Effective parents all. Pictured above are the seven Scugog Ladies who took a course in Parent Effectiveness Training, with their instructor Domin- ique Lemieux. + Greenbank and area Mr. Wm. Carnegie, Mrs. Anne Guy and Mrs. Aleta Leask spent the weekend in Peterborough where they attended the Easter: sunrise service and visited rela- tives. Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. E. Tait were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sin- clair of Rexdale, Donald Sinclair Jr. and Beverley of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ashton of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Burling, Barbara and Stacey of Rex-: dale, Mr. Paul Mills, Carrie: and Amber from Downs- view and Mrs. Aldeen Esaw and Heather of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shier spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Evelyn Tait. Mrs. Barry Willis and family of Lake Wilcox were Sunday night dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry in Prince Albert on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Heron and family of Norwood, Mr. and Ms. Jas. Ianson, Barry Lee and Charleen Van Mier- lo of Trout Creek were week end guests at the home of Murray Lee. The Junior Farmers were in Sarnia to attend the sports finals where Port Perry Juniors played Kent County. Greenbank was represented by Murray Lee, Bob Stone, Brian Lee and Louis Real. The Parish Quartette in ° their lovely rendering of "The Holy City" on Sunday were much apreciated. The 8-SPEED, ALL-GEAR TRANSMISSION Gravely Model 816 16.5 HP Riding Tractor with center- mounted 50" mower attachment © Speeds from a brute-power % mphup toa let's-get-home 8% mph. © Attachments run at constant, efficient speed . regardless of ground speed © No fluid power losses, no belts to slip or break . . . all-gear drive. © Instant forward-neutral-reverse for éasy maneuvering. e Attachments for almost any lawn, garden or snow removal job. FREE COUNSELING --We'll help you match the equip- ment to the job with a wide selection of tractors, acces- . sories, and features. Come in and talk it over, today! OTTO RICHTER & SONS NRA Ne ud Locust Hill, Ontario 11th Line South of Hwy. 7 Bus: 294-1457 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL ® WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL choir also excelled in their Easter Music. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elson and Mr. and -Mrs. Maurice LaCombe spent Easter weekend in Quebec. The boys who presented the orchestral music at the Good Friday Servie did an excellent job on their first public appearance. Good luck boys. We hope to hear from you again. Rev. Roun- dall was also outstanding in his dramatic presentation of "Judas." Marie Raines of Saintfield and Clark Blakely of Green- bank with their parents over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Duaine Nickel and family of Ottawa were weekend visitors of Mr.a nd Mrs. Paul Dia- mond. On Sunday the group journeyed to Agiincourt to visit the Diamonds other daughter Mrs. Don Steven and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reading and Carol of Norwood spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. Mount. The Greenbank curling group completed their curl- ing for the season in Port Perry on Saturday with all dressed in costume an en- joyable evening was repor- ted. Those in the group were Shirley and Murray Lee, Marie and Rod Foster, Joyce and Harold Howsam, Helen and Morley Parrish and Shirley and Earl Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sloan of Spencerville with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Hal Clarke for the Easter week- end. The Clarkes also enter- tained their family and grandchildren for Easter Sunday with twenty two in attendance. i Mr. and Mrs. Morley Parrish and their family all home for Easter Sunday dinner. Mr. George Westwood and family have moved to their new home at Pleasant Point. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Till and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Phair and family. Mr. Georgie Fraser of Uxbridge is spending a few weeks with his uncle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill and family. Bradley and Lindsay Howsam spent Friday and Saturday in Kitchener along with their Aunt and Uncle Mp. and Mrs. Lloyd Som- merville. Miss Barbara McCowan and Miss Patricia Jackson and friend of Toronto visi- ted at Roy lLeasks on Satur- day. news Mr. and Mrs. Don McKain attended a birthday party for his aunt in Stouffville recently. She was 88 years old. Sorry to report Mr. Frank Innis in hospital. We wish him a speedy revcovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee held Easter at their home with Mr.and Mrs. Woodyard and Edward of Orono, Deb- bie and friend from Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Viddell. Mr. &.. Mrs. Harold Howam and ... ily and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Clements had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Philip in Port Perry on Sunday. A very good crowd atten- ded the card party last Thursday night. The prizes were as follows Mrs. M. Pearson 1st; Mrs. L. St. John 2nd: and Mrs. A. Shipway 3rd. Door prize Mrs. H. McMillan. Gents prizes were Clifford Rodd Ist. Mrs. J. Pogue 2nd play- ing as a man and Mrs. R. Dusty 3rd. also with a mans card. Mr. Wm. Bacon door prize. ~Yisiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waddell last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Voughen of Oshawa. A + LET SN CAL AAT ANOS MA MA RTIR A J) DEFINTASLIIE LIAS, ATCA PERRI BSAA HEE 0 7 . 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 17th, 1974 Parents Attend (raining course An 8 week Parent Effect- iveness Training Course concluded Wednesday night at the Port Perry United Church with seven Scugog ladies present at the final session. The course was conducted by Dominique Lemieux, a : professional depth counsel- lor from Toronto. Parent Effectiveness Training (P.ET.) was conceived by a Californian clinical psycholigist Thomas Gordon who felt that pa- rents need to be trained in discharging the responsib- ilities of parenthood. Dr. Gordon's ideas are explained in a book he wrote "Parent Effective- ness Training" published by Peter H. Wyden, Inc. According to Dr. Gordon most parents adopt either an authoritarian or permis- sive attitude in dealing with their children. Dr." Gordon suggests a new method which he calls the 'no lose' method under which neither parents nor children 'win'. Dr. Gordon began giving classes 'in parent education in California in the early sixties. Today several thou- sand instructors provide the training all over the U.S. and Canada. By 1975 over a quarter million parents will have taken the training. The course covers prac- tically every area of parent child conflict and attempts to provide an approach that establishes better commun- ication and leaves both par- ties happy and tension free. The Scugog ladies who took the course in Port Perry are: Mrs. Mary Pear- sell, Prince Albert; Mrs. Camille McGill, Seagrave; .Mrs. Gail Chellew, Port Perry; Mrs. Judy Mac- Coll, Port Perry; Mrs. Penny Toye, Port Perry; Mrs. Kathy Chambers, Port _ Perry and Mrs. Phillys Car- riere, Port Perry. The course costs $40. per persons for 8 sessions held once a week for 3 hours. The charge for couples is $75. Gasoline can be dangerous Did you know that 40 gallons of gasoline, vapori- zed and mixed proportion- ately in air, have the explo- sive potential of 240 pounds of dynamite? Because they evaporate quickly and mix with air, gasoline vapors are particularly hazardous. In the right proportions,the mixture can explode with the flip of a light switch. "While we have been able to 'tame' gasoline for inter- nal combustion engines, many people continue to gamble by using it for unin- tended -- and potenti- ally dangerous -- purpo- ses," says Don Brown, gen- eral manager of the Farm Safety Association. Keeping gasoline away from open flames isn't the only precaution people need to take to prevent explo- cade pools 451 Queen St. Prince | Albert,0Ont. 985-7605 sions and fires. For exam- ple, gasoline is not . .eant to be a cleaning fluid. It should not be used to clean floors, clothing and machin- ery parts. Neither should it be used to start fires in brush, trash piles or bri- quettes. Many gasoline accidents occur during refueling. Al- ways turn off the motor on tractors, trucks and machinery before filling the tank. Gasoline - powered tools such as lawnmowers and chainsaws should not be refilled when they are hot. Even supposedly 'empty' tanks and drums can be dangerous; the gasoline might be gone but the explo- sive vapors remain. Exces- sive heat, electrical and welding sparks can all cause the drum or tank to explode. . INGROUND POOLS (available with cement bottoms.) v» Aluminum Coping Steel Wall Pools » Vinyl Coping Steel Wall Pools + All Aluminum Pools Chemicals ® Jacuzzi Equipment Swimming Pools @ Filters eo Accessories We will install or you can install your own. For FREE estimates call or see Doug Rowe