DAL Aap INL REN Se get ea Joy wet LL, 'Honeydal The first meeting for 1975 of the Honeydale Branch of the Women's Institute was held in the Municipal Audi- torium on Thursday after- "AE Johnson OPTOMETRIST . for appointment call © 985.2383 or Zenith 59240 W.1. hold first 1975 meeting noon, January 9. The Pre- sident, Mrs. Dorothy Naples, 'welcomed the members by wishing them Good Health, Peace and Happiness for the coming year. The roll call was answered by each member giving an article for a White Elephant Sale. They were many and varied. At the conclusion of the business portion, the meet- ing was turnéd over to Irene Whitfield and her group. "they talk, they argue, and discuss. with John Gast il I know some crusty journalist friends of mine who just wouldn't believe Port Perry. "Lake WHAT.....SKEWGAUUG?..... Wherzat?" Well, after all the old standbys have been sounded, like the don't-blink-or-you-won't-see-it one, or the population 3,000-including-cats-and- dogs one, you just smile a bit and feel sorry for them. They'll never know. I could tell them, but | wont. About the guy who talked to me the other day as anked up the car. Or the people that have wafted forme to pull out from the curb. How about an employer who says "great looking kids you got there, John," or the neighbor who says 'Never mind that Mr. Fallis stuff...it's Dave!' If | told them about all the people that are keeping their ears open for accomodation for me here...people I've just met.... * Well, like | said, they just wouldn't believe me. Hardest of all to explain, however, would be a Port Perry Chamber of Commerce meeting. Fat cats, right? The old eat-and-run routine, right? An exercise in scratching backs, right? Nope, these guys come loaded for bear. After seven years in the business, this reporter just can't help but be shocked to see a member of the chamber actually move behind his plate. Miracle of miracles, in Port Perry They rap about ideas, schemes, and philosophies. And laugh. And from what one can find in the past record, the talk stage, more often than not, leads to the doing stage. Fascinating. It's getting to me, too. Just yesterday a guy .said hello to me on the street. and | almost answered back. I guess 1 need more time. BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS 84 KING ST. W 623-5520 BOWMANVILLE NZ WE'RE EXPERTS WATER REPELLANT FINISHING SUEDES AND LEATHERS DRAPERIES - EXCLUSIVE SANITONE PROCESS Jan. Special USE OUR CONVENIENT PANTS PICK UP STATIONS 99 TRAN'S GENERAL STORE - PRINCE ALBERT BURKETON STORE - BURKETON <3 SWEETMAN'S TAXI - PORT PERRY Ry COUNTRY STORE -- NESTLETON MARTYNS STORE -- BLACKSTOCK Edith Brunton spoke on the Motto, *"The Higher Up the Ladder, the Wider your Horizons". This can come from academic learning, but it can also be from informal development of the mind from short courses and workshops to develop our knowledge of nutrition, sew- ing or crafts, by sponsoring our 4H clubs to encourage and teach our teenagers to become good homemakers and leaders. All this is beyond school learning, and - it widens our horizons. A poem was also read by Councillors get continued eration, according to Mr. Ashe. "We took into account all considerations and suggest- ions," he quipped, "even those who think our salaries should be cut in half or cut off altogether." He said the increase is reasonable, yet it takes into account the rising cost of living. In giving his support to the ~ motion for the pay increase, Coun. Gerry Emm (Whitby) called the issue a remuner- TT Cr Edith, "Thank you Father For the New Book". The pages each represent a day in our lives, blank at the beginning, to be filled each, we hope, with worthy thoughts and good deeds. The White Elephant Sale followed with Clara Warren as Auctioneer. The sale was interesting and successful and added to our funds to help others. The meeting adjourned and Irene's group served delectable refreshments and a social and friendly hour was spent. 10% increase ation "'the most soul-search- ing for any politician, but said that the per centage way is the only adequate way it-can be done." : While nine members Yoted against the raise, only Coun. Ken Lyall (Newcastle) voiced any strong opposition to the hike. He called it "foolish, dreadful", adding that '"'everyone knows what is happening in Ottawa'. "Nobody here is hurting for the lack of dough. No one is the worse off for being here," he said. Long Dresses Winter Footwear -- Loans ranm istics msctids rns 4 rh AR | LRA TA SUSAR AYES RY PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednasday, Jan. %, 7s ----- 3 G.M. employees reveal talents General Motors employees reveal artistic talents be-- yond those required for pro- ducing automobiles. An Exhibition of Arts by a group of thirty GM employees will be presented at the McLaughlin Public Library auditorium on Friday and Saturday, January 17 and 18. The show will be open from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. on Friday evening and from 10:00 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Varied artistic talents featuring oil paintings, drawings, sculpture, needle- work and photography form -- TRY OUR -- Surf & Turf Steaks Filet Mignon Lobster. Tails Fishermans Platter Queen St. Ya PRICE 1/3 OFF 25% OFF 25% ofr 25% OFF miel's Place Licensed Dining and Banquet Rooms Port Perry the basis of the exhibition. E. C. Clark, GM power- plant engineer and exhibitor, says '"This is a non-juried, no contest arts showing which provides an opportunity for Oshawa and area people who have an active or casual interest in art to view the work of others." Director Joan Murray, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, adds *"'An arts exhibition of this nature with over sixty entries, organized and. plan- ned by GM employees has exciting potential for talent discovery." Some exhibitors will be on hand during show hours. 0000000000000 0000000 OES JANUARY SALE ¢ Ladies Dresses Ladies Pant Suits Girls Coats & Dresses 14 prick Ladies Coats Utex & Posiun 29% OFF Ladies Housecoats HHH TT ETE EN, SEE Just Arrived Polyester & Cotton 32.95 per. yd. Brushed Denim Patterned or Plain 2.95 per.yd. - Cotton & Lingerie Crepes | 95¢-31.29 per. yd. Polyester Knits *4.95 -*5.95 per. yd. Polyester *4.75 - 4.95 per. yd. A.W. BROCK 10) D8 57:9 24 MY BOF Vl AES UN 0) 28 Om = CC ) FE WRIA TY WL » I 1 rs 4 . PPL a PAE Rd . y Pa $d N ER - wmssln EN soidindi Leia CRE aE REN 5 ee - RET Riis Sy ni Cry #7 el » ce ~ rs I i i Td DP EE dl y - cr v < ita LS: