er A aN hag » Lasse oli Fein HAY Vey Yin ET BS STL 0) Eat | CRA TE A bmn ond Riek Stat d alata sgadan idl a tbo aiag ica shod sim ab hry councillor as being "for the Rose in his description of the developers pay for a water through a credit of the water about 2:40 a.m. Saturday cliffe, 34, of Hiawatha Blvd., Scugog Department in Port birds" is on its way out. and sewer system updating morning. : Perry. That choice description wok The firms would get Driver was volunteer : was delivered by Coun. Reg part of the money back fireman, Ronald J. Rad- Hospital Report § The best thing about a brighter sun, disappearing din 20c per copy 28 Pages 4% 4 LU] ¥ Vol. 109 - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, Wednesday, March 19, 1975, - No. 19 43 . y Ratepayers ready ] n 5; When burning issues come..... Small but enthusiastic committee wants to co- money isn't available right oT may be a suitable descrip- ordinate their efforts with now, when construction work 22% Ld tion of the group of people other interested community is hard to come by and A who turned out for the groups and organizations to contractors are 'hungry'. annual meeting of the get on with raising the "I think we could get a Scugog Ratepayers' Associ- $200,000 needed from the price cut right down to the ation last Thursday at the community. He said he bone if we had the money Municipal Office in Port expected the bulk of the right now," said Mr. Hall. Perry. money to be raised in about It was suggested that Mr. While association presid- two years. Hall, chairman of the com- ent Roland Coy was among He told the ratepayers that mittee for nine months of those who expressed disap- the total cost figure of hard work and effort, should pointment at the poor turn- $750,000 was an outside be asked to help the organiz- > ~ out, others felt that those figure, and felt the arena ation shore up its weak who were involved formed could be built for that membership situation. . the nucleus for the com- amount or less. He suggest- "I'm tired after the arena munity. ed that should the cost of the project," he quipped, "I Said Howard Hall, chair- arena shoot past that figure, need a good rest." § man of the new arena com- there are areas where some The meeting also included mittee, following a report of facilities could be trimmed. a reportby Town Hall 1873 on that committee's work; "A He said it is too bad the that committee's efforts. small quality group, rather i z than a large quantity one..." £20 500 for Town Hall ¢ ° Scugog Ratepayers elected their new executive at the association's annual Association member Bill ibd While tis man for ~ meeting last week. Reports on a number of community concerns such as the Old Brock said that bsdally, i 'S Vl Diario riding M.P.P., Dr, of bol oan needed" he Town Hall and new arena were also heard, and memb Iso di d fut only the "burning issues - B. Dymond, informed the "if is & ers also discussed future 5 pring a large number of Star just before press time, Stated, "it is hoped that the endeavors. Seen here going over last year's books are, from left: Nancy Williams, people out. He said the Tuesd h . work, which apparently had 135 secretary; new president Bev Muir ; vice-president Paul Arculus, and immediate function of the group is "'to oy Sr ho he vi SUSU almost come to a halt, can past president Roland Coy. be there" in an informal, oc ov fe VINISUY now go forward again, thus friendly discussion of the of Culture and Recreation making possible the planned [] issues, so when the burning that a Grant of $20,500 has opening this summer. It is i: De velo ers wen ch issues come along, "we'llbe been approved by the also hoped that this will s - 1% ange ready." - Minister. for the Port Perry prove some encouragement The group's new president, Town Hall Restoration to those SO deeply involved in Ei ° o " " ' elected Thursday night, is Project. this undertaking. 3 in | | Bev Muir. New vice-presid- | Ui ng g Ul & iN es ent is Paul Arculus. The 3 : line-up of directors remains ia Builders want 50 more of this infilling would be Highs) in po Place, | Wg some 9% basi To Fate Li units over the next 31% years, ; a ccording to the devel- review, - cancelation of 'Comes hos ne Re ACCONO pers. he" sllnt factors PAYers actvitis an future 100-unit-per-year building port Perry, according to Mr. determining development role, Mr. Coy said the group restriction, and the ability to Knox. priority and rights bie Jas jog} aefive ag uthed trade development rights include that a developer's 1 ty. Wilh one anathr. 21 he developers reuesed projet should have design. ink we've accomplished a Speaking for developers, as potential infilling 12 units - ation by the township in lot in the past year." he said. Jim Knox of Knox, Martin, for Vanedward Investments 2PProved Port Perry or pro- Ameng the pojects sig. Kretch Ltd. told council that Kent phase 2: Carlan Apart. Posed Reach township Offic. gested for the new term was - developers are requesting-an- ments 60 units: Cohooni and 2} P1ans, a zoning approved a recycling effort. "ao i i . his; Solon an by t hip with i In Mr. Hall's report to the increase of 50 units over Allin Apartments, 34 units, OY !OWnship with or without D ~® council's 100 units allowed and Ribcor Townhouses 16 Ontario Municipal Board 8roup about recent develop- for infilling over the next 3%. ynits. 4 approval, and a township ments of his committee, years. _ Another change wanted by (continued on page 2) ratepayers were told that the Reason for the request, 'developers is a council o Mr. Knox explained, is be- motion that allows the con- Extens ive damage to ny the By hy, indi- struction of the 350 units at a cates sewage capacity for up rate of only 100 a year. C fi k : to 500 new units and, if the Developers said ee were aesa rea | re truc company's recommend- <relyctantly unanimous' ations are followed, water ahout the 350 figure set out A Caesarea fire truck (reated for bruises, and + capacity for more than 500 by council, but requested enroute to an early Saturday released. units. >» that council reconsider the morning fire, went out of According to a municipal _ Other reasons for the infil- 14¢e of construction, and that control and left the east- spokesman, the vehicle was ling lot increase is, devel- developers be allowed to fill bound lane of Concession 2, on its way to a car fire, but opers feel, because apart- their quota at a rate geared between lots 18 and 19, went no more information was ments usually produce less (o the market and other into the ditch, struck a cul- available on the fire. persons per unit, and much aor. vert and came to a stop after According to the spokes- . Developers also want the hitting a hydro pole. man, the one truck shortage Island building right to- transfer or trade According to a spokesman at Scugog Fire Department development rights between of the Newcastle detachment No. 2 (Caesarea) will be as . rules changed developers. of the Ontario Provincial short as possible. The- . Mr. Knox. reaffirmed a - Police, the eastbound tanker department has other A system of land classifi- goyelopers' financial pro- struck an icy patch of road trucks, and if needed, could cation described' by one 0641" that would make after negotiating a curve use trucks from the other "«~ municipality's. policy of dif- anq sewage levies on the 450 Caesarca." Damage to the Week Ending March 13th N ferentiating between resi- uo vehicle was about $1,800.00 AdMiSSiONS ...................... 41 snow, and warmer temperatures is that it brings out dential and summer resort If accepted, council's total according to police BitthS...oovoeoeooo 7 all the pretty young ladies. And one of the prettiest zone areas. He said the estimate of 450 units over the estimates. Deaths wooo 2 we've seen for many a spring, is five-year-old Carrie system was unworkable, al- vay, years would be up to Mr. Radcliffe was taken to Emergencies.................. 130 Collins of 349 Queen Street who was trying out a most impossible to enforce. 44 Theoretically, all units Port Perry Community Operations....................... 14 tricycle, reclaimed after a winter of disuse. From a7 Under the present bylaw. ™ could be constructed the first Memorial Hospital, kept Discharges... 42 what we could see, she hasn't lost her expertise in § : (continued on page 2) year, and via transferral of overnight for observation, Remaining...................... 44 handling the three-wheeler