Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 4 Jun 1975, p. 14

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Ay [4 Th A a Pl SN a 0a Ar AN dt Be fr Soto Pinan 2 AL eh oF FER "pwr, .--T aa, 3 Classified Ads 14-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 4, 1975 Work Wanted REFRIGERATOR, FREEZER, Air Conditioning Repairs. Call 985 2138. M21 PAINTING, paper hanging, minor repairs, etc. Home main tenance a specialty. Call Allan Ellicott. 985 2164. M28 CUSTOM UPHOLSTRY, recovering, restyling, very reasonable, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Phone 986-5072. M14 WHITE'S T.V. ANTENNAS ROTORS TOWERS U.H.F. - V.H.F. Colour Aerials Serving the Por! Perry Area at no extra charge Phone Oshawa 576.5606 T.F Dead or Crippled FARM STOCK Telephone HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM REPAIRS All Makes Air Cooled Engines Mowers - Tillers etc. Reel Type Mowers Sharpened by Machine Scugog Small Engines .6th line East on Island CAIll 985-2252 TF REPAIRS to all makes TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CALCULATORS -- Prompt Service -- Reasonable Rates Cail 985-3394 or deliver to Port Perry Auto Supply 146 Queen St. - Port Perry Do You Experience Any Difficulty In Your TV Reception? If you do - then we can help! We service all makes of Color TV's, Black & White, as well as HiFi's. -- CALL -- TARGET TV [416] 852-7391 Sunderiand (705} 357-3110 Work Wanted MASONRY, FOOTINGS, blocks, fireplaces, chimney, roofing, steel and asphalt. Free estim- ates. M & M General Contract. ing, Sunderland, phone 357-3825. RUG AND CARPET shampoo- ing, wall washing. Also old wax removed from kitchen and rec room floors, etc. Call Ron 623.7966. Ron's Floor Care. J25 WELDING MOBILE Electric services and oxy-acet welding and cutting alsoavailable. Phone 986-5166. Jn25 WORK ASASERVICE STATION Attendant, in vacinity of Port Perry. Phone 985-7405. ODD JOBS, Sanding & finishing, painting floors; carpentry; grass cutting; attic, garage & base- ment cleaning. Has own Van and equipment. Reasonable rates. 985-3709. Jnl SEWING DONE for ladies, girls and small children. Experienc- ed, reasonable rate. 985-3709. Jnl LAWN CHAIRS redoneatreason- able prices. Call 986-4661. CARPENTER will do renovating of any kind, will build kitchen cupboards. Free estimates. Phone 986-4636. T.F ' PLASTERING -- Siucco. Re- pairs cement work. Free esti- mate. Phone 985-7288. (T.F.) FENCING ? WHITE'S " Fencing Installations All Types Of Fencing WOOD & LINK For Free Estimates Phone 576-5606 - Murray & Hallett CONSTRUCTION Bulldozing, Grading SEPTIC UNITS TRENCHING & General Excavating Call 416-852-6938 or 705-786-2928 Found STRAYED to Con. 4 on 1A highway, poll Angus heifer, owner may have same by pay- ment of this ad and identifying. Phone 985.7491. °° MOUNTIOY Backhoe Service Septic: Tank and Tile Bed Installations Trenching, Basements Water Lines Screened Stone Crushed Gravel, Sand Phone Blackstock 986-4737 eow Lawn Mower Repairs LAWN BOY AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER 986-4451 * For Sales & Service Call 985-2211 - 985-4451 ° Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of John Thomas Crosier, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Thomas Crosier, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, whodied onor about the 13th day of May, 1975 are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of July, 1975, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 28th day of May, 1975. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & SMITH, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario™~t{8 NO Solicitors for the above Estate (Jn) Give Away FOUR KITTENS to good home. . Call 985-2271. . FOUR PERSIAN Kittens. Phone 985-2915. Auction Sales ANNIS - GAUSLIN Licenced Auctioneers Farm & Estate Sales Furniture (Modern & Antique). John Annis 683-4500 Earl Gauslin 640-3079 REG AND LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 Years Experience) LIVESTOCK FURNITURE SALES Sunderland 705-357-3270 WALKER-LIPTAY LTD. AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK-ESTATES BLOOD HORSES For booking or Information Contact STEVE LIPTAY, Hampton 263-2117 BILL 'WALKER Markham 294.4970 LYONS AUCTION HALL 18 McMillian Drive OSHAWA, ONT. Anything you have for sale. We will buy or consign. OPEN MONDAY to FRIDAY 1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. SALES EVERY SATURDAY at 1:00 P.M. Call Ted Lyon 'Auctioneer Phone 725-1613 JACKSON & WOTTEN AUCTIONEERS Livestock & Implements FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Port Perry 985.2459 . powered, 11 ft. camper sleeps 6, SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Farm Auction sale for MRS. MILTON BRYANT, Lot 20, Coné, Darlington Twp., 1 mile east of Solina or 6 mi. north of Bowman- ville, then 1 mi west. Livestock includes 7 Holstein cows fresh 1-2 months with calves, 2 Holstein springers, Hereford springer, 3 Holstein heifers, 2 Holstein steers, 4 stocker steers, stocker heifer, Hackney pony, saddle and bridle. Machinery: M.F. 35 Deluxe tractor; Ferguson. 2085 tractor withfrontend loader, 3 pt. Bush Hog disc (new), 3 pt. h. 3 furrow plow; 3 pth 2 furrow plow; 3 pth cultivator; é-row 750 series cuitivator (if not previous- ly sold); N.H. 7 mower, manure spreader, Cockshutt # 11 seed drill, side delivery rake, hay elevator, chain harrows, 2 sets drag harrows, posthole digger, heavy duty tractor chains (new), grain auger, grinder, hammer mill, farm trailer, chain saw, roller, some straw, many other articles. Household furniture includes misc. tables, chairs, buffet, etc. Terms cash. Sale time 1:00 p.m. Steve Liptay, Bowmanville, Auctioneer. 416. 263-2117. NE TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 10 SALE TIME:7:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques including Mason & Risch Harmonic Grand Piano, Gurney antique cook stove, Wel. come National Ornate stove, Marvel cookstove, walnut round table, walnut antique settee, pine cupboard, gramaphone, exten: sion table (cherry), trunks, pic: ture frames, drop-leaf table, beds, couch, old magazines, sew- ing machine, several chairs, many old items. The ht Bh -mile). Int. diesel tractor; Farm-- Ind, "harrows (solid); Clipnegy. Jn4 'Auction Sales | FRIDAY, JUNE 6 SALE TIME: 6 P.M The property of MR. GARY KNOTT on the 10th Concession of Markham Township, 4 miles south of Stouffville. Cockshutt 1800 diesel tractor (A.1), 1970 Ford truck camper special, fully fully equipped, 8 piece walnut dining room suite, kitchen table and 6 chairs, 20'* portable T.V., coffee tables, bedroom suite, desk, pole lamps, Super 8 movie camera, bicycles, qu. of used lumber, railway ties, cement blocks, gasoline engines, feed tanks, numerous other articles. Terms cash. Owner moving to Winnipeg. Earl Gauslin, John Annis, Auctioneers 640-3079. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. The property of Greenwood Gen- eral Store, 7 miles west of Brooklin. Groceries, hardware, number of garden tools, garden tractor and lawn mower, furni- ture, coal oil lamps, crocks. Terms casi. Property sold. No reserve. Earl. Gauslin, John Annis Auctioneers 640-3079. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Clearing Farm Auction sale for ROGER A. BEARE, farm located on Side Line 34, Con 3, Pickering Twp. (being 2/2 miles west of Cherrywood). Farm has been expropriated. Including nearly new implements, furni- ture, Antique, etc. Diesel tractor, 527 hrs.; 2, 3-fr plows; disc; roller; side rake; R.T. wagon; new elevator 32; new bale buncher; MC 3 pt. mower; baler, like new; no. cedar posts; anchors; new water bowls; trailer, heavy duty; roll new fence; new tarpaulin; new green fibre glass (sheets); large no. new 8' steel fence posts with clamps & flites; Antique dinner bell with bracket; new stone boat; tongues; shelving; 36' ext. ladder; new Jack-all jack; new draw rope; new fence wire; new cow chains; no. whiffle trees & neckyokes, new; tools of all kinds; kegs of nails; spikes; no. new ace bottom plow shares with steel points; drums; pile Manure; 2 large traps; 30 new sheets galv. roofing; new snow- fence; qty new lumber; 290' litter carrier track cpt; milk cans; 3 milk units; bulk tank; double sink; h.w. heater; gates. Also toilet set; refrigerator; qty Antique dishes; pine cupboard, glass doors; washer; no. odd chairs; jars; crocks; wash- stands; chest drawers; many, many other items not listed. Note: There is a lot of extra good items in this sale. Make this sale a must. The farm has been expropriated. Everything must go. Refreshments. 2 Auction rings. Sale 1 p.m. Atkinson & Wilson, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 1 p.m. Auction sale of farm implements, cattle and some furniture. The property of. JAN ZYLSTRA, Lot 7, Con 13, 1st. farm east of Janetville village on left side, (V4 all H with loader; 7 ft. Int. 3 pt. hitch mower; good condition; Cockshutt side delivery rake, good condition; John Deere 14. ton baler, good condition; Allis Chalmers 2-row corn planter; 3 pt. hitch; crop sprayer, 3 pt. hitch; Int. 1.row corn harvester; J.D. 33 power manure spreader, 118 'bushels, good condition; Cockshutt 422, 7 ft. pull type combine; 2 3-furrow plows, 3 pt. hitch; 3 pt. hitch cultivator; 9 ft. pull type cultivator; M.H. tiller; spring-tooth cultivator; double disc, drag type; M.H. 15disc seed drill; fertilizer spreader; set of stocker, tub. - type; hay elevator; A.C. driver blower and pipes; 2cornwagons; flat bed wagon (hay); converter power-take-off hammer mill; grain fanning mill; 3 pt. hitch snow blade; small utility trailer (car); grain auger; 2500 Ib. of fertilizer 16-16-16; chain hoist; Forage cream separator; shovel; chains; qu. of scrap; numerous other small items, 14 steers and heafers (good freezer orders); 1 Guernsey milk cow; Antique round oak table, 3 leaves; dressers. Farm sold. No reserve. Grant Werry Auction eer, Hampton 263.2603. Auction Sales | SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 1 P.M, Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of M. C. MacDONALD, (corner of Pales- tine Rd and Con 7, Eldon Twp) 3 miles east of Argyle, turn at Township garage, go 2 miles north, 1%4 miles east (watch for signs). Salewill be held at the old log house. "Antique dining room tablé(round) extension; 2 chests of drawers; 5 antique dining room chairs; Gate-leg table; antique wooden telephone (good condition); Wicker rocking chair; wooden ice box; 4 table lamps, leatherette arm chair; colonial style couch; antique oak arm chair; red cupboard; 2 antique basin and jug sets; qu. of dishes; some antique picture frames; oil paintings; qu. of table cloths and bedding; Stereo record albums; numerous other articleswill be added to this sale. Terms Cash. Saleat p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, Ph (705) 357-3270. NITE SALE Thursday, JUNE 5 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Estate of LILLIAN PERRAULT and other consignments at Kawartha Sale Barn, Lindsay. Large assortment of antiques, furniture cottage refrigerators, beds, wardrobes, dressers, chests, etc., dishes depression and pressed glass, etc. 6:30 sharp. Orval McLean, Auction- eer, 324.2791, Lindsay. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. The property of HELEN PETERS, R.R. # 1, Bobcaygeon, Lot 19, Con. 7, Verulum Twp., 3 miles west of Bobcaygeon on . Fenelon Rd., 1 mile north on Con 7. Oak wooden rocker, wash- stand, antique table, good Guelph pump organ, organ stool, bureau, 2 Oak buffets, wicker rocker, beds, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, etc. 1 p.m. No reserve. Orval McLean, Auction. eer, 324-2791, Lindsay. SATURDAY, JUNE 4 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of LLOYD MILLER, will be held in the Village of Columbus (north end)., Viking dishwasher (good); Refrigerator (made by Deep- freeze); Moffat stove; pot belly "stove; G.E. radio and stereo; antique highchair; chicken coop chair (antique); antique pressed back chair with Queen Victoria's head carved in the back (1837- 1901); teawagon (good); combin- ation writing desk and china cabinet; antique hall rack and mirror; Mr. and Mrs. chairs (antique gold); 2 pc. chesterfield (raisin); Dining room suite; (table, 6 chairs, and hutch); pine dough box; 6 rocking chairs; -setftee (stripped); bedroom suite (3 pc.); coal, oil lamps; 3 wash. stands; qu. of antique dishes; depression glass; Goofas glass; ironstone plates; silver butter dish, etc. School bell, # 3 small bell; riding lawn mower; planer and jointer; many other articles. Property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12:00 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Ph. (705) 357-3270. Jnl THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 12, 6 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction sale including Pine chests, Pine cupboard (glass doors), Walnut furniture and sideboards, antique occassional chairs, pine wardrobe, antique bedroom suite, chest of drawers, dishes, lamps, many, many items of interest. This is one of the old households of the town and will be a very Interesting sale. Full list nextweek:. The property of the L. VYVYAN ESTATE, 89 Main St. S., in Uxbridge. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneers, ir SATURDAY, JUNE 14 SALE TIME: 12 NOON The property of CLARENCE BUNKER in Goodwood, No. 47 {Highway and County Road 1A. Auction Sale of furniture and antiques, cutter, canvas top bug. gie, wooden wheel wagan, imple. ments, two muzzle loader guns, model T parts, plus quantify of antique furniture. List next week. Earl Gauslin and John Annis Auctioneers, 683-4500. « vises, large anvil, forge, table Auction Sales FRIDAY, JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 12 NOON The property of the late CLIF- FORD SALTER, Station Road s., Pickering, 2 mile east of Brock Rd. and Hydro plant. Large quantities of builders tools and equipment, Finlay cook stove, g pine cupboard, lawn mower, ° saws, hand drill press, Homelite chair saw motors (electric & gas), emery grinder, building jacks (up to 15 ton), cement mixer and buckets, building hoist puller, electric tools (sander, jigsaw and drill), chains, wrenches, saw sharpening vise and file attachments, saw sets, shovels, plus numerous other parts and accessories. Allfoolsin g good condition. If you're looking for building or carpenter tools, this sale is a must. John Annis and Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. 683-4500. EARP SS Ty Te i FE es Le § H © set; other Sterling Silver pcs.; 14 SATURDAY, JUNE 14 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. ANTIQUES +Antique Auction sale, HARNDEN ESTATE* 9 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe St. N., 4 mile south of Raglan and Vi mile west. Wicker Bassinette; % Oakchestofdrawers; old trunks; wash stands; brass bed; chest of drawers; Wicker fern stand; butter bowl; pedestal dining room table (1800); Quill pen ruler ; Wicker rocking chair; Oak writing desk; Victrola record & radio combination; medicine cabinet; 2 Electric stoves; side- board buffett; Findlay stove (coal and wood); rocking chair; Pine cupboard cut glass doors; In a quantity of old dishes; washing machine; ice box; Massey Harris Pony tractor; 2-way plow; row crop cultivator; quantity of new wire fence & steel posts; wood lathe; table saw; 2 h.p. motor; 6-inch planer, as unit; cedar shingles; wooden nail kegs; large quantity of garden and hand tools. Auctioneers Note: This €- L L property has been in the Family name since mid-1800's. Terms - Cash. No Reserve. Sale 12:30 p.m. . Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. #1, Little Britain, (705) 786-2183. Jn , SATURDAY, JUNE 14 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. £3 Clearing Auction of household & L effects, featuring. mainly early period Antique furniture for MRS. K. D. WALMARK, located southwest corner of Side Road 24, approx. 2 miles west of Clare- mont, on 9th Concession. Partial list inclu :_ Sheraton 2 -pc. Walnut Bureau\Secretary book- case; Regency arm chair; Georgian round pedestal Tilt-top table; Early Regency sewing table w/ ivory key hole; authen- 3 tic 17th Century Cromwellian 4 refrectary table 8' long; Authen- & '® tic 17th century set of 7 Jacobean ! chairs w/ leather and brass studded seats; also matching sideboard for above; Sheraton games table; Chippendale country hall table w/ drawer; 17th century Creedence hall table; Victorian Desk; drop leaf sewing table; drop leaf sofa table; Cheval mirror; bow-front chest of drawers; Knole sofa w/ down cushions; round folding Brass table; crystal chandelier @ oval framed Pearwood sample of England; 9 x 12 Wilton rug; copper bedwarmer; Brass pcs.; hand painted leather room LR | divider; various signed Oil paint- : ings; 3 pc. Sterling Silver coffee id a a a Cranberry lamp heater; assort. i of lovely Blue Willow dishes; { Woodsware English Scenery dinner set; early Georgian Wedgewood dessert service; misc. glass' and china; G.E. 4.burner stove; McClary Fridge; Westinghouse freezer; Wooden kitchen set; bed sofa; braided rug; Indian rug; Queen teak bed; etc. Auctioneers Note: This sale has some real good, early period antique furniture, so why not join us! Terms cash. No reserve. House sold for new airport. Sale begins 12:30 p.m. Kahn Auctic® { Services, 668-6189. Jn { Webco bilinear. atl ai I -- | ni SATURDAY, JUNE 14 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. 4 Furniture, Antiques and Toys, 1 etc. Many, many items. Spon. [4 sored by the Parents Association \ of the Guides and Scouts, to be held at the Scout Hall, Port ¢ 1) Perry. Auctioneer Murray Jack son, Phone 985 2459, Jn

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