12 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 19th, 1974 ia) mdi Lin Sl =A 4d TE 200) 7 985-7330 ~. Sa XC fe i Zn PETER SMITH ~~ ART REEDER 985-3597 986-5110 PHIL GORESKI ~~ Marrill MacDonald 985-3068 263-2009 are your NEW TEAM IN Port Perry at 174 Queen Street OTHER LOCATIONS Simcoe Centre - Oshawa King St. W. - Oshawa Bay Ridges - Toronto Bancroft MEMBERS Toronto Real Estate Board Oshawa & District Real Estate Board WE HAVE THE BUYERS THROUGH OUR TORONTO AND OSHAWA OFFICES. NEED SALES STAFF NOW -- CONTINUOUS TRAINING, PROMOTION FROM WITHIN. PHONE NOW Dozens of Exclusive Listings to choose from, for example: COUNTRY RESIDENCE Approximately 22 scenic acres with 8 room house and barn in the village of Sonya, the old original manse. : : OSHAWA SEMI Backsplit, 4 hedroom on large beautiful lot. Landscaping, immaculate home, inspect this one and make an offer. FARM 99 acres near Janetville on the Pigeon River, good farm land with solid house and barn. COTTAGE ; Lake Front, Lot 50 x 300, at Viewlake, small cottage. Road open all year for year round use, commuting distance. 22 STOREY OSHAWA Low down payment, possible 6 bedrooms, new furnace, move quickly on this. NEW HOMES Many new homes in Oshawa with excellent 9 percent financing. LAND 25 acres on Hw. 7A east of Nestleton, wooded, creek, good building site. FOUR YEAR OLD -- OSHAWA Three bedroom brick bungalow, partially finished basement, must sell quickly. Owner leaving country. MANCHESTER Four bedroom house and barn on approxim- ately 1 acre of land. Right in the village. Priced to sell quickly. Auction Sales WALKER-LIPTAY LTD. AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK-ESTATES BLOOD HORSES For bookings or Information Contact Steve Liptay, Hampton 263 2117 Bill Walker, Markham, 291 14970 SATURDAY -- JUNE 22ND SALE TIME 1:00 P.M. Auction Sale of Furnilure and Antiques. Machinery & Pouliry. Flock of real good laying hens. Poultry equipment, some siraw. Many other items 00 numerous to mention. The property of Jack Palmer, Bethany, turn south at Shell Station for 'z mile. Terms cash. Farm sold. No reserve. Auctioneers, Grant Werry, Hampton 263 2603, Ted Spence ley, Bethany 277 2989.)June 19) SATURDAY -- JUNE 22ND SALE AT 1:00 P.M. ] Auction sale of Farm Machinery. Super C International tracto with manure lIgader, Forney electric welder, Band Saw, Blacksmith Equipment, Large quantity of tools. Furniture and antiques from an old established homested settled in 1878. The property of the late Norman Preston, North '., Lot 26, Con 13. Smith Twp. 1 mile north of Selwyn on Hwy 507 and '» mile eqstor Smiles north of Lakefield on Hwy. 507 and !':.mile east. Terms cash. No reserve. Ward Holmes, Ed. Allen, Clerks. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario. 705 324 9959. (june 19) THURSDAY -- JUNE 20 SALE 1 P.M. Clearing farm auction for the estate of the Late Walter H. Smith. Located at Lot 34, Con. 10, Markham. (Being 's mile south of Stouffville on the 10th line. Including 2 tractors, Forage Harvester, Forage Wagon, New Snow Blower, Loader, Spreader, Side Rake, Electric Oat Roller, Mower, Ford Pick-up, (9,200 miles) good, Baled Hay, Straw, Grain, also furniture, including 2 Pine Harvest Tables, good. Pool Table, Blacksmith and Carpen. ter Tools, Portable Compressor, Cupboard. Many articles not listed. Note: this is a good sale. Property sold. Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Managers and Auc- tioneers. . SATURDAY -- JUNE 22 SALE AT 11 A.M. Sale of Furniture, dishes, glass- ware, garden tools and numer: ous other articles. The property . of Mrs Bertha Hartley on No. 12 and 7 Highway, 2 miles south of Manchester or 2' 2 miles north of Myrlle, on west side of highway. Many articles of glass and furniture has been in the family for genreations. Property sold, terms, no reserve. Owner or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents connected with this sale. Earl Gosiing and John Annis, Auctineers, Waller Fin. lay, Clerk. (June 19) THURSDAY -- JUNE 20 . 6:00 P.M. EXCELLENT AUCTION Auction sale of furniture and antiques including Viking Re frigerator 2 door, Viking Elecric Stove, Viking 23 deep freeze, Viking washing machine (all electrical applianes in excellent condition), artique bedroom suite (95 years old), pine corner cupboard, pine table, 2 hanging lamps (excellent) pine flour bin, rocking chair, oak dining table and chairs, oak sideboard (ornate), 2 walnut cabinets, small antique mirror, armchair, oval parlour table, toilet set, spool bed, iron and brass bed, captain's high chair, number of antique chairs, cur tains and drapes, fruit jars, crocks and jugs, bells, flat irons, spinning wheel, chests of drawers, many other articles. The property of Effa and Greta Brawn, Lot 5, Con. 9, East Whitby Twp. 2 miles straight eastof Raglan and 34 mile north. Sale at 6:00 p.m. A fine interest ing sale of an old farm house hold. Lloyd Wilson and W.D Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers, Uxbridge 416 852 3524 (June 19) SELL: RENT | Auction Sales SATURDAY -- JUNE 22 FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale of furnilure and antiques including Heintzman piano, number of antique wall and mantel clocks, deep freezer, Viscount washing machine, G.E refrigerator, Grandfather clock, china cabinet, Boston rocker, walnut drop leaf table, number of coal oil lamps, hanging lamp, pine lable, rope bed, rocking chairs, spool bed, small parlour stove, fireplace tools, walnut sideboard, dough box, oak desk, antique settee, brass pail, drop top desk, blanket box, antique bureau, trunk, picture framés, bookcase glass doors, books, washstands, antique Kilchen cabinet, flat irons, child's cradle, pine chest, rugs, antique wooden bed, antique walnut dresser, vacuum cleaner, garden tools, number of carpenter tools, antique tools. The property of Moyer, Dickson Hill, oppo- syte the Missionary Church on wy. 48. 4 miles north of Markham. Note: This is an excellent sale of an old house hold. Plan to be on hand at 11:00 a.m. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson and W.D. Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers, Uxbridaer 416 852 3524. (June 19) WEDNESDAY -- JUNE 26TH SALE TIME 1:00 P.M. Auction Sale of Furniture, dishes, tools etc. The property of Henry Slater, 423 Lilla Street, Port Perry, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Slater are moving to Victoria B C., and this sale presents an opportunity to buy excellent household furnishings. Grant Werry, Hampton 263 2603, Ted Spenceley, Bethany 277 2989, Auctioneers. Terms cash, House sold. No reserve. {June 19) SATURDAY -- JUNE 20 SALE AT 1 P.M. Clearing auction of Household furnishings for Harry F. Ratcliff at 220 Main Street, West in Stouffville. Including 2 bed room suites, chest drawers, T.V., chesterfield suite, clocks, vacuum, polisher, piclures, rugs, lamps, dishes, silverware, bedd- ing, metronome, tables, doll carriage, chairs, washstand, power mower, kitchen utensils, etc. Many other articles not listed. Property sold. Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY -- JUNE 26 SALE AT 12 O'CLOCK Clearing farm auction at Win. drift Farms. (Ross Heron) loca ted on 9th Con. Pickering Twp., 2 miles east of Clarmont, turn north '4 mile on sideline No. 10. (Being 8 miles east of Stouff- ville). Including good farm im- plement, furniture, wicker hugay, waqon, cutter, harness. Some antiques. You name it, we have il. Note. This is a good sale. Property sold. Refreshments, 2 auction rings. Furniture sells first. Atkinson and Wilson, Sales Managers and Auctioneers. (June 19) SATURDAY -- JUNE 22 SALE AT 12 NOON Auction sale of farm machinery and antique furniture, the prop ety of James W. Anderson. Lot 20 Con 10, Verulam Twp. 1 mile north of Bobcaygeon, turn at Germyns saw mile off Fenelon Bobcaygeon Hwy. or '; mile west of Kinmount and Bobcay qeon Hwy. (watch for signs) Ford tractor 20 85 loaded front tires (aood) Ford mower 7 fi (nearly new) MH. seed drill. Oliver side rake on rubber. MH. binder 7 ft. Ferguson plow, Rubber tired waqon, trailer, snow blade, Cockshutt mower (trail type) harness, etc. Pine flat back cupboard (aqood) 2 space healers, piano and bench, Wonds deep freeze, fridae, cook stove, Antique extension table, tarae pie quilt box, chicken coop chair, antique umbrella <tand, 3 pc. bedrrom suite, § pc Flo blue toilet set, chésterfield and 2 chairs, picke cruet, qu. of antique dishes, wash stand (tear drop handles). Large qu. of other furniture. Farm sold, terms "cash. Rea and Larry Johnson, Auctionners Phone (705) 357 3270. Lunch available [] SY V7 =A CI = =00 = {Wh gO =] -- Wey {= Auction Sales THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 27 -- 7 P.M. Auchon sale of farm machinery and small qu. of furniture, the property of Clare Coad "Lot 22 Con 12. Mariposa Twp. 3 miles north of Oakwood, 2' ; miles east or 2 miles south of Cambray and 2° miles west Ford 4000 tractor fanod condition) Ford snow blo wer (good) Weed sprayer. McCormick plow (3 furrow) 3 pt Me Cormick cultivator 8'. ft IHC threshing machine on steel ruck sold as is. 1970 Ski Doo, 30 bp. Cochshutt combine 8 ft (5 yrs Fb pull type. MH. baler with 4 cyl motor. McCormick seed drill, grain and fertilizer. Grain auger, Rubber tired waqon, 2 McCormick cultivators, 3 pt. 14 and 17 tooth. Roll of wire. Buzz saw, 3 pt. tractor pulley, numer ous other arhcles. Farm sold, terms cash, sale at 7 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auction cers, Owner or Auctioneers will no! be responsible for any acadenls. Phone 705 357 3270. SATURDAY -- JUNE 29 Auction sale of 32 Hereford and Holstein Stocker Cattle. Giving Up Farming. Livestock and Im piements, 1970 Int. 624 Diesel Tractor, 780 hrs. fully equipped. 1968 Int. 434 Diesel Tractor with Int. 1501 Manure Loader, Ford 8W Tractor, A R John Deere Tractor, M.F. 35 Diesel Tractor, 1971 Int. 105 self propelled Com bine with cab like new, 1972 Ford 4 14's semi mount Plough, new, 1971 Vibra Shank Cultivator, 1970 Int. Seed Orill, 1970 Leon's Hydraulic Stone Picker, 15 ton of mixed Grain Wheat Household furniture and antiques The properly of Ward & Wendell Holmes, West half lot 14, Con. 9, OPS Twp., 3 miles east of Lindsay past Ops Elementary Schoo! and '> mile south or 2 miles north west of Reaboro. Reaboro w.l. will serve lunch. Terms cash, absolutely no re serve. Furniture sale 12 noon. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle Sale 3:30 p.m. Ed Allen, Bruce Hicks, Clerks. Carl Hickson, Auchoneer, Reaboro, ont. 705 324 9959. (June 26) SATURDAY -- JUNE 22ND SALE AT 10:30 a.m. Farm sold. Machinery, quantity of good modern and antique fur. niture and dishes. Property of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Priddle, 10 miles eas! of Peterborough on Warsaw Road, turn south go 2 mile on 2nd. con. of Douro or 4 miles north of Indian River. Turn off No. 7 Highway. W.D. Allis Chalmers Tractor, Int. 350 Diesel with Waaner Loader, Int. Sprea der, Int. 3 furrow trail Plow on rubber, 3 furrow Int. fast hitch Plow, Massey 17 jooth chain lift Cultivator, Int. 4 bar Rake on rubber Int. 7 ft. cut semimount Mower, disc Plow, 4 section drag Harrows, Allis Chalmers round Baler, 40 ft. Hay Elevator on rubber with '2 H.P. motor, steel stone boal, wagon, trailer, trac: tor chains, scales, burdizzo, Chore Boy milker complete with 2 unils, elec tric cream separa ior, fence posls, electric grinder, 21 £1 aluminum ladder, pressure system, lawn mowers, skill saw, chain saw, quantity of tools, 300 hales hay, cord of wood, 1942 Rambler (new molor as is), oak desk, duncan fife table, drop leaf pine table, oak piano bench, prano stool, umbrella stand, hall seal, oak rocker, oak filing cabinet, 6 oak dining chairs, kitchen table, sm. tables, kitchen cuphoard, maaazine racks, man. tle clock, oval oak mirror, pine chest of drawers, washstand, ward robe, vanity, smoker, radio record player, couch, rockers, love seat, room divider, 6 place setting Crown Windsor Darby china 24 pieces, jugs, coco pitcher, milk glass, many anti que dishes, cups and saucers, auvantily of copper and silver, soap stone dish, set of stainless steel, cedar jewel boxes, tele phone, bottom of aone with the wind lamp, oil lamps, bow and arrows, cider press, 2 oak bar rels. 3.12 gavage shot quns, Stevens 25 calibre rifle and numerous other primitives. Dishes find furniture at 10:30, Machinery at 2 pm Doug Mitchell, Auctioneer, Omemee 7199 S687 1001 belt. 1962 Ford ' . ton' 'Auction Sales TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 25 at 6:30 P.M. Auction sale of household furni ture and antiques, including Finlay cook slove, antique ice hox, walnul roll top desk, antique bookcase glass doors, Westing house refrigerator (good) elec tric stove (good), antique ward robe, leather recliner chair (like new), electric washer and dryer, piano, truck. This is a complete estate plus other consignments. Selling at Elgin Park, Uxbridge, at 6:30 p.m. Lloyd Wilson 852 3524, W.D. Atkinson, Auction cers AUCTION SALE Arabian Horses - Furniture McLaughlin Cutter SATURDAY -- JUNE 22 3 Purebred Arabian Horses, one + Arabian horse, one qrade Morgan mare in foal, McLaughl in cutter in show room condition, two saddles, cultivator, side delivery rake, house jack, chains, motors, tools. House. hold Furniture; Leather Lazy Boy, Dumont combination AM FM stereo set, Colonial chesterfield and chair, end tables, coffee tables, Beach pro pane stove, Westinghouse pro pane dryer, Vilas dining set - 6 chairs, table, corner cabinet, rocking chair, chesterfield and end tables, T.V. trays, vacuum cleaner, many other articles, the property of Roy and Doreen McQuade, Peterborough, '2 mile east of Hwy. 28, on Airport Road, south of Hwy. 115. Terms cash. Farm sold. Furniture sells at 100 p.m. All bidders must register. Steve Liptay, Auctio neer, R. R. No. 1, Bowmanville, 416 263 2117. SATURDAY -- JUNE 29 SALE AT 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of antique furniture, dishes, car, farm machinery. The property of Earl Innis. Lot 31, Con. 8, Town .of Whitby. Approximately 3 miles west of south Myrtle (just west of Ash. burn) or north east of Pickering. Sale will be held at the former Norman Anderson property, just west of Golf Course. Cockshutt 30 tractor (good) wooden wheel waqon with box and spring seat (good) Manure spreader, |.H.C. mower, double walking plow, single plow, M_.H. binder, qu. of old farm machinery. 1947 Dodge (Special De-Luxe Car) original interior, good running condition. All kinds of model T. Ford parts, wooden wheels, steering wheel, chasis engine block, lights (kero- sene) fenders, etc. Waterloo gardent tractor. Antique iron cook stove, very ornate (good). Large corner cupboard with alass doors, wooden washing machine (good) Writing desk and china cabinet. Pine chests, marble top chest of drawers, cabinet radio (good) pine quilt boxes, oblong table with ornate bottom:. Pine Sideboard, press back chairs, arrow back chair on castors. Baby rocker, iron and brass beds, iron beds, rope bed. Pine dry sink, ship bell. Qu. of dishes, horse bells, 1912 Family Herald and Weekly Star. The Newspaper 1906. Front page story of the sinking of the Titanic. 2 McLaughlin cutters (good) Buagy (good). Hundreds of other items, 303 enfield rifle, ctc. Farm sold. Terms cash. Come carly as this is a large sale. Req and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Lunch available. (June i 26) GOING OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO Contact Peter Hvidsten 985.7383 PORT PERRY STAR Y &