| ------ A < Fax . A fe vm LT \YS AY VL 4 bt TA NE NL 0 . { x) yi L4% ' ' DRY Fah NEAR LH: INVA HE ' Y] v wrth \ ; ALS 5 at J J ' L FESS Lh BY CELA, cod TRAN Dc : : : 3 h or 3) NE] Vn (FOC RY FN ol aM Ae) §: % ! : wv . vavbondoas bed beds ren a SRIARPEEISRWLE TURE BARA vR IE SHER HAN | PORE AN hd : i. ¥ AVE ERPIT A IAN LAR VIE ALR ER Bell increases phone rates « in the Blackstock area Basic monthly telephone into line with those charged number of phones in its rates will go up in the Black- in other exchanges in the present rate group. stock exchange beginning same rate group. Rates for any exchange July 10, 1974, Marline Monthly rate for private are governed by the phone Veater, Bell Canada mana- line residence here will be 25 count in its local calling : } ger in this area, said today. cents higher, to $4.55. The areca, This reflects the value An Anniversary partly was Schafer, expert on drug re Mike England on Sunday." This is because the num- private line business rate of the service principle 85 held on Saturday evening pahilitation among the many ; ber of phones in the goes to $8.85. which ties increasing value June 15th in honour of Mr. speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clark exchange's local callingarea As required, Bell notified to phone growth. and Mrs. Bruce Woodrow of of Colborne were Saturday has outgrown the present the CTC that the phone count Mrs. Veater emphasized Port Perry. The party was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brad- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. rate group. in the Blackstock exchange's that these rate changes are held by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jey Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. ~~ William. Harrison. They all The increase, ordered by local calling area had ex- not related to general y Vokins of Prince Albert. Oscar Bradley of Scarbo- called on Mr. and Mrs. M. the Canadian Transport ceeded bv more than five rate-increase . applica- £1 Friends and relatives of rough were guest of Mrs. Collis at their cottage on Commission, will bring rates percent - the maximum tions. A Bruce and Marie presented Ww | Nott and Mr. and Mrs. ~~ Scugog Island. d 3 them with a set of pots and pans. All present had .an enjovable evening. Former residents of Port Perry Mrs. R.G. Doubt of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Doubt of Strand and Mr. Ross Doubt of Point Claire. Quebec, visited rela- tives and friends on Sunday. Ray Cook and Dale Mc- Nely home from visiting Don and Larry of Yellow Knife, N.W.T. The Churches of Scientol- : ogy in Canada are holding a a9 Human Ri >rvi : : enon on June sh A J fopper> VALUE CHECK'D at 2:00 p.m. at the Four 3 prefer our MEATS Seasons Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Toronto. The i OUR CRYSTALS service highlights a two dav FLAY national Conference on Human Rights and Social Sva0s. [Yr ¢ to \ oly Bag Reform with M.P. Ron At- P Pe aw TENDER - PLUNP - YOUNG QUARTERED Chicken 65: FRESH OUT - MEATY CHICKEN BREASTS 96: TENDER - PLURP - YOUNG BACKS OFF CHICKEN LEGS 93 CANADA PACKERS - SHORT SHANK - SKINLESS MAPLE LEAF - SWEET PICKLED - ORYOVAO He SMOKED HAMS 255 ion 79¢ | COTTAGE ROLLS nb. 89« PETER PIPER BOLOGNA By the Piece 1b. gg¢ WIENERS MILD SEASONED Ib. F@¢ JUST HEAT & EAT -- FULLY COOKED BURNS - FAMILY PAOK - BEEF 2-07 Ib. y Aor poe" 89 BURGERS 2% *1.98 SAUSAGE »95¢ BACON = 95 kev, Dr. Peter Breggin, U.S. psychiatrist, and Ruben Graduates | Hh fmm, gg einen, ,, 39 Za zz: PURITAN Stews 79 [Tn tiacs 9 | MUSHROOMS 45 wom aon _arsouem go ge KAM wo von TE. tin. 34 (REAMETTES -- 17" 555-35 | | During a recent gradua- tion Larry Moase son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moase, Port Perry. received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the department of Psy- chology, Carleton University in Ottawa. The convocation 18 FI. Oz. Jar Feature! - Easy Open - Od Colony Boft 1 HEINZ MUSTARD 1 31c|| resume secs | DRINKS wv CRISCO OIL ©: [AIG bic orto anes 39°] FLEECY roms sons 1 ,6©) [SARDINES 49. PREFER OUR FRESH PRODUCE EATURE! -- QRAPEFRUIT OR (RECONSTITUTED) TRE ORANGE JUICE 55° was held on June Ist in the WiLL | Opry fons of ihe Nation) California Sunkist Sweet Julcy $ - pp ay rts Centre, Ottawa where wm : FLOLSZE © FEATURKI 40 FL. 0s. Bottle FROZEN cover Getord ori | {ORANGES «69% MIR vous erst 2:79. VINEGAR ar odor ' ' { Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade $ AVI oy G BREAD DOUGH ve Fair dates $CABBAGE -- 39¢$ AYLMER JAMS 87 undiniudubriin eo 5 $1.29 "d 4 | for areaq 3 SWEET ONIONS" 3 ROSE » PICKLES 49. VARIETY PACK "79. oni . . . 4 FEATURE! -- CREAMED To Within. AL. 4 a re | 1 tows59'§ SERVIETTES wun 31 HOMEY Brown bear 85. § Storr caw . : wArriy p E RE! -- FEMININE NAPKINS FEA 1 -- D PAPER 2 Moll Pack " . poi os ond | Se, | MODES ven 59. SCOTTOWELS 79. §.mw cass : $ STRAWBERRIES NO PEST STRIPS . a Aurora Jue n so womans WAPONA strips 52.29 SUGAR Wafers 2199. Blackstock Aug. 24 Vv A ¥ | Lindsay Sept 18-22 | Silverwoods favorite Weston crusty Pascall English Westons Hamburg Orono Sept. 5, 6, 7 : Osh July 18 - 21 . omens wm ICECREAM | BREAD | CANDIES | &Weiner Buns Port Perry Foi 16 oz. loaf 3' oz. Pkg. Pkg. of 8 i nea. 31.19] 4 wr $1.00 or $1.00] 3 rr *1.00 i . Sept. 2 ee 1 , . 15 Open Thursd ¥ | © © |DOWSON'S RED & WHITE romper, 75 Uxbridge Sept. 17, 8 ONTARIO Hil 9 p.m.