Mrs. Georgie Dalrymple, Mrs. Verna Kennedy and Mrs. Lois Adams of Bow- manville were Tuesday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Assel- ® gtine, Tania and Michel of Guelph were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon " Asselstine and family. Tania and Michael remained for a few days holiday. During the week Vernon and Vera will take the children back and spend a few days visiting. 'Rev. and Mrs. Victor '® parsons and girls were Fri. N ey Ww evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and girls. Madam Justice M.M. VanCamp, Mrs. W.W. Van- Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffrey along with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well of Oshawa enjoyed a wonderful week of holiday in Florida. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Thomas Hodge on the recent passing of his sister Miss Ivy Hodge at Falmouth, Cornwall, England. Mr. and Mrs. Glenvil Ray of Lindssy were Sun. visitors bbb bbb bbb bbb EEE EES 15% ore Awning & Patio Doors EET ETUC T CTT T TTT NTN on orders taken before March 15th, 1975 ALCAN ALUMINUM Dusome Window Products Insulate and Beautify Your Home with SIDING Phone 985-3572 ET - PTV VNVVVNTNVADNANSVNISNNANNSANSSISISSS SSeS Phone 985-8011 PLASTIC BASE GLEN MAR-LAINE HAND CRAFT BOUTIQUE 160 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8011 -- CROCHET LESSONS -- Thursday Evenings 7-9 p.m. (by appointment) Yarns, Needlecraft & Kits PAINTS LIMITED 'ELMWOOD, ONTARIO Tel: 519-364-1919 "Barn Painting Specialists" $1.00 per session' EATON oR RR 28 RR FON TANI S ARI I 6) Blackstock and area news of Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin. Hot cross buns and coffee loaf and coffee were enjoyed by 13 members of the Can- dace Morning Unit of the U.CW. at the home of Dorothy Marlow last Tues. morning. President Norma VanCamp opened with a poem on Meditation. Mrs. McArthur was the guest for Cedar Creek News Mrs. Reta Barton of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque on Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Green- wood are visiting relatives in England. They were to have left Malton Airport on Fri. evening, March 7th but were delayed by the snow storm. They didn't get away until Saturday morning. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lar-' ocque and sons spent the weekend with her relatives at South River. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cum- . mings and children have moved into Jim Wilson's house where Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Moore and family were living. The Moores have moved to one of the houses on the E.P. Taylor farms. Robert Cummings of Oshawa is visiting his cousin Steve Cummings this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Trepanier of Toronto visited Mr..and Mrs. Vic Larocque on Sunday. PRAY NAME the program and gave a most informative and enjoy- able talk on the history of elementary and secondary education in Cartwright. Eyeryone enjoying reminisc- ing over the school pictures that Mrs. McArthur had with her in the Tweedsmuir books. She suggested that everyone should keep a jour- nal of their house with a record of the original owners changes through the years and various families resid- ing there. Edith McLaughlin present- ed a fine worship, Festival of the Resurrection with Joyce Taylor reading scripture from Matthew 28: 1-10. Bene- diction concluded a lovely morning. The O.N.O. held a most successful Hard Times dance in the Recreation Centre on Saturday evening. Mrs. John Carnaghan re- turned home on Friday after a fine ten day holiday in Florida with her cousin. Winners at the Tuesday Senior Citizens Card party were, Ladies: first, Pearl Day, second, Reta Hardy, third, Lorna Richards. Men: first, Freeman McCullough, second Alymer Ploughman, third Everett Watson. QUEEN STREET T PERRY. ONTARIO CHEVROLET -- 5 ¥ a 3 Sens 8 NDU US TRIAL PAINT ADDRESS , PHONE LOT CON. Mail this coupon now, at no obligation 'PORT PERRY STAR : FLUE 19, 19/5 - Wednesday, Mar. = - NR Tt oT --------p eg " ENT RC, 3 Having some doubts about the approach of spring this year? Well keep those fingers crossed, the signs are there. Like the ground hog that checks its shadow, customers around the french fry wagon at the old ball park are a sure sign of warming temperatures and sunny days. 6M ) MOTORS PORT PERRY, 98¢ 7351 OSHAWA 723-8442 BARN PAINTING "Plowing Match Special" . tasAll Farmers of Durham | Region and Plowing match area.