\ AR | EH sCatieiinidSibe at = 'Bell expands telephone service < By Reg Wightwick Oh jov! Oh joy! On December Hth extended area service for the tele- phone users in the Port Perry area comes into being. Work started on the project back in the spring, when crews started to lay a new cable from Oshawa to Port Perry. and friends, families, and businesses will be able to call to each other, back and forth between these two places without long distance charges in the future. Scu- gog Island residents also heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of Bell workers putting a new cable underground along County Rd. 7. This new cable will mean that more circuits will become available, and anyone wish- mg to upgrade their type of service will be able to do so. At present, the shortage of lines on the island means that as many as ten people share a single fine. Imagine if you can, a ten-party line in this day and age. I talked to Reid Robinson, Northern Electric instal- lation supervisor, while he was working in the Port Perry telephone exchange and learned that many other changes took place since he and his crew started on the CHOICE PRICED MEATS RIGHT ! BEEF CUSTOM KILLING - FREEZER ORDERS Fronts, Hinds, Sides Personalized Cutting and Wrapping PORK The Family Butchers gpecials ) for this week Beef Hearts Beef Tongues Oxtail Chop Suet FRESH Pork Riblets GROUND Dog Meat ».69° 069° 0. 49° Ib. 25° 5.99" v.39° CAWKER'S BUTCHER SHOP Queen St. - Port Perry - Phone 985-2562 AFTER HOURS PHONE: 985-7327 I~ Grand Opening IVES FLORIST 16 Water Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-2525 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 Many Specials on sale from Thursday through Saturday - Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. ZN MOK IKACK IKK HCHO inside work back in August of this year. First they installed a com- plete new power plant, both for regular and auxiliary power, then they put in one of the very latest kind of equip- ment to handle the flow of calls between the two cen- tres, called Unified Voice Frequence. This U.V.F. equipment, one of the few in Ontario and one of-Bell's latest, has the capability to enable each of the 29 new lines to handle up to one. hundred voice transmissions simultaneously. This means fewer busy signals and reduces the need for giant cables. T.R.C. also has been plac- ed in sevice, Traffic Register Control is an ingenious de- vice thal takes a picture at specified intervals, auto- matically, of a bank of counters that register the number of circuits used. This system will tell Bell when the lines are busiest, and how many calls have been made between photos. Over 500 local lines were added to the Port Perry exchange between August and now. This will let many more people have private lines, or let businesses have extra telephone facilities. A side benefit to all this work is that Brooklin resid- ents can now call Port Perry no charge, and vice versa. After the 14th of December, if you in the 985" exchange wish to call your friends or customers located in the "655" exchange area, you will be able to do so al no extra charge, as they will be able to do. New "trunk" lines were added to accomo- date this load. The results of months of work will be enjoyed by both . business and residential users of the telephone system in both Oshawa and the Port Perry area. To the Port Perry users it will mean access to all the numbers in the 723. 725, 728, 576, 579, and the 644 telephone exchanges without a toll charge. Osh- awa and Brooklin Bell cus- tomers will enjoy the free- dom of calling Port Perry and area exchange numbers using the 985 exchange with- out a long distance charge. HANCOCK TV TOWERS COLOR HEADS Rotors - Towers UHF-VHF Installed or Kit Form Port Perry, Ont. 985-2968 After 5:00 P.M. PRO SKK SK IOR aN 5 AVA © - PORT PERRY STAR - Wed Dec. 11, 1974 -- 23 If threatened, stay calm, call police "Hey buddy, give me a buck or 1 will punch you in the (deleted) mouth. If somebody has approach- ed you in Port Perry and made the above threat, you are not the only one that this has happened to. Constable Wayne Nethery, accident prevention officer of the Whitby detachment of the provincial police, said that the police have heard of these types of threats being made in Port Perry. But when the police hear about these threats, it is usually long after the incid- ent has taken place and too late for the police to do anvthing about it. Const. Nethery said that if any request for money is accompanied by a threat, it is extortion and should be reported to the police immediately. It vou are threatened, Const. Nethery said, the first thing to do 1s remain calm and do not offer any resis- tance. Give the person the money and get a good description of the person and get the names and address of anyone who witnessed the incident. Then contact the police immediately. "Unless these incidents are reported. there is very little your police force can do to stop it." Constable Neth- ery said. The people making (hese threats are often winos or unemployed youths, he said. STEVEN'S MARKET HIGHWAY 7 & 12 - MYRTLE | Chris Imas Specials Reid Robinson, supervisor, connects new lines, there are over 1000 pairs of lines in the cable he is working with. Northern Electric installation CHRISTMAS TREES ( A Good Selection) Macintosh APPLES 4 Qt. Bskt. 4y WE ALSO FEATURE: CHRISTMAS CANDIES, NUTS, CAKES MINCEMEAT TARTS, FANCY FRUITS. OPEN: TUES., WED., THURS.,- 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. FRI., SAT., SUN.,- 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. OPEN MONDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS TTS TT TARE: MERA A V5.5 A ry 20 AL CARY