oe Ra Len SY CoP ai = a ts . Cm, PENA <= SED SEA sag -~ er -- EE "= > aly, SE no > k ' | 6 - PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 1974 Public School orators compete The three judges given the responsibility of choosimg the top speaker among 11 con testants at the RH. Cornish Public School Wednesday. last week certamly had no casy task The entries came from public schools in the Region ol Durham and representing the local school was Debbie Ireland who the week pre- vious captured top honours m the Central Durham Region contest competing against pupils from Black- stock. Sunderland. Thorah Ph --_-- RAS RAR VSIA NES ER RO TSE { A and Uxbridge schools Betore each contestant delivered a speech on a topie ol thew own choosing. they all had to make a 2-minute reading from a chapter of a novel or a short poem. IFoHowing the five minute speech, each contestant was asked pertinent questions by the judges in relation to the chosen topic. "Why did they choose the particular sub- ject." "Had the topic any- thing to do with personal experience', ele. These questions created The winners received their trophies from R. Sheffield, superintendent of teaching with the Durham Board of Education. Next to Mr. Kosub, T. R. McEwen Sr. runner-up; at right the winner, Whitby Sr. Public School. Sheffield, Anne Public School Oshawa, Barbara Elliott, many unique and humourous answers by the 11 contes- tants and added much to the enjoyable evening. The winner of the contest was Barbara Elliott rep- resenting Whitby Senior Public School and runner-up wis Anne Kosub, TR. Mec- IYwen Sr. Public School, Oshawa While the three judges were tallying up their scores two young pupils Sandra Worr and Cathy Taylor _ entertained with a vocal duet and the Intermediate Girls Choir under the direction of Glenn Taylor performed with a couple of charming Songs. Clean up projects for Cartwright road Cartwright Road in the former Township of Cart- wright, will undergo a beautification program. Scugog council Monday nmght passed a resolution to authorize the mavor and clerk (o execute a LIP grant agreement of $6.500. The purpose of this pro- gram is to clear garbage. branches and other debris ofl the Cartwright Rd. Manpower for this project will include two laborers and one loreman. The men will be paid $2.50 per hour and the supervisor $275 per hour, The project will be 100 percent subsidized by the federal government. The Complete Dry Dog Food. ~ 50f Discount on 25 lb. bags! MASTER FEEDS 139 Queen St. Port Perry 985-2131 & SERRA RL TPR EAR} ht {AR Ape FRRREPES NER BAAS ¥ © Back row from left: Jane Christenson, Ridgeway Sr. Public School, Oshawa; Brian Payne, Claremont Public School; Lawrence O'Leary, Our Lady of Bay R.C. Separate School, Frenchmen's Bay; David Franklin, St. Joseph R.C. Separate School, Uxbridge; Donna Gallacher, Our Lady of Bay, R.C. Separate School, Frenchman's Bay. Middle row: Lorraine Eade, Lake Vista, Sr. Public School Oshawa; Julie Machin, St. Andrew's Sr. Public School, Ajax; Mary Vitali, St. Christopher's R.C. Separate School, Oshawa; Debbie Ireland, R. H. Cornish Public School, Port Perry. Seated in front the trophy winners: At left, runner-up Anne Kosub, T. R. McEwen Sr. Public School, Oshawa and the winner Barbara Elliott, Whitby Sr. Public School. Fire Dept. answers 69 calls Property losses substantial Sixty-nine fire calls were answered by the local fire department in the arca cov- ered by them in 1973. (This department is now Hall No. 1. in the new Township of Scugog and located in Port Perry. These calls were received and answered as follows: Port Perry Village 24: the Township of Reach 29: and Scugop Island 16. This num- her ol fires worked oul to 117° hours per man for the 18 man lorce. They also answered two lalse_alarm calls. A number of these calls resulted in substantial fire losses and the loss of one life. A house on Scugog Island. MIDDLETON'S helong to Harrison Holdings was the highest loss, which was $30,000.00, others were Bulls Garage. Port Perry, $10,000.00: Bickle house, Port Perry, $5.000.00 and one lite: Marsen house, Scugog, $5.000.00 and Hooper's cot- tage. Scugog. $3,000.00. The department also spent «« hours participating in special functions, such as in the arena and helping other organizations in the area. Practice sessions held twice monthly resulted in another 60 hours per man. Annual fire inspections is another duty performed by the department and once a vear all the local business ask about our HOME FOOD-FREEZER PLAN |} a plan to fit everyones budget establishments are visited. In addition to the above hours? fire hall and truck maintenance is conducted on a regular basis. For this duty the department is split into three groups consisting of six men each and headed by an officer. Each group is responsible for these duties for 4 months each year. Four fire calls were answered in January of this year, all were houses. Two of these calls were of a minor nature with no loss resulting the other resulted in a $50,000.00 fire loss to the Durward residence in Reach Township. MAPLE LEAF Bacon b.99¢ Pork Roast b.8 9c 'PORK Butt Chops gge Minced Beef 11.09 FRESH, Chicken Quarters NY FREEZER SPECIAL: 10 Ib. box Weiners $7 3() rreezer Oldes, Hinds & Fronts of BEEF ORDERS Termsarranged Approx. $12 per week Lo i