ma ey YR Wt fs a i Pp oon binds Siglo i Raa ng 22 Sa ST, Cag no "FENCER BATTERY 34.95 Effective Sat., April 27 to Sari a avd ON'T MISS S OUT ON THIS Lamp Brooder SUMP PUMP 544° MASTER PREMISE J DISIN FECTANT | 6% al. New Liqua-Supp extends Master Feeds' range of feeds to give Ontario farmers greater versatility in dairy and beef feeding. Liqua-Supp, like all Master Feeds, has been carefully formulated by Master Nutritionists to provide maximum benefits at minimum costs. Liqua-Supp mixes easily with silage and other feeds, : itis palatable and appetizing. It is less ~~ work to blend and store. There is virtually | no wastage and, of course, it's completely .-dust free. Most importantly; Liqua- Supp. isan economical way. 10 provide your. herd with all the putrients and, vitamins hg wis Lodi NFEN a: EC ba py re ERIE We IRIE 2 EN STATA GRID 308 Gs i I TY pre. Aw WRIT T SEATS > ray a BAS I P-- each $ Gorgeous Dutch glads that are sure to bloom. Plant them now for a beautiful garden all summer long. Or choose from our selection of other Dutch Bulbs. Even our prices will make you happy. 1.35 Dahlia Bulbs 70%. Master Pig WORMER PELLETS TRAMISOL for Feed Treatment Provide one pound of medicated feed pellets for each 100 pounds of pigs to be treated. Feed first thing in the morning. - When medicated feed is 4 consumed, resume normal feeding. For best results pigs should be held Direction For Use: ~~ Premise Disinfectant' has: 'excellent cleaning action. For cleaning and disinfecting in a single operatidi use 3 oz. in 4 gallons of water. - For cleaning, broiler houses, laying loose heavy soil as possinle. en > + lw WEEE eg on == = Ee ae YSERA EEE : breakdown during: - .... reasonable storage . periods, Liqua-Supp' a "isub-zero: weathers +. off feed and water overnight prior to treatment. TRAMISOL Controls LARGE ROUNDWORMS NODULAR WORMS ; RED STOMACH WORMS - . INTESTINAL THREADWORMS LUNGWORMS wv 4 Tramisol 'has. wide margin of xq safety for bred gitts and sows as well as EB market hogs. we they require when fed with the recom- mended Master Mineral. What is Master Liqua-Supp? It is a mixture of liquid urea, molasses, water soluble natural protein, phosphoric acid p. > and trace minerals. Liqua-Supp will not separate in storage because the blending inhibits separation or Ap b om flows freely 'even in', Site RLY ee Rs. sie RE Gh {bat ABR a rN A