EPP hm EE bY ' a a 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 27,1974 €or ol ot. x WY) 4 \ . 3 ROAR RE FRAT S '% AS ) . . \ [HOA 3 . FESHER A WT WAT Nestleton, Caesarea and area news your family in this wish for you Norm, so hurry and get well. A belated birthday wish is extended to Mrs. Norm Tennyson, of Caesarea. Her family held a little celebra- surgery following an acci- dent in which a tree fell on him. Jim shall be unable to work for some weeks as yet but is progressing favour- ably. These things happen so suddenly that it gives one ted. Come on Nestleton . this is what we have need- ed and wanted for some time. Now we have "ow community centre Tet us all make an endeavour to fur- nish it properly. A com- INET I» Fava RASA [] ! thy ay Sue APOE BA 3 JE p ATE Eng LR ALT EAR A ai Pik PAA Sadie hse sibiaid in SH RUS dds was informed that sothing could be done to rectify the situation until sometime the following day (which is of course the usual proceedure with the Bell company). To. my surprise an em- Re A sincere wish for a brief pot for get * maygy towards chairs etc., please laying across our driveway fuipused tn hich dug io Ladies Ald neobyy 3 He 1 stay in hospital and good friends in the Nestleton contact Mrs. George Hea- and upon further scrutiny Ho : wif i. oy a W health is conveyed to a area. slip, Mr. Don Frew or Oli- saw a pole leaning in a e also sal - an oo nesday March the 1 3. 1 he Aa friend and neighbour, Mr. Mr. Jim Hutchison has ver Rohrer. All donations precarious, position on the telephone pole Oa ie President Mrs. H. Visser Norn Mairs. The entire returned from Oshawa Gen- whether large or small shall road. I immediately notified toad from us was dated welcomed all after which oN community accompanies eral where he underwent be greatefully accep- the proper authorities and 1927. that did not mean a she opened the meeting with thing to me as all I was interested in was repair- ing the wire that was block- ing our driveway. Well after eight days of complaining, the pole was replaced, the wire secured and our phone was once more in service, It W» the Hymn, "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less," foll-gy= owed by the Lord's Prayer in unision. Mrs. Fred Dayes read the Devotions. The Sec. Miss Ruth Proutt read the minutes of the previous tion for her. How old is room for thought. Take care mittee has been formed to ployee of the Bell came out ! meeting. Plans were final- she??? She'll neyer tell. Jim, just keep in mind that be in charge of this project and informed me that the 1S too bad that the Bell ized for a pot-luck supper to May you see many, many the work shall be there so let us be behind them all pole was down, which 1 Telephone Co. has no com- be held in April. Thank you more at any rate Bernice. when you are well so do not the way. (More on this thought was a brilliant petition for if they had then notes were acknowledged One of our local families are leaving for the East in early April to take up per- manent residence. We of the community wish Cec and Helen Totten the very best that life has to offer in their new home. We shall miss them and trust that they do rush things. The Nestleton Com- munity Centre is nearing completion and looks great. This is a community pro- ject and as such shell need furnishings, which of course requires money. Any local citizens wishing to donate ya PA Vv RELIABLE t A$8\ PLUMBING & HEATING NEW INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS -- ALTERATIONS "Service is our business" later.) Sincere wishes for im- proved health are conveyed to Mr. Bruce Heaslip who has been in poor health for some time. A warm welcome home is extended to the many area students that were on tour of the British Isles. I trust . that each of them enjoyed the trip. There were many anxious moments spent on Saturday evening awaiting their arrival home in that snow storm we experienced. [would assume that parents sat until the small hours of the morning as each student related their adventures, but then that is as it should be. On Thursday evening of last week upon arriving home from Oshawa I noticed a telephone wire deduction on his part. He then drove away leaving me wondering if he expected me to fix the darn thing. I waited until four o'clock, and once again notified re- pair service and they (after taking our phone number again) informed me that it was a construction matter and they would send men out the following day, which was Saturday. Needless to say Satur- day passed as did Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with- out results . . .so once again I phoned, gave my phone number and the necessary information, which by. this time was becoming rather monotonous. ) On Wednesday another young fellow came and in- formed me that the pole was dated 1930 and simply perhaps they would act promptly on these matters. If our telephone payment is by any chance a day or so late they waste no time in correcting that situation you may rest assured. I think that I shall invest in carrier pidgeons at least they would be reliable. The dance held in the Blackstock Recreation Cen- te on Saturday evening by the ladies of Court Lady Snowbird was once again a complete success. A capac- ity crowd enjoyed dancing to the music of G. B. and the Merrimakers. By all reports lunch was delicious and already twenty tickets are sold for the next dance which hopefully shall be in May. Mrs.: Dorothy Lee hosted the Nestleton Presbyterian It's actually quite simple. All you do is accumulate fifteen demerit points and lose your licence for thirty days. Do it again ~Apoint primeron howtolose er's licence. indelibly marked. It you drive for two years without a traffic con- viction your points are erased and your slate is clean. from the shut ins. The Miz- pah Benediction concluded gy the first portion of the meeting. Readings were given by Mrs. N. Johnstone, Mrs. H. Lee, Mrs. G. Gilson and Mrs. F. Dayes." A most delectable lunch was served by Mrs. D. Lee with Mrs. F. Dayes assisting. The appre- ciation was voiced by Mrs. Gillson. The programme at the supper in April shall be one of interest as the guest speaker shall be a seven- teen year old girl formerly of Natal in South Africa who is currently attending Bowmanville High School. This holds promise of an interesting evening so try and attend won't you? The trip to Toronto to.gg attend the Fabric bazaar sponsored by Court Lady Snowbird on Thursday was well worth the trip. Forty four ladies enjoyed a day of shopping for material, lunch and a day of pleasant con- versation with friends that one sees to infrequently dur- ing the winter months. A wish for improved health is extended to Mrs. Ruth; Collins of Nestleton. Ruth has had miserable . time of it this winter. Take care Ruth. Casarea Community Hall was the setting for a birth- day celebration for Mr. Bill { Shepherd of that community | on' Saturday evening. | Approximately forty friends Sap and relatives attended. the music was provided by Mr. ; Chester Pedzekowski of Caesarea which as usual | played selections to suit the "me and lose your licence for six months. In this province, it definitely pays a driver to score a big fat zero. Ontario's demerit point system is designed to convince the poor dnver to drive properly. Drivers who do not improve are then taken from the road because Failing to stop for school bus. ' Following too closely. they're a menace to pedestrians EE - -- and to other drivers. BP | a hoad hm But the system is not at all unjust. ro It's aimed at telling the driver EP where he's gone wrong and Fang to obey a stop giving him plenty of time to cor- ci wi be rect his faults. : For instance. When you've accumulated six points, you'll be notified and urged to improve your driving. When you've got nine, you'll prob- ably be asked to attend a private interview and re-do your driving test. At fifteen points, you'll lose your licence for thirty days and drop back to seven points. Get fifteen again and you won't drive for six months. However, your record won't be taste of the young and not | so young. A delicious buffet f - How Demerit Points Accumulate: T points | Failing to remain at scene of an accident Conpinyer on Page %. . | (lighiay Tatiie Act SK i M---- INVEST" NOW! Victoria & Grey Trust ; 6 points | Careless dnving. Racing. Exceeding speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or more. § points Dnver of bus failing to stop at unprotected railway crossings. 4 points | Exceeding the speed limit by 20 to 29 m.p.h. Failing to obey direc- tions of police officer. Failing to report an accident lo a police officer. Improper passing. Crowding driver's seat. Wrong way on one-way street or highway. Guaranteed Investments | I % % d Years | @¥ | INTEREST | The whole point is to score nothing, ae a ys | keep your record clean and drive t happily ever after. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 2 points | Failing to lower headlamp beam. Improper opening of vehicle door. Prohibited tums. Towing of persons on toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc. prohibited. Failing to obey signs other than those mentioned above. Pedestrian cross-over. Failing to share road. Improper right turn. Improper left turn. Failing to signal.' Unnecessary slow driving. Ministry of Transportation & Communications Hon. John R. Rhodes ATC. McNab 1 Minister . Deputy Minister Ontario i 8