3) 0) N NS Xl | 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Fob. 27th, 1974 Nestleton. On behalf of the many readers of the Port Perry Star in this and surrounding arcas, 1 offer congratula- tions to Mr. P. Hvidsten and staff upon the honour be- stowed upon them at the OW.N.A_ convention last week. IUis nice to kpow that the hours of work involved i in preparing our "Home Town" newspaper does not go un- rewarded. DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The Community Hall in Prince Albert was the setting for an anniversary party last Sunday. The two sisters of Mr. Howard Lee of Nestleton and their husbands, were guests of honour. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Somerville of Fedley, Saskatchewan and Mr. and Mrs. George Skerratt tof Prince Albert were united in marriage lorty years ago, in a double ceremony. Friends and rela- tives ghfhered to wish the foursome many more years of happiness. Among the" guests was Mrs. EK. Lee of Brooklin, mother of the above men- tioned ladies. Rekindling of memories that the years can not erase was the theme for the occasion. Luncheon was served by the ladies of the family. We would like to add our best wishes to the honoured guests, as well as a safe journey home to Mr. and Mrs. Somerville. "CARDS AND KIDS" The weekly "Cards and Kids" club euchre was held in the home of Mrs. Jean Bolan on Tuesday. Ten aesarea and area news ladies were present. Winners of first, second and *'booby"' prizes were Sandy Day, IEmmie Cox and Sue Fowler. Lunch was as per usual home made and delicious, consisting of baked maca- roni and cheese, cheese cake, pickles, tea or coffee. This was the first meeting held in my home and 1 am not too certain that 1 could stand another one. The little children were fine . . .it was the mothers that made me nervous . . cach time a poor tyke would move, someone would yell don't touch, whether they "touched or not. I must talk to those girls, for a child could develop quite a phobia about coming to my house. With all of my grandchildren visiting frequently 1 do not think that five or six little ones will have. any serious affect on me or my home. See you next week girls at Barb's on the Island. A cheery get well wish is con- veyed to Mrs. Rita Ramsey of Caesarea, who has been quite ill with a flu virus. Her many friends and neighbours pray that good health shall prevail. A welcome home from hospital is extended to Mrs. Wilfred Williams also of Caesarea. Mrs. Williams was suffering from an attack of pleuracy but is progressing favourably. May continued improvement be hers. Mr. Wilfred Williams has been in poor health for some time and is at present in the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry. Our prayers are with him also. Guides and Brownies hold district rally Some good things happen at 65! Free Health Insurance. But you 'must "apply for it. It becomes free as soon as you or your spouse turn 65. For both of you and any eligible dependents. Provided you have lived in Ontario for the last year. Phone, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an application form. You've earned it. Ontario Ministry of Health Important: Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your | area will answer any questions and help you with your application. Hamilton Toronto Ottawa 25 Main St. W. 2195 Yonge St 75 Albert Si. 528-3481 (Eglinton) 482-1111 237.9100 London Mississauga Thunder Bay 227 Queens Ave. 55 City Centre Dr. 200 South Syndicate Ave. 433-4561 275-2730 623-5131 Sudbury Kingston Windsor 295 Bond St 1055 Princess St 1427 Ouellette Ave "Ye. 8 £75-9111 S4€.3811 258-7360 Over 90 Brownie, Guides and Leades gathered for a District Rally at the Scout Hall on February 21. Brownies and Guides sang songs and demonstrated games from other lands. Thinking Day pennies were collected, these will be sent to the World Fellowship Fund. Many proficiency 'badges were presented to Brownies, with new Commissioner Mrs. Southgate receiving a very special badge. Janice Jackman was pre- sented with a pendant neck- lace bearing the insignia. This was awarded to Janice for the District crest design. Refreshments were served, each cupcdke dec- orated with a Thinking Day Banner. Scouter Paul Saulnier arrived to say a few words of thanks to Mrs. Lorraine Quinton for her contribution to the Scout-Guide move- ment in Port Perry. Brownies and Guides quietly closed the evening with taps. Pictures above are Kelly Fairman, Kim Price, Linda Chapman and Cheryl Hiltz holding lighted candles in memory of all Guides and Brownies around the world. More than 300,000 people visited the Yukon during 1973. the 75th anniversary of the Klondike Gold Rush. This is an increase over last vear's figures of 15 per cent. Guide Our deepest Spmpathy is with the fmt of the late Mrs. Annie Taylor, formerly of "Taylors Corners' on 7A highway. Mrs. Taylor was predeceased by her hughand Bill Taylor a few years ago. May God comfort this family in this their hour of sorrow. Oh what I wouldn't give to hear a lone robin merring sing . . .cheer up, cheer up it's spring. COMMUNITY CENTRE PROGRESSING To whom it may concern. . the Nestleton Community Centre is coming along fine. The roof is being put on at present. The well is comple- ted. If finished in time the first function is to be a fare- well party for one of our local citizens, with a guest list of approximately two hundred people. that would be an excellent way to open our new hall. However we shall see. The Valentine's Ball held in the Rec. Centre, Black- stock, on February the 16th was a complete success. Again many thanks to the members of the Pine Ridge Scouters club and their fam- ilies for a pleasant evening. Caesarea also celebra- ted Valentines Day with a dance, which by all reports was enjoyed by a capacity crowd. I am pleased to report that our neighbour Mr. Neil Lee of Nestleton, does not at this time require surgery on his shoulder. The specialist in attendance informed Neil that if his shoulder goes out again he must have surgery to rectify it once and for all. Neil's many friends trust that shall not be necessary, so take care Neil. Condolences of the com- munity are extended to the family of the late Mr. Omar Shaw. Mr. Shaw passed away on Thursday, February - the 15th in Cobourg. Funeral services were held in Chatham on February the 18th. Sympathy is also con- veyed to the family of the @, late Mrs. Annie McQuade, who passed away in Port Perry Hospital on February the 16th. Miss Debbie Vine, (continued on page 11) Simple, Easy, Least Cost Swine Feeding? SHUR-GAIN Does It. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 200 A 38% Swine Supplement used at 200 Ib. per ton--to make 15% Dry Sow Ration and a 14% Hog Grower. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 300 A 40% Swine Supplement used at 300 Ib. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 400 A 42% Swine Supplement for use with corn. To be used at 400 Ib. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. Three new supplements to keep feed quality high and feeding simple. Ask about SHUR-GAIN Swine Supple- ment 200-300 and 400. Spencer's Feed Service GREENBANK - ONTARIO 985-7483 Wallace Marlow Co., Ltd. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201