8 -- PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1974 | B Finds 1894 new E---- in the area. Plymouth spape nereases (THE 1975 CARS WILL ALL BE SUBSTANTIALLY HIGHER IN PRICE THAN THE "74's Choose your new car from the largest selection of cars Plymouth Satellite « Justarrived ... the luxurious Chrysler Newport CHRYSLER Port Perry Ch rys| er CHRYSLER Dodge Trucks SALES/SERVIGE 7A & 12 Highway - 985-7329 SALES/SERVICE MANCHESTER, ONTARIO A (continued) ed at Port Perry every Thursday by a H. Parsons. Among other interesting items on the four page broadsheet in its 38th year in 1894, is a list of prices in the Port Perry market. Chick- vw Automatic V8 + Power Steering v~ Power Brakes » Pin Striping v» Bucket Seats --___ + VinylRoof ~=33.. + Radio + Console ay ILL LN TRE EPC POE \ JIA X x + 2 rin old stone foundation py 3 ens for 8 cents a pound and butter at 18 cents a pound! A 112 acre farm on Lot 26, concession 10 in the town of Reach is advertised for sale at $3200. There are several interest- ing poems too like "The fall of night on Scugog" by O. Fletcher and '"Ya-Honk" by someone called 'The Khanf'. James Cookson and his wite Sylvia plan to frame the newspaper and hang it up in their recreation room. They Skeletons reveal bone cancer Skeletons recovered in Egypt have shown bone deformations similar to those produced by bone can- cers. old Testament references have been inter- preted as referring to can- Yon REARS SA WARS AF CREPES FH ARLE DC Lf t Wu BR J also hope to get the letter chemically restored to read what's on it. According to them their ¥ 3 house on 437, Queen Street, Port Perry, which they bought. 3 years ago, was originally built by Mr. Wad- dell. People often told them it was over a 100 years old but the discovery of an 1894 newspaper in the foundation now places the figure at an accurate 80. cer. Cancer has threated man for a long time. Today, however, great strides are being made in the fight against this old disease. Thousands of cancer patients are now cured. * & SAVE ON Premium Quality © GASOLINE © DIESEL ° MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available. Call Collect | 668-3381 ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? DX Olt FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WES PLUMBING - HEATING - ' i 3 il 'Hh PORT PERRY] LANE - ELECTRIC - 985-2413 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE |" \ ARRAS ee.