REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, Sunderland Very attractive 12 storey 4 bedroom frame home, alumi- num siding, large kit- chen, living room, all conveniences, sun- room, Workshop dou- ble carport, close to schools and shoppin Asking $39,500.00. Ca i George Beaton. PORT PERRY, ONT. Port Perry Scugog Island Older bedroom frame home on lovel one acre treed lot wit small barn, only mile to Lake Scugog. Excellent garden soi variety of fruit trees. Large kitchen and liv- ing room, almost new oil furnace. Act fast on this one. $37,500.00 with terms. Call Ken Middleton. Little Britain Area Ten acre hobby or horse farm, excellent soil for gardening. Six room brick home with finished family room Cochrane Street Port Perry Overlooking Lake Scugog on beautifully treed streét, very attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow family size kitchen, all, plaster walls, nicely decorated throughout. in basement, all con- Recreation room. veniences. Barn 40 x Very central location 60. Asking $57,500. on excellent treed lot. with terms. Only1'2 years old. Act Lawrence Morrison. quickly on this one. $48,900.00. Call Ken Middleton. Sunderland 135 acres productive clay loam, good corn land, large barn pre- sently operated as hog operation. 8 room brick home, all con- veniences. Asking $108,000. with terms. Call George Beaton. Little Britain Area 100 acres all work- able, very productive, large barn, presently in beef operation. room 2 storey brick house, all conven- iengces, new wiring, maple tree lined drive. Asking $95,000.00 with terms. Call Lawrence Morrison. Port Perry Custom built 1 storey brick home lo- cated on quiet beauti- fully treed street of mature maples. 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 baths, cheerful kitchen and dining area, finished recrea- # tion room featuring walk out basement, 12 car garage. A fine family home. $52,900.00. Ken Middleton. Call Port Perry Custom built 3 bed- room bungalow on A large landscaped lot, Cannington East completely decorated 50 acres rolling plaster walls, broad- vacant land, all work- loomed floors, 12° x able, well situated 42° double drive under near highway. Spring a garage in basement. fed pond, good build- Central location. ing sites. A good buy $45,900.00 with 9 per- at $32,500. with terms. cent first mortgage. Call Bruce Currie. Call Ken Middleton. 30 Miles North Of Oshawa 36 acres vacant land near paved road. 25 acres under cultiva- tion. Good building site. Asking only $27,500.00 cash. Call Bruce Currie. Port Perry One year new 1,200 sq. ft: 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot overlooking Lake Scu- gog. Large kitchen, dining room with slid- ing glass doors to bal- cony. Partly finished rec. room with walk out to back yard. Act fast on this one. Priced at $48,000.00 with 9 percen irs mortgage. Call Fred $1500. -00 all Lawrence Morrison. : OFFICE HOURS -- 9 am. - 9 p.m Direct Telephone Lines Port Perry 985.7386 Oshawa 576-7515 Toronto 364-2516 ® EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e Lake Scugog Port Perry Area 1 acre building lot, fronting on cana with boat access to Lake Scugog. Priced right Maurice Baker -- 852-7256 Fred Smith -- 985-7639 Lawrence Morrison -- 705-357-3395 Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 N Bruce Currie -- 705-357-3392 George Beaton -- 985 - 3040 FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE WE LIST EXCLUSIVE and M.L.S. Real Estate is still your best Investment For Sale | BRAND NEW flcotmwood COLOR TV eo Fine Tune Lock ® Automatic Colour System AS LITTLE $922 AS MONTHLY CRAFT TV SALES AND SERVICE 576-4252 1251 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Real Estate REALTY LTD REALTOR PORT PERRY TORONTO 385-3292 293-3764 5 acre lot overlooking Lake Scugog, $19,000. Terms. Little Britain 9 acre lots, wooded, starting at $15,000. Terms. Lake Scugog Summer Home Large living room with natural stone fireplace, 3 bedrooms, dining room, huge sunroom, many ex- tra's, beautifully treed lakefront lot, asking $15,000. down. Retirement Home Immaculate 2 bedroom home in tree setting, 8 miles north of Oshawa, modern kitchen and bathroom, 132 x 132 ft. lot on dead end street. A beautiful view of the Ridges. Asking $39,000. Lake Scugog Close to shore of Lake Scugog, new custom bungalow" on beautiful wooded lot awaiting your choice of brick, broad- loom, cushion flooring etc. sliding doors to sun- deck, walk out basement $41,500. Port Perry 3 year old, 4 bedroom brick bungalow, broad- loom throughout, roughed in fireplace, attached 1 car garage. Situated on a nicely land- scaped 34 acre lot. $52,900. 45 acres Sunderland area, stream and bush $45,000. LITTLE BRITAIN AREA 9 acre lots, $15,000. Terms. wooded, FOR PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE - CALL 985-3292 - 293-3764 28 Water Street Port Perry Morley Bruce - 985-2528 Larry Doble - 725-9708 Bill Peeters - 985-7214 Lloyd Haynes - 986-4402 For Sale RENT 1973 SKI-DOO, 440 Olympic, Excellent condition. Asking $700. Phone 985 3380. FIBRE GLASS RACING BOAT, needs repairs, $100.00, black and white T.v. set, $30.00, 3 drawer dresser with mirror, $25.00. Call before 2 p.m. 986 4441. " 1969 CHEV. 2 door, Sedan, 327, good condition. Phone 655 3227 after 7 p.m. GOURLEY UPRIGHT PIANO, and bench, good condition. $200.00 or best offer. Phone 986 - 4983. DRAPES -- satin, -- 2 pair 94 x 84 each side. | pair 94 x 42. Phone 985.7617. 3 H.P. MINI BIKE, excellent $125.00, ; phone 985 3422. --- 1969 CHEV TWO DOOR, hard top Impala Vinyl Roof. Vv.8 Automatic, full power. Phone 985 2573. HAY, oF ---- and cattle. Call Les Vayicr, 986 4896. 72 SKI- DOO, Elan Electric Start with cover, like new, $550.00. also lable saw with motor $85.00, 24', 4 burner stove, suitable for cottage $5.00. Call 986 5563. 71 MOTOR SKI, 440, $250.00. Call 985 = 2720. price Real Estate Che Mouse of Homes OHN RIEGER Realtor View Lake Large beautifully treed building lot, size 119 x 190, overlooking lake. Municipal water avail-. able, road open all year round. Full price $8,900. Pickering Area 2 bedroom aluminum bungalow, all modern conveniences, finished rec. room, including swimming pool, drapes broadloom. Located on a quiet street, close to school and shopping area. Full Price $56,900. terms. Vendor has pur- chased another property, will consider all other offers. Port Perry Building Lot, fully ser- viced, close to downtown and shopping area, ex- cellent location. Full Price $16,500. Mary Street Prince Albert $8,500. down, 3 bed- room brick bungalow with carport, fully broadloomed, sodded front and back. Nows the time to pick your own colour choice. Situated on large lot. Inspect this home to-day. Full Price $46,900. East Of Port Perry Two -acres of vacant land, some wooded, an excellent spot to build your dream home $7,000. down. Full price $12,000. MARION HOPKINS Sales Manager 985.7215 or 668.8848 ' SELL: RENT + SWAR + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT * SWAR + HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT For Sale 200 WEEK OLD. PULLETS, $3.50 cockerels, $4.50. Phone 985 2817. PURINA DAIRY 16% Now is the time to. price and compart dairy rations. Purina Dairy 16 ° will give you top production at a competive price 1.8 Standish, Sea grave 40) 9857852. (T.F.) 1969 -- 21 FT. SHAMROCK Trailer, sleeps 6, Fridge, Fur- nace, shower, Florescent Lights, Spare Tire. Phone 985 2247. CONTENTS | from Model Home, chesterfield and matching chair, dining room suite, bed room suite, desk, bookcase, stereo and T.V., broadloom rug 9 x 12, coffee and end tables, etc. All items like new. Phone Oshawa 728 3473, Elmers Furni- ture, 253 Bloor Street, East, Oshawa. ONE V WHEEL CHAIR, $50.00, 1 trunk new, Candian $40.00, 1 pine box 4 x 4, $90.00, 1 box 5 x 2 Xx 2, $30.00. One bedroom suite, new condition, $60.00. A quan. tity of good quilts, nearly new. Phone 985 7930. ELECTRIC RANGE, Moffatt, Coleman Space Heater. Phone 985 3563. 1965 DODGE 300, 1 ton stake truck, 6 cycle, sure.grip dual wheels, 66,000 miles, well kept, needs some body work. $950.00 or reasonable offer. Call 649. - 2338. HAY, good quality big bales. Manure spreader. Good testing fresh holstein jersey cross. Phone 985 3516. ONE CHESTERFIELD Chair, 1 Coffee Table, Stools. Phone 985-3175. and 3 bar OW TIRGET EVERY TOE Wanted to Rent APARTMENT wanted for May 1st, one or two bedrooms in Port Perry or Prince Albert for quiet single working women. Call 576 4946, Oshawa. (Apr. 24) PASTURE LAND Phone 986 - 4983. GOOD CROP LAND, acreage. Mulach Bros., ville. Phone 705-439-2189. (April 3) For Rent FOUR ROOM Apartment, newly decorated, in Port Perry. Call Sunderland, 357 - 3120 after Six. . any Wood- PORT PERRY LOCATION, two bedroom apartment, heat, park- ing included, immediate posses. ion, call 668 8683, after six. Wanted to Buy CHINA DOLLS, gramophone, furniture, coal oil lamps, china, etc. Call Vera Lee Antiques. 985.7723. T.F. AUTO Wreckers -- Needs your scrap cars and metal. cash on the spot. Call Scala Brothers Auto Parts and Wreck- ing. Ask for Jim or Joe, 985-3132. T.F. TOP CASH PAID FOR CLEAN USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES SOUTHEND FURNITURE 432 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 576-1433, (T.F.) We pay' Wanted to Buy WANTED T0 BUY or RENT, 2 Bedroom Bungalow with Base ment. Location, Port Perry. Principles only. Replies to Post Oftice Box 30, Port perry. ANYTHING ANTIQUE, old or collectible. Especially furniture, crocks or fruit sealers. Call Dan Stone 985-7057. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for scrap cars and scrap metal. Ross Auto Wreckers. Phone 986-4843. (MAR. 27) DOGHOUSE, suitable for Ger. man Shepherd. Phone weekends 852 6964. PROPERTY WANTED We wish to buy 50 to 300 acres suitable for a child- ren's camp. The property should be at least partially treed, have a stream, spring or a good well and hydro. Large ranch or farm with poor buildings would be ideal. Land does not have to be productive. Will pay all cash now and allow owner free use of property for at least one year until the camp is established. Anywhere within 2 hours drive from Scarborough. Please write delails and location to Mrs. M. Lane, Secretary, c/ o, Box 15, Port Perry Star. SNE Will Give Away TWO SIX MONTH OLD, part beagle pups, also beige and white baby rats. Phone 985-2765. Miscellaneous AT STUD, son of England's leading Sire Whiteborough, stakes winner and sire of stake winners. $300.00. to thorough. breds, $75.00 to Grades Mares. Must be accompanied by a vet, certificate. - R. Rogerson, 649 5966. SPECTACULAR NEW INVENTION! The world's most advanced idea in beverages. Men and women required to restock locations for this revolutionary Drink System part time or full time. No experience necessary. All loca- tions supplied by Company. Start part time in your own business with as little as $1,295 for stock and equipment, or earn full time income with $4,900 investment. Limited Dealers. For personal interview write REDY-CUP, 50 Electronic Ave., Port Moody, B.C. Include Phone. Yours truly, T. Manyk, REDY.-CUP BEVERAGES TENDER for -. Janitorial Services at Prince Albert United Church. Tenders to be submitted to Prince Albert United Church, Prince Albert Post Office, ¢/ 0 L. Pereman. Closing date April 30th. For future information, call 985.3695 or 985 . 3626. Help Wanted HELP WANTED, preferable female, experienced for tavern restaurant, Days or nights, full time, good wages. Apply Port Tavern 3 Water Street, Port Perry. HAIRDRESSER, experienced for Judith Beauty Boutique, Uxbridge. Call Joanne at 852 - 6201 : DRIVER WITH CAR, for pizza delivery. Apply Porto Pizza, Port Perry. ©. <* 9 [| » « ® ¥ »