26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 24th, 1974 Greenbank UCW (Evening Unit) March: On Sednosdoy, March 13, a group of over 60 ladies, and a few pre-scholers, attended the March meeting which was'in the form of a morning coffee party, held at Greenbank United Church. A short devotional period was led by Mrs. L. Pogue, Mrs. J. Lee and Mrs. M. Foster, Mrs. M. Blakely and Mrs. M. Gibson. Mrs. Pogue introduced Rev. J. Roundell who dem- onstrated the art of macrame. This demonstra- tion included a brief talk on the origin of macrame, some of its uses, types of knots used in doing this craft, also a question and answer period as some of the basic knots were demon- strated. A short coffee break fol- lowed this part of the meet- ing. The business session was led by Mrs. H. McKaen, vice-president. The secre- tary's report and correspon- dence were read. Treasu- rér's report was given. It was moved that $25.00 be donated to the Hay Bay Church Renovations. A work bee was to be held the week of March 25 to varnish the S. S. chairs. All ladies.of the community are invited to help. It was moved that $25.00 be given to the over- all treasury, and that no - joint meeting be held at this time. This concluded a var- ied and most worthwhile meeting. April: Mrs. N. Hunter opened her home to twenty-one members and seven visitors for the April 3 meeting of Greenbank U.C.W. The evening's devotions, based on the Easter theme were led by Mrs. R. Rahm's group, and included the singing of the hymns '"'Amazing Grace, In the Garden, Jesus Saves," scripture, prayer, topic entitled "Winter Is. Past" rand two readings "The Legend of the Dogwood" and on Easter Morn They Tiooked for Him." Mrs. L. Hoge, accompanied by Mrs. Lee, sang a fav- "ourite > all, "The Old "Bugged Cross." : Mrs. .B. Phair, president, opened the business with words of appreciation to Mrs. Hunter for her hospi- - tality, and to the group in charge of the devotions." 'Secretary's and Treasu- rer's reports were given. - : assistance to help you choose the right lighting fixtures foryourhome. Call us for an appointment or drop into i our large showroom at 75 Richmond Street West in Oshawa. &% CONSUMER £47 pivision 75 RICHMOND ST. Ww OSHAWA 725.3539 Iva Phoenix reported on the church chair bee, stat- ing that all chairs were scrubbed, stained and var- nished, and that a good turnout of ladies and a few men helped with this work. To all who helped in any way we say-thank you. Regional 'Meeting will be held May 9 at Seagrave with registration at 9:30 a.m. Program starting at 10 a.m. Two catering jobs are accepted with a wedding in September and a banquet in June for Greenbank Cub -- Fathers and Sons. A bale will be packed for Sand Lake - in May. Donations of good used clothing will be apprecia- ted. It was decided that the unit donate $35.00 towards this bale, and that the members bring any light article, or 50, to the May meeting for this course. It was decided to have an Arts and Crafts Fair in the fall. A group of M. Rodd, B. Phair, and E Rahm volun- teered to inquire about re- decorating the church Sim- day School rooms. Mrs. R. Beare then intro- duced Mrs. F. Phoenix who showed several beautiful coloured slides, and gave a splendid informative com- mentary on her recent tr ip to Australia and New Zea- land. Tea and muffins were served at the conclusion of this meeting. Greenbank WI elects officers The regular monthly meeting of the Greenbank Women's Institute was held in the Centennial Hall at Greenbank on Wed., April 17, 1974. The meeting came to or- der with the Singing of the Opening Ode and. The Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call was answered by say- ing Something Nice about My Mother-in-Law, and paying the annual fee. The motto for the month is "Laugh and the World Laughs with You." Mrs. M. Lee, President, conducted the business at hand. She then left the Chair so the election of officers for the coming year could take place. The Election Chairman, Mrs. Minnie Diamond, de- clared all offices vacant. She then installed the new officers. Past President, Mrs. F. Phoenix; President, Mrs. M. Lee; 1 Vice President, Mrs. G. Beaton; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. D. Mc Kean; Secretary-Treasurer,. Mrs. A. McMillan; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. W. Stone; Public Relations Officer, Mrs. A. Empringham; Branch Directors, Mrs. G. Stone, Mrs. D. Donneral, Mrs. K. Rodd, Mrs. E. Clements; District Director, Mrs. F. Phoenix; Alternate District Director, Mrs. H. Hill... . Standing . .Cemmittee Con- venors: - - Agriculture - 'and Canadian Industries, 'Mrs. G. Beaton; Citizen and World Affairs, Mrs. G. Mero; Education Activities, - Mrs. W. 'Graham; Family and Cultural and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. F. Innis; Resolutions, Mrs. D. Donneral; Curator, Mrs. J. Ianson; Auditors, Mrs. J. "Ianson, Mrs. Ww. Graham, The group in charge en- 'tertained with verse by Mrs. H. Hill and Mrs. E. Lee. A duet was sung by Mrs. R. Leask and Mrs. G. Mero with Mrs. E. Till at the piano, and enjoyed by all. Mrs. E. Tait showed slides of Australia and New Zealand which was part of her recent trip around the world. An enjoyable Junch was served which brought the meeting to a close. Entertain fathers On April 6th the Father and Son Banquet was held at the Prince Albert United Church. The banquet was catered to by the Mother's Auxliary. Every mother donated food and turned up to assist, and for this the Group Committee and all those concerned were extremely grateful. Presentations were made to the boys. Pioneer Badge to Scout Paul Kerry and Cub George Leach were presented with 5th Star, : The Mother's Auxilliary held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Dini Page on Tuesday, April 16. Those attending were Phyl- lis Allen, Z. Breznika, Barbara Garside, June Harris, Elva Kerry, Dini Page and Joan Rudkin. It was decided to have a Paper Drive every 6 weeks commencing Saturday, May 11th. Apologies are exten- ded to those people whose . papers were not picked up March 31st. Sometime during or 3 early June the M Auxilliary ha Victoria & Grey Trust Guaranteed Investments 9" 3,4 and 5 Years INTEREST . is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Port Perry Star, If any- body has any articles of clothing that can be used, please call the following: Manchester and Prince Albert 985-2803 (Mrs. Allen) or 985-3145 (Mrs. Harris) - Epsom 985-3493 (Mrs. Gos: lin) and. Utica - 985-2939 (Mrs. Page), and the arti- cles willbe picked up. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at the home of Mrs. Breznika. Gospel Rally in Sunderland Robert D. Guthrie had completed six years as pas- tor of Sunderland Baptist Church. The anniversary will be observed Sunday, April 28th at 3:00 p.m. with a great gospel Sing-Song and Gospel Rally in the Sunderland Town Hall, Pastor Guthrie "will be master of ceremonies, Clare Titcombe will lead the Con- gregational Singing, and three popular groups of Gospel Singers will come to Sunderland to present a special Sacred Concert, which will include the appearance of two new groups to The Canadian Galileans from Guelph will visit the Town Hall for the second time, while the VisCounts from West Hill, and the WES PLUMBING - Sunderland. Blakleys from Lakefield, will appear ont - he 'gramme for the first time. All three groups are en- gaged in full time Gospel Sing-Song programmes across Canada and United States. Radio listeners to Mr. Guthrie's gospel broadcast "The Pastor's Study," over CKLY, Lindsay, are plann- ing to attend from all over south-centeral Ontario, and everybody is invited. H. E. Hohnson OPTOMETRIST for appointment call 985-2383 or Zenith 59240 LANE HEATING - eri - ELECTRIC - PORT PERRY 985-2473 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE pro- the' ---- Homes, Vacation Homes, Chalets, Garages Colonial Sunnibilt Has Them Ail "WELLINGTON" NAR (ELE in full colour... write for our Cottage Catalogue 75¢ or Home Catalogue 50° ALWIN 105 Dominion St., Uxbridge, Ont. See Your Local Colonial Sunnibilt Dealer Now SSupern HOMES CO. Authorited Canada's Largest Manufacturers of Vacation Cottages - Homes « Apartments « (CEIE FCO CE PR (TT TE 2 Plants and over 40 Dealers serving Eastern Canada and Northeastern U.S.A. for more than 20 Years 852.7846, 032.3769, 228.8088 "ELMBANK"' © MEMBER CHMA Builder. Dealer $= « Co me -- --