= J 7 el OT CTO A! { | i ! i ree -- = ys a -------- Raia ana a i eT PN Sie [J] '» . 2 9 \ Vol. 109 - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, Wednesday, March 19, 1975 - No. High School Drama Night: Entertainment with a difference There are no instant re- plays or reruns in--live- theatre, so for those who missed last Wednesday's Drama Night at Port Perry High School will not have another chance to take part in an evening of delightfully different entertainment. lan Harper, The Leader. 'tastes. A program of four one-act plays and music provided entertainment for most The production emphasis was on the play- ers, reflected by effective but limited sets, lighting, and sound. ; Performances reflected Second Section 19 the students' enthusiasm for the project, leaving little doubt that the school has its fair share of talent. Perhaps the most inspirec performance was. that of student Kevin Bruce as "the announcer" in The Leader The play was also the school's entry in the Durham Region Collegiate Dramas Festival. His performance carriec thé audience past what coul¢ be considered a play perhaps too deep for the occasion. For pure entertainmeni and audience reaction, it was the student-directec Pyramus and Thisbe thal topped the lists. The obvious students' delight in staging the play was reflected in the audience's reaction. To pick out a top performer would not be suitable here, as the entire cast did an entertain- ing and "fun" job of it. Sandy Worr played the part of Hester, in Still Stands the House, very effectively as well, and from the last half of the Mad Hatter's.Tga, Party (the first play' pre- = sented), it was all-around, good night's entertainment at Port Perry High. The cast of "The Mad Hatter's Tea Party' were Kevin Bruce, Ian Harper, Janice Stark and Janet Wat- son; 'Still Stands the House" cast were Bill Sharpe, Jenifer Carriere, Sandy Worr, Dale Peck: The production crew for 'Still Stands the House" were Joanne Barry, Teresa John- son and Lisa Barry; cast for Pyramus and Thisbe were Janice Stark, Tye Burt, Bruce McLaurin, Brian ~Tomchisin, Janet Watson, and Darcy Wallace. Impromptu, Joanne Barry, Ann Tennyson, Dianne Espie, Lee Warden, Lisa Barry, Marilyn Hodgins, Charlie Hall, Robert Andrews, Marilyn Stephens, Judy Howsam, Sid Visser and Hilda Balling; in "The Leader" the cast were Darcy Karen Taylor applies make-up to Kevin Bruce. Wallace, Kevin Bruce, Ian Harper, Lillian MacPherson, Tye Burt, Janet Watson and Bruce McLaurin. The pro- duction crew were Joanne Barry, Roy Gaal, Janice Stark, Kim Middleton and Karen Taylor. Sandy Worr, (left) and "Jenifer Carriere in a scene from Still Stands the A s $5 ¥ |! ry » 4 ' : eis conidia braids t dba t h disad ah oi FLOR : ki L Sound effects by Janice Stark. Isa Barry, Bob Andrews: Two of the improvisers.