WEE TART A RRR AES FEN HT HIIZANAI LARTER Pit WP PR AREAS a LS = = 0h = 1 -- SSH = 4 = =) Za i oe Ld =H = Wh =] = BO = = Na gO AV V7. = RA B= = = JW = Ho a =I 14-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1974 . o : " : ° . S I cash. 'No reserve as owner is a. Auction Sales '| Auction Sales , Auction Sales | wisn Titre" iriure 5 Auction Sales Auction Sales - : ub --_ | saleat12noon. Machine sale at 1 ' . .m. Cattle sale at 2:30 p.m. : THURSDAY -- AUGUST 22 WEDNESDAY -- AUGUST 28 | North side on Hwy. No. 7 or 6 | D7, ol ly Ed. Allen, Clerks, Our regular weekly auction is | Auction Sale of Farm Mach. | miles West of Lintisay on Hwy. | c5r) Hickson, Auctioneer. Rea- Saturday -- Aug. 24 now held on Thursday, August | inery, Grain, Household Furnit- { No.7. Furniture Sale at 12 Noon, | poro, Ontario. 1-705-324-9959. ANNIS - GAUSLIN Sole of 2230 PA 22, 1974. Flat back cupboard, | ure-and Large Quantity of Anti- | Machinery Sale at 2:30 P.m. g SUCHIN Sol Charm. Ch Gothic style (session) oak clock, | ques. Cockshutt 30 Tractor, A-C | Terms cash, Farm sold. No I % Licenced Auctioneers ke. ars Pion pty oak hall stand, mahogany dining | VA Tractor, Cockshult 633 Man. | reserve. Ward Holmes, Ed Allen, Wednesday -- Sept. 4th 3] Farm & Estate Sales on Re uksice Ar. By room table, rosewood buffet, | ure Spreader, Int. No. 9 Power | Clerks. Carl Hickson, Auctio. | Livestock and Implements. 56 oN Furniture (Modern & Antique) ; i gate legged table, chesterfield, | Mower, Malco 24' Hay Elevator, | neer, Reaboro, Ont. 705.324.9959. Heretorg Poll Angus sn) Share: Ch . ine wash stand, pi hest H. ill, 2 CTT TT lais Cattle. .F. ew b John Annis 942-4500 Aobyrday So hlemier 2: 194, drawers, rid ai Toole ming Tutt THURSDAY -- AUGUST 2¢ High Arch Diesel Tractor, 135 Li Earl Gauslin 640-3079 shin My ph Yoh pony cart, oil lamps, crocks, [ 50 Ton of Herta Barley. The | Ale AT § P.M: hrs. with Allied Manure Loader, Tail Freeman McCullogh, Port | 900d selection of old Canadian | property of Milton Webster uction sale of Furniture, Imple- | 1972 M.F. No. 12 Baler, 1974 5 3 Perry ' pressed glass. Wagon wheel | (some furniture the property of | Menis. Antiques, the property of Star-Post Hole Digger, 1971 M.F. §~- Fh) Saturd Seplember 14, 1974 round mirror with large augtani- | the late Mrs. Margaret Webster. Alan & Joan Andrews, being Vz | 140 Bus. Manure Spreader, 1974 x 4 MURRAY JACKSON ae oY; top oo oF Hoe * | 1ar trame, old 8 day travel clock, | Lot 17, Con. 9, Mariposa Twp. | "Mile east of Goodwood on Hwy. | Cobey 6 Ton Wagon, 1974 Encor 5 ; NA ares Bunker, Sloviiv)!ie, Cobalt blue glass rose vase | First farm East of Oakwood on | 47-0n Southside, included willbe | Ton Wagon, David Brown Crop & Yi ARNOT WOTTEN Saturday, September 21, 1974 : s | ES : h : Xl ur ih p Smne . ' (very rare). Many more collec. Ford tractor, mower, blade, | master Tractor, 3 Pt. Hay, 0. 1 Auctioneering Services > 4 Pu ips, jatons, vars Volts oid Quod Lied Tur loader, trailer, Viking 8 H.P. | Household Furniture and Anti. : ) i aturday, Pp , . \ Deal . Riding Mower, tools, T.V. tubes ves. The property of the late Livestock * Machinery Jace Neale; Claremont ure. Dealers. welcome. Auction § + Sr qa * : Furniture DNV i. ; . miles north east of Uxbridge or and equipment, Dining Room | sam Brancatti, Lot 14, Con. 14, Reasonable Rates Saturday, Oclober 5, 1974, |g biod north west of Port Perry Suite, Oak Desk, Carpets, Roto | Brock Twp. 6 miles south of Port Perry, Ont. -- 985-2459 |: Precip Home tardware, Bre. | niyo 'on Yan concession of Tiller, Bedroom Suite, Propane | Beaverton at Junction of Hwys. | in, Js Wn Annis and Earl Gauslin Reach Township belween county Stove 20°', Dryer, Washer, Rec: 12 and 48. First farm east. uctioneers, 683-4500, 640-3097 road 10B (Durham 23) and Hwy REALTOR ord Players, Electric Guitar, Furniture sale at 12 noon. Mach- ; 12, 3'2 miles north of hwy. 47. I --. iam Jellos. Jaie Saw, Fotis Sat, inery sale at 1:30 p.m. Cattle 5 : Note if you have good articles, adder, 2Lawn Mowers, Antique | sale at 3:00 p.m. Terms cash. Ne A . furniture, antiques or collecti- 985-3292 293-3764 Chair, Barn Boards, Bar, Gar- | reserve. Ward Holmes, Ed. ® gC Get SOLD on the Sign SOLD bles that you would like 10 turn ------ den Tools, 1969 Ford Station | Alen, Clerks. Carl Hickson, i v dr gonrty into cash we would be glad to 1 acre building lot, | Wagon, Many other articles. | auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 1 | H KEITH LIMITED REALTOR . handle these items on consign. | Septic and building per- | Terms cash, Farm sold. Saleaté | 705.324.9959. ! COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE ment. Bring them to the auction mits available 42 000.00 pio. sharp. Norm Faulkner and (Aug. 28) - thr : ! UE Burd, Auctioneers. 15 CW. barn on Thursday 11 a.m. til 5 on ! " KING ST w OSHAWA - fe p.m. or phone Bryan Green 12 storey 3 bedroom Sat. Aug. 31st 576-3333 y 1297 4133 for further inform | brick and stone home, Sale at 3 pm ation. , | sliding glass doors to sun- 25 f | Ii 3 deck, full basement, elec. TS | acres of gently rolling partially - treed WEDNESDAY -- AUG. 28 tric heat, roughed in fire- | |3.5 cross cattle. 1972 John Deere '|* FOR SALE ] vacant land. 2 legal entrances on Hwy. 12, SALE AT 1 P.M. place. Asking $60,000. | 2120 Diesel tractor with 1973 . A everflowing stream, pondsite, A2 zoning. Ven- "ANTIQUES"! Freeman manure loader, 1973 5 dor will consider holdi The property of Noone"s Restau M.F. manure spreader, 1971 . - 2 Townshi te Sy igh: Res rant and Motel. 1 mile north of Two storey Chalet, 2 | jonn Deere 24T baler, 1972 John % | P. 9 i UE Kirby on Highway 115 on west decks, single attached Deere 416s Trip beam plough, Royal Trust ] io : arage on '2 acre lot. 1971 McKee snow blower, 1970 . . side. Terms cash. Auctioneers g g Fargo '> ton truck, hay, straw. 2 acrein Resen Township, good al 342 ft. remarks. Due fo business press. | Askihg $55,000.00. household furniture. The proper - "THE SIGN rontage on paved road. Sma arn wi yaro, ure Mr. and Mrs. Noone are " ty of Ole Pederson (former THAT SELLS" good potential for re-zoning. disposing of their collection of Janetville Harvey Akins Farm) Lot 1, Con. antiqués and this sale presents This is a lovely 3 bed- | & Cavan Twp. 6 miles north west 2 commercial 12 acre lots. Manvers town- GR A I for 21 | room. 1 year old, builders an he of Huy. ship, partially cleared, everflowing stream, the finest antique sales of the | PFick home on large lot in | No.11son 6th Concession. Terms | suitable for seasonable residence. Asking season. Don't miss it -- Ted | @ quiet small town set- om . THE ROYAL \ $25,000. spencely, Grant Werry Auc- | ting. Finished recreation Che Mouse of Homes' TRUST COMPANY tioneers. Antique China Cabinet, | room with a stone fire- Realty Division 54 acres Super recreational retreat or Antique Side Board, complete | place. Priced to sell at : 1 private club, acres of fantastic hills, dales, Super cota. Antiave Rocking Chairs, | $42,500. Call Scugog Blackstock Creek, plus pond and 2 bedroom NHA standard Antique Sideboards, Antique | Reality Lid. 985-3292. 4 bedroom, 2 storey cottage bungalow, electric heat, 3 piece bath, Duncan Fyfe Table, Antique Hall : brick, featuring garage, well insulated. Septic tank and good well. Words rack and umbrella stand, Ant. | 9 acre lot, wooded, Realtor , | sauna, large lot on main cannot describe the beauty of this scenic land. ue S3b ios wsant Anis building and sceptic tank Sas) Slee to Sires and Asking $93,500 with 2 down chesls (5), Antique wicker cra- | permi available, 13 schools. 5 minutes from ! : dle, Antique commode chair, : View Lake 4 4 : miles north Lake Scugog. Now re- Co Aniiaue vanity, Antiave Book | 7 orth of Port | Cottage Lot, $3,000.00 | SKS, >CU909 Executive Splendor in this stately brick 2 case, Brass lamp, wash stands erry, paved road, year down. A large lof over- uced to ,000. storey home in the north end of Oshawa. Picture (4) Wooden beds, Commode, | Found access. $16,000. looking Lake Scugo Blackstock, Ontario, 10.3 H i Picture Frames, Coal-Oil lamps, - 90x ingd 909. acl sjocl, ! : windows from family room at rear of home 18 : ! Ps, to lake. Wat d Brand new, not : i y : RB Gone With-The-Wind-Lamp, access 10 lake. ater an acres. ra ' 4 overlooking treed lot, has built in cupboards, press back chairs, Drop Leaf FOR PROFESSIONAL building permit avail-| complete, but livable. a vy exhaust fan and skylight. Entertain in the tables, Antique telephones, Bis. REAL ESTATE able. Full price $12,000. Modern cedar siding Slegsns yasiness of he 34 4 livingroom with cuit jars, Piano stool, Toilet sets, SERVICE - CALL home, 2 bedroom, full ireplace, bow windows. Special broadloom Decanters, Quantity of flat irons, 985-3292 - 293-3764 diningroom, bright kitchen with breakfast nook, clocks (3). Mill-wheels, Wool 28 Water Street Permanent Vione asm op, good ea 8 f i ; . On the lake, 3 bedroom | School bus at door. Nice 4 bedrooms with walk out to balcony from front Si, Sprays Biagio Port Perry bungalow with garage,| Country setting. Only 4 3 ' c , ks * ial ' . bedroom, 4 piece and 3 piece baths, broadloom graph. Coffin stands, child's | Morley Bruce - 985-2528 fully broadloomed, large | $60,000. stairs and huge entrance foyer with enclosed loilet chair, Antique teacher's | | Doble fireplace. Situated on telephone room. Why not move to the in town desk. (Aug. 28) | any Haynes - 986-4402 | large lot 90 x 460, beauti- Sandwood Estate, Lake group? Asking $69,900. Lloyd Hay 1g Yreed, Nis extras Scugog. 3 new Viceroy Compact executives for the small family, Full price $49,000. with| cottages fully winterized, | just north of Oshawa golf club, 3 bedroom, EDWARD terms. electric heating, 3 bed- +E separate dining room, large living room, ultra rooms, ling and dining § modern kitchen, stereo wired to 26 ft. rec. room : Retirement Home g booms, SHenens, Nicely 14 with indoor - outdoor carpeting. Home com- In Port Perry woo ed lots 100 x 200 pletely broadloomed. Attached garage, super 5 room frame home, Cooss io lake with pri- huge lot 95 x 115. Just reduced to $69,900. nicely decorated, close to Vig par ' Morigages are } oo Real Estate schools and parks, low | dif whi - Priced irom Cottage on the Mariposa Brook, good fishing taxes and heating. Full BOUL: 3 bedrooms, A rn he! BROKER . price $27,500. Bowmanville, Ontario. combination, i ' eat, Port P Brick bungalow 6 rooms 648 sq. ft. living area. Lot 150 x 160 ft. Immediate 942-1822 839-3390 4 bed ! erry t lus 3 in rooms, ver i Storage shed for. boats etc. Only edroom, storey- | P ? +» very possession. g 3 IC. home, clean as a whistle, | well built. 1/2 baths on $26,900, $5,000 down and owner. will hold situated on large treed | quiet residential street + mortgage, hurry for this one. Oshawa Scugog Point . lot, loads of privacy. | features large sun deck ; Very lovely 3 bedroom Winterized 3 bedroom | Beautiful flagstone patio | and finished rec. room, Desirable new year round home on Scugog brick bungalow with car- cottage with sunporch, 3 | with pit. Includes frig. | wet bar. Only $59,900. Island, 3 bedroom . full basement, broadloom porton Taunton Rd. NW. pc. bath, livingroom, | and stove, T.V. tower, all | Mortgage money avail- throughout, 80 x 200 ft. lot, overlooking lake. Large livingroom, holly- kitchen with dining area. drapes. Early possession able. Must be seen. wood kitchen, dining- All broadloomed. Good | $43,900 ' Ein 4 pe, sib, peau. wal, heavy duty wiring. New Homes Winterized Summer i NO ANSWER? CALL Secor sy, nly $23400. In Prince Albert Cottage -- Caesarea level has livingroom, Kkit- Lake S C chen, bedroom, second P $8,000 to $10,000 down, 3 € scugog -- Corner VALERIE BUTT -- 985-2122 Port Perry bedroom not furnished. | ort Perry | bedroom brick bunga-| Lot - Well Landscaped. \ LORNA BELKO 579-3379 First mortgage af 6Va invesiment opportunity low, separaie diningroom | Close to Lake, 1v2 Car 1 RUBY INGLETON 623-2626 Bowmanville percent. Only $52,900 manta obs and 3,.apart- | nicely decorated and ful-| Garage, 2 badioam withy } 8 KATHLEEN TWAITES 723-2008 TU In street on | |y broadloomed. Ample | 'argé sun porch. Furn- : } JOE LONGO 725.6735 lower level - shops - 1 | (lgset space. See these| ished. Features T.v. ; ¥ GEORGE TWAITES 723.2008 Long Point Snarimen - 2 bedrooms, houses today, only 2 left,{ Tower, New Oil Furnace, 3 DOUGLAS TRIVETT 723-7390 3 bedroom cottage, I ingragin kitchen, 3 Pe: | interest at 10 percent. pi Wess, etc. Only JANICE CORLEY 576-6857 fully furnished with dou- : sement, | Full price $49,900.00. Sf: us JS 8 very 1 ! ble boathouse, . includes {OWN water and sewers. good cottagh at a bargain . . | RELOCATION SERVICES Throughout Johnston boat and 18 H.p. JPPer level each apart. | Senarave ition, Price. | +s . cre vacant la { North America motor. Voidot takes back I oa elyaom, ah 4 acres cleared. Nonquon| For information re: the J We h rive: client List of 1st thorigage ai Per- ne. bath. Seperate | passes through property, above call Blackstock 3 i e have the clients. your property for cent, $19,500.00. entrance $65,000. excellent spot for retreat. |. Bill McGeoghan - 986-5076 3 1 sale with one of Canada's largest Real Estate Full price $26,500. Bob Tayior z 986-5520% is § Companies. Many offices to serve you. NT or e Roval Trust i Member " the hwo District Real Est . Board Call Diane Kiers 1-705- 357 - 3255 MARION HOPKINS Company : state r a iane Kiers 1-705- - ; ] , Sales Manager Toronto 698-5581 A 985-7215 or 668-8848 .