VILLAGE | H Al the graduation recital programme held at Wilfrid Laurier University, Water- loo. Miss Elizabeth Jefford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jefford of Elliot Lake received her Bachelor of Music degree on Wednes- day. March 10th. Elizabeth performed the complete re- cital. over an hour in length, entirely from mem- ory. Her first vocal teacher was Mrs. Grace Hastings, Port Perry. The Jefford family lived in Port Perry for ten years before moving to Elliot Lake. Mr. Jef- ford was a teacher at Port Perry High School. Con- gratulations Elizabeth. Mr. Howard Malcolm of Malcolm Farms, Janetville was elected vice-chairman of the Ontario Pork Produ- cers Marketing Board for Durham County. Once again Ives Green- houses had a very success- ful Open House on Saturday and Sunday of last week. Door prizes on Sat. and Sun. were a dozen long stemmed Larry McNenly has been named Executive Assistant to the Mayor of Yellow- knife, filling the post vaca- ted the end of December when Dave Reesor resigned to accept the post of Secre- tary-General with the NWT Association of Municipali- ties. Larry is from Port Perry. Ontario. and a graduate of the University of Guelph where he majored in French and Political Science. He and his wife should fit right into the Yellowknife scene. He's anxious lo participate in sports, particularly hockey. It is Larry's brother Don who works at Giant and plays for the Grizzlies. Two other brothers, Dale and Ron were Yellowknife resi- dents for 5 and 1 year respectively. Larry was here for a short time in 1968 and knows he will enjoy being back. Marnie Council Briefs Council resolved Monday night to fix the. following fees for applications re- ceived: (a) Amendment to a re- stricted area zoning by- law: $150. (b) Draft plan of sub- division. Up to 5 acres - $50. 6 to 25 acres - $100. Over 25 acres - $4. per acre. The appli cation fees must be submitted with the re- quired application and all costs incurred during the processing must be borne by the applicant. All fees are non - refundable. Council appointed the fol- lowing to the Hospital Board Monday night. Ward 1, Lucille Gray. Ward 2. Howard Hall. Ward 3. Sheldon Smith, Ward Vern Asselstine. red roses, won by Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Sun- rise Beach, Scugog and Jean Hunter of Greenbank. Congratulations to Mr. Stan Feasby of R. R. No. 4, Port Perry who won the Bl Fl. Yr Tin -~ i . ' y NEWS FANCY QUALITY K KERNEL 'CORN - 28° BICK'S X'S WHOLE | DILLS | i 55° Grand Champion Award at the annual Ontario County Seed Fair and Feed Show for winning the highest points on wheat, oats, bar- ley and corn classes. There were 64 entries this year, shown by some 30 exhi- bitors. -- A rr yr KRAFT OLD | CKER LO RREL "CHEESE OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY COLOURED 12-02. wedge WHOLE OR JELLIED 1s LOZ. TN 29° ¢ RIO BRAND CHOICE SLICED STRAWBERRIES RHODES (5's) BREAD DOUGH UBBY'S FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! "AWAKE" ORANGE DRINK SUPREME HOT CROSS BUNS 59 150: Cont 3c $1.19 1002. Pig. 29¢ Fl Oz Tin 39¢ FEATURE! -- FEATURE! -- DEEP BROWNED - WITH PORK . . . | | WESTON'S ASSORTED BLOSSOM BISCUITS 39- FEATURE! -- TWIN PACK - HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS :- 59: FEATURE! -- COOKED LIBBY SPAGHETTI 27: 14 Fl. Oz. Tin LIBBY'S BEANS 39 sas a POPRESRLSRA I! 7 NE EY tals af REE he . VR Seagrave area news Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson of Port Perry. About 90 years younger is Miss -Kimrpie Tobin of Blackstock" Who celebrated on Saturday. Her grand- mother Mrs. John Tobin and Misses Karen. Connie and Krista Carr were in on that party. Mr. and Mrs. © Walter Webb of © Haliburton had supper on Saturday with the B.L. Wananmakers. On Sunday afternoon the Ken Sturman family jour- ROASTED MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE = 93 CANADA'S FINEST Crisco oil 6 to Pkg. 714,-0z. Pkg. neyed to Bethany for a visit the communion dispensed with Eleanor's parents. by Rev. Roundell assisted Mr. and Mrs. Belair had by Mrs. Boe and Mrs. Clements. another Sunday supper with the Robert Taylors of the Island. Our U.C.W. think they need some more cookware they are asking all ow to bring their Canada Packer labels when they attend the meeting this' Wednesday evening. This week's Sunday ser- vices were as usual ex- cept for some changes in Next Sunday - a change. There will be only one ser- vice and that will be at 10 o'clock. The choir are pre- paring special Easter music and Bruce Carr has pro- mised us a solo. For many years Easter Sunday was "All - Out" Sunday at Sea- grave and it would be good to revive that idea -next week. A 7-\8Y] Ne, |e > MEATS CANADA - GRADE "A* . EVISCERATED . BROILER FRESH TURKEYS 68: CANADA PACKERS OR BURNS - SHORT SHA SKINLESS - Fully Cooked - Butt Portion SMOKED HAMS 79: BACON 89% Frozen Turkeys HAMS i 513% ae + Hy: Ham Slices n 58 Maple Leaf Coil ib gy | Turkey Wings MAPLE USAGE "ALL BEEF" JUST HEAT 99¢ b. "FRESH CUT TURKEY" Polish bo 75¢ a SAUSAGE MEAT WIENERS - AND EAT -- 85¢ LEG QUARTERS © 79c BREAST Quarters © 89¢ Sausage 99; TURKEY THIGHS DRUMSTICKS 89 FEATURE! POST CEREAL HONEYCOMBS FEATURE! HEALTHO DOG FOOD 12-0z. Pkg. 69 4:99 25%, Fl. Oz. Tin FEATURE! -- INSTANT RED & HITE $1 : 49 COFFEE 8-Oz. Jar FEATURE! -- BEEF 72-0z. Pkg. TOP CHOICE poc Foon *1.97 e "MCINTOSH FANCY APPLES ONTARIO 31b.bag 'CARROTS BARLINKA GRAPES GREEN 2bunches ONIONS 6o02.bag - 2 bags for |_RADISHES 25° FEATURE! oe 69° 29° 579° 25° FEATURE! FEATURE! FEATURE! SUNSPUN PARCHMENT MARGARINE TEA BAGS Baby Scott 1.49 Disposable Diapers BEST BUY! -- BATHROOM TISSUE BABIES ONLY PLEASE 24 5- FEATURE! -- 24-FL. OZ. SPRAY or 32-FL. OZ. REFILL FANTASTIC vou ceane ©Q'7 - SX CANNED HAMS :2.39 FEATURE! -- FREEZE DRIED MAXIM Instpnt ¢ Coffee Bonus Pak FEATURE! -- 2005 x 2 LY SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES FEATURE! -- AEROSOL WINDEX WINDOW CLEANER 1-Lb. Pack 43 60 to Cn. 95° 30 to Ctn. FEATURE! -- CLUB HQUSE STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES sar] CLUB HOUSE RED 6 Fl. Oz. Jay MARASCHINO Cherries 45: + FEATURE! -- OLD COLONY ASSTD. 10 Fl. Or. Essy Open SOFT Drinks 6:69: FEATURE! -- SCENTED or UNSCENTED" SECRET 9-0z. Jar $2.35 47° 15 Fl. Oz. Tin 63 bottle | / 112-Lb. Tin § Fl. Oz Tin Anti - Perspirant 99 SILVERWOOD'S DELUXE Ice Cream Vanilla Only gal. $1.29 Coca Cola Case of 24 tins 53.19 HERSHEY GIANT Chocolate Bars 3fr $1.00 1% Ib. Bag Planter's Peanuts | 1.19 WESTON'S Brown & Serve ROLLS 3doz. $71.00 I -- DOWSON'S RED & WHITE Port Perey, ©: ONTARIO ill 9 p.m. « \ 2d w 7. | wee H » >