Classified Ads 12-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 23, 1975 Work Wanted HANDY MAN will do general maintenance, carpenter repairs, fences built, etc. Reasonable rates. 985-3696. LAWN CHAIRS, redone, reason. able price. 'Phone 986-4661. Jy9 CUSTOM UPHOLSTRY, recovering, restyling, very reasonable, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Phone 986-5072. M14 BOARDING, reasonable rates, pick up and delivery can be arranged. Leeward Kennels Reg'd. 705-277-2735. REFRIGERATOR, FREEZER, Air Conditioning Repairs. Call 985-2138. M21 REPAIRS to all makes TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CALCULATORS -- Prompt Service -- Reasonable Rates Call 985-3394 or deliver to 'Port Perry Auto Supply Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING give us a try, first class material, work guaranteed and reasonable prices. Phone 985.2991. BASEMENT, footings and block work done. Call 985-2991. DRYWALL BOARDING and tap- ing. Phone Sunderland 705- 357-3713. Work Wanted Work Wanted ANY KIND of Drywall work, insulating, etc. Call G. Rizsanyi, 985-3807. Aull WILL TAKE in 10 or 12 head of cattle. Phone 985-2848. CARPENTER will do renovating of any kind, will build kitchen cupboards. Free estimates. Phone 986-4636. T.F PIANO LESSONS in Port Perry and in Blackstock. Registering students for September. Linda Kyte, A. MUS. PAED. Phone 986-4737. T.F. PLASTERING -- Stucco. Re- pairs cement work. Free esti. WHITE'S T.V. ANTENNAS ROTORS TOWERS U.H.F. - V.H.F, Colour Aerials Serving the Port Perry Area at no extra charge. Dead or Crippled FARM STOCK Telephone: HAMPTON 416.263.2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM FENCING? WHITE'S Fencing Installations All Types Of Fencing WOOD & LINK For Free Estimates Phone 576-5606 FRANK W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 189 QUEEN STREET, REALTOR PORT PERRY, ONT. - mate. Phone 985-7288. (T.F.) Phone Oshawa 576-5606 1.6. TF SCUGOG Do You Murray & Hallett Experience Any Difficulty : ny TV Reception? Carpet Service n Your CONSTRUCTION If you do - then we can Bulldozing Custom Carpet help! di ! Installation & Repair We service ail wakes ob Gra ing Color TV's, Black & White SEPTIC UNITS -FREE ESTIMATES = as well as HiFi"s. TRENCHING & for information call DONWHYTE -- CALL -- TARGET TV General Excavating PORT PERRY Charming 2 storey 4 bedroom home, alumi- num siding, tastefully decorated, well broad- Lake. Large loomed, separate room with floor to ceil- dining room, enclosed sunporch, detached dining room, garage. Excellent value at $47,900.00. Call Ken Middleton. LAKE SCUGOG AREA Older 4 bedroom brick 2-storey home, beautiful antique woodwork, situated on large village lot with small barn and excel- lent garden soil, asking $39,900.00. Call Lawrence Morrison. OVERLOOKING LAKE SCUGOG Excellent 3 bedroom 1 year old bungalow on 80' x 200' lot, access to living ing fireplace, separate master bedroom 11' x 23'. Im- maculate throughout. Hurry on this one at only $49,900.00 with 103% per cent First Mortgage. PORT PERRY AREA Almost new 3 bed- room brick and alum- inum side-split with family room, field- stone fireplace, 2 car garage. Situated on 1 acre lot overlooking 985-3527 146 Queen St. - Port Perry Call 416-852-6938 or [416] 852-7391 705-786-2928 Sunderland [705] 357-3110 PORT PERRY Brick and aluminum backsplit, separate dining room, family room 12 x 24 with corner wood burning fireplace, walkout doors. 4 pc. and 2 pc. baths. Property backs onto open fields. Listed at $53,900 with excellent financing. Call David Tripp today for an appointment to inspect this home. OAKWOOD Northeast of Port Perry. bedroom brick bungalow on country-like 80 x 190 lot. Large angel stone fireplace in living room, One-year-old 3 hardwood floors throughout. Electric radiant heating. All plaster interior. Extremely well built home with excellent financing. Listed at $45,500. Call Bill Little. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME Choose one of the four lots available in either Port Perry or Prince Albert. Call Bill Little for paticulars. RETREAT ACREAGE Nine acres overlooking the Scugog River with an immaculate two bedroom cottage. Development potential. Waterfront access lot hcluded. Just listed at $55,000.00. Call David ripp. 3 ACRE BUILDING LOT Permits available for this partially wooded 3 acre building lot. Listed at $15,900. Call Doris Clark. - X SCUGOG ISLAND Three bedroom cottage on high scenic lot, 100 x 100, overlooking Lake Scugog. Listed at $25,500. Call Doris Clark. EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT HOME Brick rancher with 4,500 sq. ft. living area. Sauna bath with separate dressing room, 3 baths, fieldstone fireplace. Walk-out doors from living room and master bedroom to balcony overlook- ing waterfront lot 100 x 295. This home a must for the discriminating buyer to inspect. Listed at $120,000.00 with terms. Call Marj. Tripp. FARM WANTED If you have a 100 or 200 acre farm with a large brick house located in the Port Perry, Uxbridge or Sunderland area and would like to sell, we have an interested purchaser for your property. Please call David Tripp. : MARKET GARDEN 5 ACRES AND ROADSIDE STAND Fully equipped greenhouse, 12,000 tomato plants, 1,000 pepper plants, roadside stand on paved road in tourist area. Creek through the property with 2 'excellent homesites. Permits available. Listed at $31,400. Investigate this money maker today. Call Bill Little. 100 ACRES - $45,000 : Partially wooded 100 acres with river. Excellent homesite on good road. Owner will hold mortgage. Call David Tripp today. WATERFRONT PERMANENT HOME Three bedroom, 4 pc. coloured bath, closed in sunporch, sun deck, boathouse. Lot 80 x 220. Listed at $43,900. Call Doris Clark. - CAESAREA $16,900 listed price for this 3 bedroom furnished cottage with access to Lake Scugog at your doorstep. Call David Tripp. . 286 Queen Street, Port Perry r ) FOR PERSONALIZED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 9 ALM. -- 9 P.M. Call 985-8041 or 985-8151 After Hours Call: Marj. Tripp -- 985-7606 Bill Little -- 655-4498 Doris Clark -- 986-5314 David Tripp -- 985-3824 Leigh Anne Bissette 985-2138 SCUGOG ISLAND 2-yr.-old 2 bedroom aluminum sided bung- alow on nicely land- scaped| to lake. $29,900.00. © Call Fred Smith. BLACKSTOCK Spacious 3 bedroom backsplit only one year old, on large well land- scaped double garage. Broad- loomed and nicely 3 bedroom brick clad decorated throughout. home on 1% acres, Asking $52,900.00- with good garden soil. large 97s per cent First Mortgage. Call kitchen. Priced to sell Winston Efford. at $34,900.00. Call North of Port Perry Bruce Currie. 3 bedroom frame 5 ACRES bungalow, immaculate throughout, situated on large village lot with rock gardens, one car garage. Asking good terms. Call Bruce $54,900.00. Call Currie. : Lawrence Morrison. LAKE SCUGOG LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT WATERFRONT $45,900.00, 3 bedroom 3bedroom cottage on 75' x 200° lot. living room, "sundeck, 2-piece bath. Boat, ~~ on this one. Call Fred motor, dock and furn- Smith. ishings included. PORT PE Asking only $32,500.00 RE RRY with $10,000.00 down. Call Bruce Currie. LAKE SCUGOG LAKEFRONT home, all conven. Beautifully kept 3 ences, central air con- bedroom cottage, 3 ditioning, attached piece bath, tile and garage. Barn quite broadloomed floors, complet and spotlessly clean. 85' x 190' professionally landscaped lot, 36 foot dock, single garage. Priced at $46,000.00. For appointment to to beach. Askin view. Call Ken g Middleton. F040. Call Bruce ot, legal access Asking only lot with patio, Large ely furnished Lake Scugog, access to Lake. Prices at $58,500.00. Lawrence Morrison. LAKE SCUGOG 3 bedroom cottage overlooking lake with access to good sand beach. Asking $17,500., good terms. George Beaton. - COUNTRY RETREAT 13 miles north of Port Perry. 12 storey Large living room and Mariposa Township, excellent building lot, partially wooded. Ask- ing $22,000.00 frame bungalow, oak floors, cedar ceilings, 80' x 200' lot. Act fast 49 acres corner farm very productive clay loam, 9 room frame adequate for horses or other livestock. Asking $95,000.00 good terms. Call George Beaton. LAKE SCUGOG 3 bedroom winteriz- ed cottage with access OFFICE HOURS -- 9 am. . 9 p.m. Direct Telephone Lines Port Perry 985.7386 Oshawa 576-7515 Winston Efford -- 985-3989 Fred Smith -- 985-7639 Toronto 364-2516 ® EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e Bruce Currie -- 705-357-3392 George Beaton -- 985-3040 Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 Lawrence Morrison -- 705-357-3395 FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE Maurice Baker -- 985.7382 WE LIST EXCLUSIVE and M.L.S. Real Estate is still your best Investment water Call Call with >