A most impressive cere- mony was held in Blackstock : & United Church Sunday, June ®)st at 7:30 p.m. when Canada Cords were presented to Jean Horton, Betty Jane Taylor, Lois VanCamp and: Linda Wheeler. The Canada Cord is the highest award "given in the Guide Associa- 1 tion and any Guide receiving itis a credit to her commun- i ity. 4 ® "The processional hymn was Onward Girl Guide On- be )* . 3. '4 y $5 Ver ' a OR EICASSN AP ward, followed by the sing- ing of O Canada. Rev. V. Parsons received the colours and dedicated the Canadian Flag. At this time he also welcomed the capacity crowd of commissioners, guides, brownies, = scouts, cubs, rangers, family, friends and relatives. Our local Ranger group favoured us with several musical numbers accompan- ied by Marie VanCamp. District CORE, Mrs. Pat Sleep spoke a few words. She called on four brownies and four guides to take their places beside the four Canada Cord recipients. Each brownie and guide in- troduced her Canada Cord Guide and gave a resume of her achievements plus other bits of information during her stay in the Brownie Pack and Guide Company here in Blackstock. Division Commissioner, Mrs. Joan Hawes presented the red and white Canada Cords to the four honoured Guides. Presentation of gifts followed from Brownies and Guides, the local association, the Mothers Auxiliary and the parents of the Canada Cord Guides. A short ceremony followed when the four guides all advanced to Rangers. "Let there be Peace' was sung by the Rangers and the colours were presented by Rev. Reg. Rose. After vespers, the Guide prayer and taps, the colour party departed. A reception followed in the PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 4, 1975 -- 23 .|- Blackstock honours Canada Cord recipients Christian Education Build- rr ------ ed by everyone present. ing where the grandmothers Bravo" to four more of the four Guides poured tea Canada Cord Guides in and a social hour was enjoy- Blackstock. WHITBY DENTURE CLINIC | 214 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ' 668-7797 HE Open evenings and Saturdays. Call for Appoint- : ment. No Charge for Consultation. CN Custom Dentures -- Repairs and Relines hale 90 days unconditional guarantee on all new dentures provided. One year free adjustment. Member of the Denturist Society of Ontario OPEN DAILY 17 NN > TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 1975 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMME. i ' 4 vg / 7 / Ar - Canada Cord recipients, left to right; Lois VanCamp, Jean Horton, Linda Wheeler, Betty Jane Taylor. Photo courtesy Clay Shaver oT TT TN $90 million capital works program Ontario Municipal Board - approvalwill be the next step in the processing of a $90 million five-year capital works program. Durham council, in approving the program somewhat grudgingly last week, sought assurances by works committee chairman, Coun. Alan Dewar (Oshawa) - that not a nickel could be spent by the committee on the program without first coming back to you" Wednesday's approval merely means the program can be presented to the OMB so that the board can set quotas for the regional public works projects, and in order for any portion of the pro- gram to be affected, individ- ual processing through the OMB would be required for each project. Assurance was given that even the 1975 portion of the ~ works budget could be ad- justed when council works out the regional budget for rr Tr Rr Tr TAU Ue Ne NU BIRDSEYE CENTRE POOL: to open June 28th until Seftamber 1st, 1975. Hours: Weekdays 1/;00 - 5:00 & 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Sat. Sunday & Holidays 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon, 1:00 - 5:00 and 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Fees: Family season membership $20.00, Daily per person 25c Family memberships available from Mrs. Haan at the park. Lifeguard - Barb Chambers 985-7405 PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME: July 7th to August 15th. For Children ages 4to 10 years at Port Perry - R.H. Cornish Public School Greenbank - Public School Blackstock - Public School Fees? $1.00 - week to a maximum of $3.00 - family per week OR $5.00 - season to a maximum of $15.00 - family per season, Director - Janice Crawford: 986-4217 Assistant Directors: Port Perry - Brenda Smith: 985-3643 Greenbank - Marion Layzell: 985-2871 NEW SPECIAL ATHLETIC PROGRAMME: For Young People ages 10 to 14. To consist of special training in physical programme to be arranged by July 7th to Aug. 15th this year. participants with the director. Emphasis will be on participating in That point was made clear special events and learning new skills. after some councillors Director: Ann Sinclair 985-2485 expressed concern that ap- | proving the $90 million bud- } ADVANCE REGISTRATION DATES WILL BE ANNOUNCED.LATER. get would be absolute approval. PR VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIVL VVC IVVVL LTT SA z=zzzzzs Coun.' Dewar pointed out, as well, that the final author- ity on each of the projects included in the program still rests with the area munici- palities. z &; Save $340 feeding 20 replacement calves? Yes! With Shur-Gain Let's say you are feeding 20 replacement calves a total of 250 Ib. of whole milk each for 5 weeks. If your whole milk price is $11 per cwt, your calves are costing you $28.00 per calf for milk. Now, assume you fed either Shur-Gain Milk Replacer or Shur-Gain Calflac at an average cost of $11 per calf. Savings per head would be $17, or a total savings of $340. ee Paap AA Ae A NN Wallace Marlow Co., Ltd. | Blackstock, Ontario Work it out for yourself. Try it. Then take a little of the money you will have saved and invite your Shur-Gain dealer out to lunch. Talk about other ways Shur-Gain can save money for you too. Bon appétit! Tr rr Tr Tr Te a A eT Nr We Me Te Te rT WT TT Te We TM Np A We TT Te TT A Np Up Np NY \ milk replacers > 986-4201 {ela gle]{ (0) By planning for your future today. farm credit and counsellin To back up Farmplan, we Bill English Bank's Agricultural Department. Manager Why not talk to your local Royal Bank manager about Port Perry Farmplan today. It's the first step towards a successful 985-7316 and secure future for you, and your farm. ae ROYAL BANK serving Ontario We know that farmers have specialized banking needs. That's why we offer Farmplan -- the Royal Bank's total r yam ais trained to know your industry. And they're supported by the Royal