é & LES FENRIS TO Ne nF a a a I Lb pa rg ho A Lad laf a AAR BARA P AID Sd RETR RVG CRON BH WLC RT RSW AEA TTR AE: ' [} » . iS r 3 w | odie 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 2, 1975 Burketon News Gli | A Wa nts overn m ent to ex ed ite a rk develo m ent Mr. Ted Holroyd, Bowman- dened to hear of the passing i 5 ville, called on Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. John Sinclair. The % "4 . bud F. Holroyd and family on funeral was from Bowman- ME It was with some dis- A park with expanded boat ~~ @letter $ent to the ministry to One of the advantages to Saturday. ville last Saturday. ont] appointment that Scugog launching facilities would. (ry and get updated infor- the park, hopes Dr. Dymond, Mrs. J. Abrams visited Congratulations to Mr. A. oR Chamber of Commerce pre- also help eliminate some of mationonthe master plan, as is thatit will help to eliminate with Mrs. K. Roblin on' J.(Hender) Trick of Lindsay, vi sident, Richard Drew, views the heavy usage of the Port well as a meeting called for the heavy usage of the exist- Friday. formerly of this village, who «- ry reports that there isno-word Perry lakefront, at Palmer the immediate future to get ing municipal park by people Mrs. R. Davey attended a will celebrate his 84th bir - sy vet on any definite provincial Park, taxing traffic, parking, together with all people from outsidethecommunity. dinner in Oshawa to help day at 4% John Street, Lind- i commitment on develop- and lakefront services. interested in the project. He said he has always been celebrate a family birthday. say. ment at the Scugog Island Thelands are being wasted Dr. Dymond told the STAR concerned of the somewhat Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor provincial park site. now, thinks Mr. Drew, at a late last week, however, that limited parklands in the BrooklinwereSundaysupper have returned from one time when recreational land he expects some word on the area. The Island park, he guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. month holiday in Florida. Mr. Drew said that the is hard to come by, partic: Park within the next week. hopes, will help to redirect Stephenson and friends. Their daughter, June and chamber was told last Dec- ularly in this area. He said he knew only that some of the traffic that would Mrs. R. Davey visited with ~~ son:in-lay, Mr. and Mrs. ember that a master plan 'We'll just have to keep Work was continuing on the otherwise use the downtown Mrs. M. Bailey in Port Perry ~~ Donald Bickile flew down and was being formulated for the pushing," he said, explaining Plans, but shold have more Port Perry boat launching during the week. returned with them by motor -. development of the park, and that renewed efforts include definite information soon. 'and recreational facilities. The community was sad- car. * that it would be implemented some six months later. But with a recent an- nouncement by Dr. Matthew B. Dymond (PC-Ontario) that no definite date has been set for the release of the plans, the chamber president thinks the project "may have been pushed back again." "It's time again, I guess, to grease the squeaky wheels," said Mr. Drew. The chamber positioned itself behind the project about a year ago, when they asked township council to help get the project going, and to set up a meeting with the appropriate provincial 'LEAN TENDER -- FOR ROASTING -- Tenderloin Portion 3 to 3%2-Lb. Avg. LOIN '0' PORK 98° G. A. HUNTER BROOKLIN, ONT. / 655-3466 Maple Syrup. 25 ws. ] 19 -- 89° 14 oz 39¢ are on sale now. "=a | DOWSON'S RED & WHITE Porte, zie x officials. -- The meeting was sub- PO R ] K 11 CHOPS - 4 L OiiN TENDER LEAN SCHNEIDER'S - & oe sequently held in December, Vachon Pectin Devonshire RK Loin chops 8 =| IL, N Pork Chops * $ TP" Rs PIES al which time the six-month RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY LO JIN » seer 2.Lb. 2-02 Pkg. ¢€ master plan time schedule JAM S Mushrooms POS Pride of HOLDER [1] S$ a8 foe th was set up. PIECES & STEMS ater a poRK Canada LAMB STEAKE ES 1 "ESSEX Although the province has f 2 ok. HY A Oz. 30: Sausage Bologna CHOPS LEAN THICK CUT - COUNTRY STYLE ; $ 1 08 1 i owned the last for about eight ar " 8 s S| PORK Ri bh | BLE : years now according to on ; 78: 79: 28: ! $ : St r \ . . -SUNSPUN BONNIE if STE Sn sr SR ST ER he eh A Drew, so far only a wash- TOMATO FET DUNE = PROBUCT DF RUSTAACIA~ EARILETT 28 F1. Oz. Yin room and boat launching i 2 PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE 7% Fl. Oz. Tin facility has been completed. KETCHUP FOOD AUSTRAL PEARS 69- SALMON 1 09 The chamber wants at 4 5 Oz. 1 Gl FEATURE! -- ALLENS $ ° least some say in the park's fi ox. Tin : "CRO " development, and Mr. Drew Sets ' ORANGE Flavour crystals 3 weir 79- A ASYOY Roan 3b 81 said that talks with resources VAN CAMP E. CARDEN 18 FI. 0x. Jar SY RU |» 1.09 1 ministry people has led him B EAN S to believe the ministry is ] MAYONNAISE Kraft 79- FEATURE! - CARNATION 11-0z. Jar interested in local "input" as ESICTIT 4 REMATS LAus COCKTAIL FEATURE! -- AYLMER CHOICE ( FFEE MATE 89 ] well =n B ox. C| 2s : H ' One rcason tor the excel- Tin Ho 49. 1.07 i$ lent potential of the park ore renRURES 2000 Peas PLAIN CHER 81 ARDER MA. uTh states Mr. Drew, is its prox-. SAUCE Spaghetti 39. imity to Toronto, Oshawa, NABISCO SHREDDIES 79: and the densly populated lakeshore. BEST BUYL =~ BURINA 2.01. Package EATURE! - SHORT GRAIN * A day use facility of this TENDER Vi I 69. DAINTY RICE 76. type close to Toronto would itt es * BANQUET DINNERS __ 69¢ have no shortage of users. FEATUREI -- MITCHELL'S FANCY FENG RIES cur 2-Le. i, FOR COLE ADULT APPLE SAUCE 33. el NEO CITRAN 1.49 FEATURE! -- ASSORTED 3-02. Package ONION RINGS a : FEATURE! . SUNRPUN SINGLES 18-01. Package JELL-Q Frit Flavours 28 Vail CHEESE Slices 1.19 sLlniibiiiiens Z1 BEST BUYI -- FANCY SUMMER SWEET | Feaiuner . £81. JUICES OR 6.02. Bils GREEN GIANT p 3 Ta DRINKS bi 79. eas i i ' TEATURET - ZION FIG BAR vib, Pra. FEATURE! -- INSTANT NESTLE 2 Envs. to Package 5 ( i "! 5 / BISCUITS 89: || HOT CHOCOLATE 2.15 fo - Prod fU.S.A. FEATURE! - SOFT BLUE BONNET _ 1.05, Tub FEATURE! -- NSHERTE 3D ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT 48 Fl. Oz. Tin poe . ¢ ¢ Il Green Onions 214.39 MARGARINE 85. - Ontario FEATURE! - ROASTED FEATURE! -- CAKE OR PASTRY . . NABOB «= 99. MONARCH FLOUR i. 15 oo Yin mY Produce of U.S.A, Fancy Grad \ © FEATURE! - Robin Hood Pudding 9-Oz. Pkg. FEATURE| -- QUICK 32-0Z. OR INSTANT 36-0Z. : D li : ' ¢ ONE CAKE MIX 49- | ROBIN HOOD 0 69 Iii c t | Pl 0 N EE KH é RE y d $ | Sweet & full of juice, Florida Soro s G PAD FEATURE! -- LAUNDRY DETERGENT | GRAPEFRUI . 89° sezp corn | [CHORE GIRL 2139 | EXPLORE Powder $1. 39 Fos AVAIRAE . . Orders now taken Ontario Scott Family Nestles Olympic Lottery tickets Need Sod? ( N C n n whence | Potat Napk Pudd See Us! p 0 d oes d INS u in gs for the June 8th. draw, Ce rv --