Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 6 Mar 1974, p. 12

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Ny TE BE ad Fim 2 wr aL SN = 10h = -- WN = RENT 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 6th, 1974 Classified Advertising Rates Articles for Sale - Card of Thanks - Births At Rest - Coming Events - Wanted - Lost Found - Etc. Minimum $1.20 - Over 15 words, 7c. per word. Consecutive weeks 6c. per word. IN MEMORIAMS $1.75 including 4-line verse 10c. per line for additional lines. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY $1.75 per col. inch - minimum one inch. LEGAL NOTICES 14c per agate line - Consecutive insertions 10c. REAL ESTATE Transient advertisers - $1.75 per col. inch. Weekly advertisers $1.50 AUCTION SALES First insertion $1.75 per col. Consecutive insertions $1.50 per col. inch inch Classified ads must be paid by week of insertion. If charged, an additional 25c. will be added. 50c. extra will be charged for use of box number .- BUSINESS DIRECTORY $35.00 per col. inch, six months. $22.50 per col. inch, yearly Annual Classified Ad - $50.00 per inch. PHONE 985-7383 In Memoriam LYLE In loving memory of Florence Susan Lyle who passed away March 3rd, 1966. She has gone across the river to the shore of ever green, And we long to see her dear face but the river flows between, Some day, sometime we shall see the face we loved so well, Some day we'll clasp her loving hand and never say farewell. Ever remembered by Velma, Lavra, Frank and Keith. TILL In loving memory of our dear son who passed away March 7, 1967, Allan Roger Till. His memory is as dear today, As in the hour he passed away. Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Mother and Dad. RISEBROUGH -- In loving memory of Thomas, dear father and grandfather who passed away March 4, 1973. Sadly missed and always re- membered by Lillian, Betty and family. Card of Thanks The family of the late Norman Edgerton wish to thank rela- tives, friends, and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy shown in the passing of a dear father and grandfather for the floral tributes and donations to the Heart Fund. Special thanks to Rev. Rose, the ladies of St. John's Church, Blackstock, and' the McDermott Panabaker Funeral Home. Many thanks to my family friends and neighbors, for calls, visits, cards flowers and visits. To Drs. Miller, Martin, Mcintyre and Beer for excellent care, also to nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital for extremely good care. Also to Rev. Mr. Brawn for visits. Thank you again. Mac McMillan Sr. The family of the late Mrs. Annie Taylor wish to thank friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, dona- tions to heart, cancer, hospital, multiple scerosis funds, during the 165s of a beloved sister. Also to Rev. Rose and McDermott Panabaker Funeral Home a special thank you. The Hamilton Family Card of Thanks | would like to thank the good doctors and nurses of Port Perry Hospital who took care of me whie | was in the hospital. Also' thanks to my Caesarea friends. Douglas Frayer At Rest GIANNINI, Mario - Suddenly at Port Perry Community Hospital on Saturday, March 2, 1974, Mario Giannini beloved husband of Lena Ann Delmedico and loving father of Mary (Mrs. Jas Robertson) Toronto, Vilma (Mrs. G. Giannini) Saintfield, Gloria (Mrs. K. Cocklin) King City, Raymond and Sylvia both of Toronto. Also survived by 8 grandchildren and 2 great grand- children. In his 74th year, resting at the chapel of McDermott-Pan- abaker, Port Perry. Funeral service on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. i Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Hardy E. Purdy, Bowmanville, Ontario wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Gloria-Jane Arnot, to Richard Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Roth, New Ham. burg, Ontario on Saturday, Feb- ruary 23, 1974. FLOWERS BY GILLAYNE Designs for all occasions. Open Mon. to Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone 985-7131 Queen St. - Port Perry ° Notice LATCHAM COMMUNITY Centre is available for recep. tions, dances, meetings, weddings, etc. For informa. tion, contact M. Whybrow 985 3619. T.F. SILVALEE REG'D BOARDING KENNELS Epsom, Ontario Phone 985-3286 We are now open for year round accommodation of your pets, with individual runs and ex perienced care. Reserve early for winter holidays. TF SWAP + HIRE * BUY -y CHRISTIANS! Israel a nation again as prophe- sied in The Word of God. The great sign of the coming of The Lord Jesus (in person) torule the "world from Jerusalem. Are you ready? For free information about this overlooked Gospel message, write "ASK P.O. Box 221, Weston, Ont. MIN 3M7. BRANCH 1419, Reval Canadian Legion 50 - 50 draw, March 2nd winner C. Jacobsen, Canvasser, D. Bult. "KEEP Fire exercises with music for ladies of all ages in the Latcham Hall on Tuesday afler- noon 2 - 3o'clock. Starting March 26, 1974. Fee $9.50 for 10 weeks. Baby- sitting if wished! Registration: March 11, 1974, Riet Orde, 219 Water Sireet, Port Perry, Tel. 985-3630. NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY for information about the N.D.P. call Mrs. Ausman, 9857149 or Mrs. Wilbur 985-2444. (April 3) Ives Florist & Greenhouses COMPLETE LINE OF -® FLORAL ART © FRESH & DRIED FLOWERS Mon. - Fri. - 9 am. - 9 p.m. Sat. - Sun. - 8 am. - 5 p.m. Call anytime - 985-2691 Coming Events ONLY 8 WEEKS left, Channel 11, Blackout Bingo, 6 p.m. Saturday, $5,000. weekly prize. Bingo cards available at Port Perry Star, Effords Variety, and Williams Motors. BINGO, Thursday, March 7th, at Legion Hall. Jackpot $150. in 50 numbers. Early bird game at 7:45 p.m. Special $5.00 per kine, $10.00 full card. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE at Utica Hall, March 16. Music by Country Pals. Admission $4.00 per couple. Lunch and refresh- ments. Mar. 13 --BINGO New Navy League Special. $5.00 per line straight across, $10.00 full card. Jackpot 170 in 50 numbers. Every Tues- day at 8 p.m. Latcham Center. Sponsored by Navy Ledgue of Port Perry. FASHION SHOW '74 - Something for everyone from Teenager to Grandmother being shown by professional models. Sponsored by Unit's 7 and 9, Port Perry, U.C.W. March 26 at High School Auditorium, 8 p.m. Tickets $1. 50. Phone 2445 or 2473. 4 RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE tobe held at the Anglican Church Hall, Wednesday, March 27 at 1 p.m. Sponsored by Eastern Star. (March 13) KINSMEN BINGO Monday, March 11, 8 p.m. Lalcham Centre, Major jackpot, $150.00 in 48 numbers, $5.00 top and bottom lines, Minor jackpot $85.00 in 57 numbers. Last week Jackpot winners Mrs. Winnie Clement, 249 Queen Street, Port Perry. DANCE - Latcham Centre, Sat- urday, April 13, music Country Unions $5.00 per couple, tickets available. Phone 985-2622 or Bob's Barbershop. Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L. Next show Latcham Hall, day, March 8, 7 p.m. ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES Fri. Tickets now Available or FIREMEN"S DANCE Saturday, March 30 Legion Hall, Port Perry RELL" RENT SWAP ¢ EEE ZEN RENT - Coming Events ST. PATRICK 5 'COFFEE Party and Bake Sale. Sponsored -by Ester Unit of Port Perry U.C.W. at Port Perry United Church, Thursday, March 14, 10 a.m. till 11a.m. Tickels 50 cents, children free, baby. Sitting provided, CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL will present three one act plays on Thursday and Friday eve nings, March 7th and 8th at the recreation center, Blackstock, at 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Students 75 cents. The plays will be judged on Friday evening and awards will be 0 preseiied. "Introducing TRENTWAY TOURS New Summer Programme of Motorgoach Tours Pick Up Your Free Colour Brochure At NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 Conway Gardens -- Tavern ~ Fri., March 8 Music by NICK & ROSEMARIE Duo Local talent from Port Perry 50c. Cover Charge No Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Nil Ce Se A Bl RS) Trentway Tours Easter Weekend Specials to: Nashville, Tenn. (new Orpy House open) Washington, D.C. New York City April 11 to 14 Far details contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 *T.V., DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT at PORT TAVERN RESTAURANT Sat, Mar. 9 featuring MIDNIGHT SUN. WELCOME COUPLES 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. $1.00 Cover Charge per person ~ For Sale P.A.G. SEED CORN, supply still available. Bruce Walker, 357-3094. March 13 Good Phone CONTENTS from Model Home. Chesterfield and matching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase, stereo and broadloom rug 9 x 12, coffee and end tables, etc. All items like new. Phone Oshawa 728-3473, Elmers Furniture, 253 Bloor Street, East, Oshawa. STA- RITE Dairy Equipment, Milking parlours and pipe line units. Free estimates. Installa- tion and servicing. One year guarantee on parts and labour. Phone 416.985.7852. (Y.F) RALSTON PURINA CHOWS Now is the time to start feeding Purina Chows to get top milk production and fast gains on beet. Bag or bulk delivery. Phone |.B. Standish 416 985 7852. T.F. ---------------- For Sale } HAY, 1,000 oy ORNs, po quality hay. 80 cents per bale. Phone Sunderland 357-3095. PIONEER SALES and service. We carry pioneer saws and parls. Also some used chain saws on sale. $40 $60. Beacock Hardware, Blackstock 986-4971. SKI1-DOO, Phone 985-2428 after 4 Pp. m. and ask for Bill. (T.F.) WILLIAMS PLAYER PIANO rollers missing, antique, good condition. Also 18 Banty hens and roosters. Call 263-2976. C.C.M. SCRAMBLER, old. Phone 985-7569. 2 years Mar. 13) METAL COVERED insulated building 12 x 14 ft. Phone 985-2396. VIKING 24' Heavy Duty Ronger six years old. New condition Frigidaire Refridgerator, medium size, very good con dition. Trym Gym Exerciser. 985 7749. USED VIKING DELUXE 30" range with 3 new elemenls. Used 15 cu. ft. General Electric Aulo- matic Frig. and used Viking Electric Dryer. All in fair condi- tion, good for cottage, reason- able. Phone 985-3423. HAY AND STRAW, large bales, "For Sale 1974 JDX4 JOHN DEERE Snowmobile, perfect condition, about 20 hours used. $900.00. Phone 985-2701. 1973 FORD, "2 ton, Exploror model, 302 Std. with cap. Phone 655-3073. CHINCHILLAS -- 10 standard and 1) beige, with equipment, must sell, going to Europe. Post Office Box 122, Peterborough, For Rent COMMERCIAL SPACE, approx- imately 950 sq. feet. Apply to Varitety Store, 207 Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 985-7122. (T.F.) Wa nted to Rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment in Port Perry or Prince Albert area. Call 985-3365 anytime. Lost IRISH SETTER around Nestle. ton, Caesarea area, phone 986 "Found Phone 985-7705. 1968 CHEV., 1 fon stake. Phone | 986.5573. | 2 LOVE SEATS BRAND NEW $399. or best offer, color orange and green, playpen with pad. 2 end tables new, 1 pair of red foam backed drapes, size 144 X 95, mesh car bed with top also Swag Lamps. call 985-7632. 1970 COUGAR, 351, 4 speed. Phone 985-2446 after 6 p.m. PORTABLE SEWING Machine, Singer 328, Zig-Zag and decora- tive stiches $75.00. Phone 986-4456. COMPLETE STEREO Compo- net System, 40 walt receiver with 8 track tape player, head phones, quodraphonic adapter. 2 air sus- pended speakers, turniable, $200.00, will sell itéms separ- ately, Phone 985.7704 evenings and week ends. 1967 MERCURY Station Wagon; Automatic, will certify, also large dolls pram, like new. Cal}. 986-5010. . YOUNG YORKSHIRE BOAR. Phone 985-2702. MOFFATT GAS STOVE 5 years old, fully automatic, glass in oven door $75.00. Call 986-4760. 1970 FORD MAVERICK, 6 cyl. Standard 58,000 miles good con- dition. $900.00 or best offer. Phone 985-2701. ON MEN'S SWEATER COAT found on Oshawa Road, set of keys in the pocket. Phone 985-2594. Miscellaneous POULTRY MANURE available for hauling away. Harlan Clark, telephone 985-2354. Wanted toBuy, | COAL STOVE, gramophone, fur- niture, coal oil lamp, china etc. Call Vera Lee Antiques. 985-7723. ANYTHING ANTIQUE, old or collectible. Especially furniture, crocks or fruit sealers. Call Dan Stone 985 7057. HIGHEST price paid for scrap L 2 «© cars and scrap metal. Ross Auto * £H Wreckdrs, Phone 986-4843, Wrecking Licence No. C502. INTERNATIONAL 300 Utility Fast Hitch Tractor for Parts or Repair. Also One Ton Livestock Truck. Phone 986-4637. BLACKSMITHS ANVIL, phone 985.2216. - ~ Wanted 10 ACRES, or more, rolling land with water. Interested in build- ing or with existing home. Call during day 297-3155 and evenings 297-3435. (Private Buyer) or write M.G. Beer, 4171, Highway 7. Unionville, Ontario. The Kinsmen Club BINGO WILL BE HELD AT THE LATCHAM CENTRE ALTERNATE MONDAYS Monday, March 11 MAJOR JACKPOT - $150 in 48 nos. TOP & BOTTOM LINE - $5.00 MINOR JACKPOT - $85 in 57 nos. Pal-0-Pak Insulation Specialists ~ ® WE'LL BLOW COMFORT INTO YOUR HOME eo } With Quality TO SAVE YOU FUEL DOLLARS! Call To-day For Free Heatloss Inspection ED CHILTON & SON Phone 852-3531 &

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