ee, > v a TA NAL A Td i fd tr rn Lb >. 4 = 4 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 23, 1975 Farm Safety Week July 25-31 The period 25 to 31 July has been designated National Farm Safety Week and is sponsored by the Canada Safety Council in co-opera- tion with Agriculture Cana- da. This year both the. Coun- cil and the Ministry wish to draw to the attention of the farm worker a very impor- tant aspect of safety-person- al protective equipment. The farmer should consid- er the use of adequate personal protective equip- ment not only for humane reasons but also to minimize time losses and the expenses of injuries. Almost 60 percent of work injuries to farm family members or employees re- sult in two or more days of lost time. With an estimated 24,000 disabling injuries oc- curing each year the loss of production and income is considerable not to mention the pain and inconvenience. The farmer should deter- mine the need for personal protective equipment, select the proper type for the hazards involved and train employees and family work- ers to know why, where and how to wear and care for it. . Personal protective equipment is meant to be used only when it is impos- sible or impracticable to eliminate a hazard. Wearing this equipment tends to pre- vent injury but the hazard remains a potential danger. It is better to remove a hazard than to try to safe- guard against it by means of special clothing or equip- ment. Scugog Island and area news It has been an exciting weekend for many people. Thursday evening, a nice number gathered at the Community Hall to express their best wishes to Tim Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor presented him with a camera. Other presentations were also made. Tim is very appreciative of what has been done on his behalf and we know he will have many beautiful memories and gain much to influence his future life. Now, he is with hundreds of other boys in Norway from all over the world. He will be very busy gathering exper- ences and pictures to relate when he returns. Saturday, the Gerrow fam- ily went to Toronto to attend the wedding of Jim. Jim also grew up in our midst and gained many friends. With "interest and admiration we have followed his boyhood and youthful career. In the evening eleven neighbour- hood couples went to Toronto to help the newly wed couple and their families to celebr- ate. Our four "Head" girls 'have returned. from. Camp Quin-mo-lac, north of Belle- ville and are very enthusias tic about it. This Church camp was organized 25 years ago but han't been too well known on Scugog. Abodt 100 boys and girls are in camp each week during the sum- mer months. Families may also attend. ~ On Sunday we were plea- sed to see Rev. Wylie and his family able to participate in the church service again, after their unenviable exper- ience of a car accident. For two Sundays we have been pleased to welcome Church visitors including a Dutch lady and her mother, who is visiting from Holland. Rev. Wylie's sermon was based on a question we may _ frequently ponder at times. "Does our belief in God matter?" He took his Bibl- ical reference from the life of Paul and related stories of other people through the years. One outstanding one was about the life of Henry Stanley, who had not started life very well. But later, he went to seek David Living- Subscribe tothe Port Perry Star stone in Africa. After seeing what God meant to Living- stone, Stanley's life was changed and he wanted Christianity too. A very young corporal the night before his death at war, wrote a letter to his parents led 10,000 miles. hy We have made a special thanking them for teaching him to believe in God. Those in hospital this week are little Anne Middleton with pneumonia, Mrs. Betty Ann Freeman with gall stone surgery and Mrs. Gerald Chambers for surgery. EATON Sh Xf a ed ST EPCRA ' 'ar pj fila ald Blackstock area (continued ray of Manilla were Satur- day evening guests of her mother, Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kewin of Beaconsfield, Quebec have been spending some time with her father Mr. Everet Trewin. Mrs. Anson Taylor of Scarborough spent last Mon- day with Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Landry and family of Lynn, Mass., USA spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Camp joined other members of the family to celebrate their granddaughter, Jayne Vancamp's fourth birthday on Sunday. Mrs. B. Armstrong, Toron- to Mr. R. H. Heaslip of Milton and Mrs. Radford, Woodstock were Saturday. overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and visited other relatives in the area. On Sunday Mr. and Whi W. Marlow along with SAVE " r $1,¢ their guests attended the Staples Clan Memorial Ser- vice at Ida. Sunday guests of Mrs. Wil- bert Archer were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer and Mrs. Massey of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleming and child- ren of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer of Bowman- ville. On Friday evening about twenty-five of the neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duns- moor held a most delightful lawn party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmoor prior to their leaving of our community. Bert Gibson was 'Master of Ceremonies for a brief programme. Mrs. Arc- her gave a humorous read- ing which had been written by a relative of the Duns- moors. Mr. Gibson presented the Dunsmoor's with a large oil painting. Cards and a social time followed by a delicious lunch which con- cluded a lovely evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles = of ,000. | purchase of 1975 DODGE CORONET Station Wagon 9 pass, V-8, power steering/brakes, radio, rear I defogger, roof rack, metallic green, vinyl trim, Lic. JYA-232 interior. For eam pyle 10m mm 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO i. 2 dr., hdtp, 360 - V-8, auto, power steering/ brakes, radial tires, radio, silver grey with red Bowmanville were Sunday guests of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heth- ington of Allison visited with her cousin Mrs. J. A. John- ston on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duns- moor moved on Saturday to their new home at Durham, Ont. Their many friends wish them the very best future back at their old hometown. Joe, you should be good at this, Get the top off this UC bottle." Lic. JJB-049 FOUR TO CHOOSE FROM 1975 DODGE DART SPORT MODEL [CHRYSLER] SALES/SERVICE Hwy. 6 cyl. auto, power steering, radio, rear defogger, white walls, remote mar, "Four cars - four colours" From your local Chrysler dealer ll WATSON i AUTO SALES LIMITED 47 South of Uxbridge 852-3313 fl ' &