p th ran Ine, "3 to Nashville or Hollywood to add even more versatility, Alsounderwayistheinstal- the 7th Concession of Ux- n Uxbridge, about 65 per ", ears \ lation of wiring and equip- bridge and Durham Road 21. cent coverage is claimed by cugog Squares"....... do it. Compton Cable is bringing a little bit 0' Nash- villeright here to Port Perry. Along with some 15 miles of wire, the usual office and filing space, the firm is building a $25,000 to $30,000 television studio, a facility that is designed specifically to be used by the community, for the community, and free of charge. "This is the thing we would really like to see succeed here," said Ron Compton, who at 23, doesn't look like your everyday run-of-the- mill corporate tycoon. 'This allowing a choice between Note to Smart Shoppers is the thing we are reall : oly ts an ie ONTARIO - No.1 GRADE ONTARIO OEIO EOE O ENO EXO EX OE N not only for local program- CRISP ¢ Green DINNERS 11x sts. 69c ming, but also to give people Head Lettuce each Onions sTOUFFER in the community new skills T PIES 10s size 8c and new interests." McCAIN - CRINKLE cut Operating the Uxbridge system for his father for the past three years, he knows the difficulties of starting something new. The Ux- bridge effort at local pro- grams got bogged down with both money and time. "It was just too small an oper- ONTARIO - TASTY Rosebud 2/49° Radish BUY-O-WEEK BUY-0-WEEK -0- :0- .O- :O- x MIRAGE - CANADA BRAND WHITE ation to provide the kind of BAGS FLAVOUR WHIP VINEGAR 32 Fl. Oz. Jar money we needed to run such 5% Pak CRYSTALS 128 FI. 02. Jug a program," he said. But i 4 with the hoped-for, doubling C or. C ; of the number of customers B= : © now that the company has expanded into the Port Perry area, he hopes all that has Eo ee . ONTARIO - No.1 GRADE LARGE SIZE - FIELD Cucumbers "65. SGA SARA LEE nie 5129 § SN OEIOEIO EXO EXO EXO EXO =X GLAD HEAVY DUTY GARBAGE RISE 'N' SHINE ORANGE -- h d. | pry i onsen | NAYONNAISE 85: ALE RO I +e 808 sr be thousands of dollars of equipment sitting here, it would simply be too much of a waste to see it all unused. The possibilities are un- limited, points out Mr. Comp- ton, in some ways even more of an advantage to local people than thepauch larger cable operatiops in other communities. The large mrogramming efforts, he points out, are almost at a professional level. Disadvantage of this is that the programming gets out of reach of the high school FEATURE! -- BICK'S BABY DILLS 69" FEATURE! -- ASSORTED - STRAINED 4%, Fl. Oz. Jars HEINZ Foods 5:99 POTATOES _ 65 FEATUREI -- 8tokley's Dark Red or New Orleans Style 14 Fl. Oz. Tins KIDNEY Beans 3:1 FEATURE! -- SWEET MIXED ROSE PICKLES 59 MAPLE LEAF - CANADIAN PROCESS - INDIVIDUAL CHEESE SLICES 69° |: MAPLE LEAF 12.0z. Tin { Lunch Meat 75° MAPLE LEAF - LARD TENDERFLAKE 59 CANNED HAMS . MAPLE LEAF 52.69 |: | SHORT RIB | ROASTS gc | : | BL ADE Nomis '1 18 | | SKINLESS | GROUND WIENERS | CHUCK b 84¢ | nn 95 {il FOR BRAISING OM THE GRILL . BLADE:-88-| + student, the local service THICK CUT BUTT or FEATURE! -- REQULAR 2 4 Ranch Style ah club, or other interested : i people. "We want this thing FEATURE MICHELLE PURE | BOLOGNA Pork Chops ROYALE Towels 2 | He. #30) tobe a community operation, APPLE JUICE 50" re PE FEATURE! -- DR. BALLARD'S re Or Sh and not just used by a few Ih. a8 Lh | CAT FOODS 3: HO- po people," said Mr. Compton. FEATURE! -- EXTRA ABSORBENT DIAPERS g. MAPLE LEAF - QUARTER SMOKED - CRYOVAC - BONE IN EL Already, there have been : $ | AMS «$ TRATURE! -- WITH PORK IN TOMATO 8AUOK 14 F1. 0x. Tin Sd approaches made by local PAMPERS : 2 49 i 1 N ' VAN CAMP Beans 35. 65 school officials about the LJ i C 60 XD ¢ARLIC 5 feasibility of using the studio i F FEATURE! -- SARDINES ii bystdentsnotonlyasatool | | mEaew a enory penremes | ons fl CRORD. | CURIS hoice | BRUNSWICK 21. : g! for student programming but ARRiB" Regul Ao, Shirriff's : c Choice also, as an educational tool. wo OGIO corns mrmnsenm Shs Jell bo is GPC | 28 Quality DIXIE Mr. Compton pointed out that HEAD & SHOULDERS $1.39 y || schmeoen's . 218. sucker ANADA PLATES $1.29 there could perhaps be a club CARESS BODY BAR ________ ea. 39¢ Desserts | FRIED TRIP LE Tomatoes | puocmane. or organization set up in the ohriiel CHICKEN , PAK unm | BISCUITS 'ec se 99 schools to operate the studio La sa ul F C c FAMILY STYLE } MINI PADS ""he 4: 89 5 oy SCOTT NAPKINS 37. ? CHRISTIES BUTTERMILK SCONE Bread 2 - 24 oz 89° loaves COUNTRY ORDERS NOW TAKEN FOR PITTED RED or BLACK Corn Flakes 5 Cherries 4 | 2-11 oz. 89¢ 22 |b. pail or Pes. 11 Ib. pail a | MEADOW GOLD Ice Cream «S149 what happens to the barrels?" zeros | DOWSON'S RED * WHITE Pore, iz | millions of barrels of Arab oil ONTARIO night till 9 p.m.