Articles for Sale - At Rest - insertion. $22.50 per col. Classified Ads must be In Memoriam MITCHELL - In loving memory of adear husband, James E., who passed away May 21, 1973. Alone but never quite alone, | face an empty chair. But sometime in the silence { image he is there, My companion for so many years, No longer here with me, And yet in some mysterious way, He keeps me company. Sadly missed by wife Louie and family. STAINTON - In loving memory of Angus Llewellyn who passed away May 19, 1972. A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear. Wife Velma, family and grand- children. BALLINGALL - In loving memory of John Robertson Balil- ingall, who passed away May 15, 1972. So sadly missed and forever remembered in our hearts. The family. Classified Advertising Rates Card of Thanks - Coming Events - Wanted - Lost Found - Minimum $1.50 - Over 15 words, 8c. per word. Consecutive weeks $1.30 or 7c. per word. IN MEMORIAMS $2.25 including 4-line verse 15c. per line for additional lines. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY $2.10 per col. inch - minimum 2 inches LEGAL NOTICES l4c per agate line - Consecutive insertions 10c. REAL ESTATE Transient advertisers - $1.75 per col. Weekly advertisers $1.50 AUCTION SALES First insertion $1.75 per col. inch Consecutive insertions $1.50 per col. inch Classified ads must be paid by week of If charged, an additional 25c. will be added. 50c. extra will be charged for use of box number. BUSINESS DIRECTORY $35.00 per col. inch, six months. Annual Classified Ad - $50.00 per inch. 5:00 P.M. PHONE 985-7383 Card of Thanks Births Etc. inch. inch, yearly in Office no later than MONDAY Sincere thanks to friends and relatives for flowers and cards during my stay in Port Perry Community Hospital. Special thanks to nursing staff and Dr. Cohoon and Dr. Allin. Gwen Hall For the best wishes and ovely flowers we received, we would like to thank everyone. Also, a very special thank you to the terrific maternity staff and Drs. Martin and Tanna who made our stay a pleasant one. Thank you again, one and ail. Bonnie and Laurel Solomon. Grant and Barb Larmer would like to thank the Blackstock Community for the shower and lovely gifts given to them on May 3. Also thank you to neighbours, to make the evening very pleas- ant by attending. Thank you again. under the above Act. Bexley Verulam eldon Ops Mariposa Cavan Scugog Emily Cartwright Harvey Fenelon Smith Resources, Natural Ontario NOTICE THE PITS AND QUARRIES . CONTROL ACT, 1971 Effective May 1st, 1975 the following Town- ships in the Lindsay District were designated Ennismore Belmont Otonabee Douro S. Monaghan Dummer N. Mohaghan - Alnwick Asphodel All operators have until November 3rd, 1975 in which to apply for a licence if they wish to continue their operations. Prescribed application forms and other information on additional requirements may be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Natural 322 Kent Street, Ontario, Telephone 1-705-324-6121. Ministry of Resources West, Lindsay, Hon. Leo Bernier Minister Dr. J.K. Reynolds Deputy minister friends and relatives who helped" Card of Thanks I would like to thank my many friends, relatives and neighbours for the party arranged for me on my nintieth birthday. Also for cards, ills and best wishes. Retta Hardy. Births SOLOMON - 'Paul and Bonnie (nee Pugh) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Laurel Louise, weigh- ing 7 Ibs. 122 0zs., born May 5, 1975, at Port Perry Community Hospital. A little sister for Stephen and Trevor. > HAZELWOOD - Keith and Donna Hazelwood are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Garett Andrew, May 17, 1975. Special thanks to Dr. Allin and the dedicated staff at Port Perry Hospital. MCcINTYRE Duncan and Darlene (Hedley) of Lindsay are very pleased to announce the birth of their first daughter, Jennifer Ellen, 81bs. 50z., on May 13that Oshawa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mrs. M. Mcintyre, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Hunter, Niagara Falls. DESAUTELS - Ray and Marlene wish fo announce the birth of Steven Robert Clare, 8 Ibs. 7 oz., on Thursday, May 15, 1975, at Port Perry Community Hospital. A brother for Darren and Jo- Anne. Special thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff. - At Rest CROSIER, John Thomas - At Port Perry Community Memor- ial Hospital on Tuesday, May 13, 1975. John Crosier in his 80th year, beloved husband of Katherine Stewart, dear father of Thelma (Mrs. Bruce Beare) deceased; Jean (Mrs. Waldron Scott) and Donna (Mrs. Donna Robison), loving grandfather of Dale and Dean Beare, Bob, Brenda and Donna Scott, Kit, Kirk and Kathy Robison, brother of Maude (Mrs. Frank Vernon) and Luella (Mrs. Earl Beare) deceased. Funeral Service at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry, on Friday, May 16, at 2 p.m. Interment Hillman Cemetery, Utica. . HOPE, Nellie Blanche - At River Glen Haven Nursing Home, Sutton, Ontario, on Saturday, May 17, 1975, Nellie Blanche Andrew, beloved wife of Wm. George Hope and dear mother of William, Isabel (Mrs. Wm. Har- mon) Newmarket, Lois (Mrs. Harry Hut) Australia, Eva (Mrs. Victor Moore) California, Clara (Mrs. Morley Huntley) Queens- ville, Roger of Port Perry and the late Reta Wastyn: In her 75th year. Resting at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Noti otice MEN OR BOYS interested in taking part in a fife and drum band, call 985-3726. Mini WINNERS of Prince Albert Com- munity Centre lottery. 1st- Quilt - # 876 Lori Johnstone, Nestleton; 2nd - Coleman Stove - # 995 Mr. Glen Gauvuslin, Epsom; 3rd Coleman Lantern . § 747 Mrs. Barry Salisbury, Oshawa. SHAWS SECOND HAND | Furniture and Articles, bought and sold, Nestleton, Ontario. Phone 986-4308. T.F. SILVALEE REG"D BOARDING KENNELS Epsom, Ontario Phone 985-3286 We are now open for year round accommodation of your pets, with individual runs and exper- ienced care. Samoyed and Das- chund Pups for sale. (T.F.) RUMMAGE SALE, Wednesday, May 21,10a.m. - 2 p.m., Anglican Church (behind library). LANDLORDS - Houses, Apart- ments, Rooms urgently needed. Durham Housing Registry 579-0622, Extensions 48,69. T.F. NOTICE toour Egg Customers Effective June 2 - Eggs will be sold on Wednes- days, Thursdays, and Fridays only at our Commercial Hatch- ery, between 8-12a.m. and 1 - 5 P.M. Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd. Coming Events EUCHRE, Oddfellows Hall, Sat., May 2, 8 P.M. sharp. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c, prizes and lunch. - BINGO - $270.00 in 58 numbers Navy League Special $35.00 Latcham Centre Port Perry, Ont. Every Tuesday -8p.m. TRENTWAY TOURS SPECIAL TO W.W.V.A. JAMBOREE (Wheeling West Virginia) June 13 to 15th, 1975 - Show Stars - TomT.Hall ~ For details contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 Fair Saturday, May 24th 10:00 A.-M. to 4:00 P.M. at Port Perry High School featuring Pony Rides - Games etc. FUN FOR ALL AGES - EVERYONE WELCOME - Coming Events Coming Events* INFORMATION SIMCOE, locat- ed in Brock Township, is sponsor- ing -a tour of seven interesting hqmes in and around Beaverton, Cannington, Sunderland and Woodville on Saturday, June 7th from 1:00 fo 6:00 p.m. Cost is $1.50 and a light tea is included. Write (Box 131) or call (432-2636, area 705) Information Simcoe in Cannington for ticket infor- mation. CLUB ANNRENE DANCING Sponsored by the Pine Ridge Scouters Club - featuring ART HALLMAN Saturday, May 24 Admission $10.00 includes: Light Lunch Door Prize TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Trans General Store, House of Howard, Richards Beauly Studio, G.M. Williams Motors, or at the door. AUCTION SALE, Saturday, June 14 at 1 p.m. at the Scout Hall, sponsored by the Parents Associ- ation of Guides and Scouts. For pick-up, phone Mrs. Douglas Ridge, 985-7858. Jn HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Spring Fair, Saturday, May 24, from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. at St. John's Pres- byterian Church. Baking, variety, tea tables. M21 LEGION BINGO, Thursday, May 29, 1975. Jackpot $210.00 in 54 numbers. Earlybird game 7:45. 3rd ANNUAL . INSPECTION R.C.S.C.C. SCUGOG Sat., May 24th 2:00 P.M. Port Perry Arena R.C.S.C.C. Quinte Band will be assisting. Public Welcome August. Box 208, Port Perry, Ontario. HELP WANTED Township of Scugog requires an additional Lifeguard for Birdseye Centre Pool for July and Minimum requirement - BRONZE. 'Written applications stating qualifications and experience should be addressed to the undersigned before May 30th, 1975. Doreen M. VanCamp, Clerk, Helping YOU Help US To Build A New Arena THE PORT PERRY KINSMEN PRESENT Sprindl Hl FRIDAY and SATURDAY evenings ' MAY 30 and 31 Music by "Glad Tymes" est RENE TR ® AE