+ Scugog News Last Wednesaay, several visiting ladies accompanied the Scugog Women's Insti- tute when they toured Ahrough Fairview Lodge. Mast found it a very enlight- cmp evperience and had the pleasure of seeing several tarmer Port Perey residents whe now call this their home where they receive fine care. On Natunday, the "Head" LGW Executive met at the home of Mix Helen Redman to discuss catering for wed- Jags and banquets and to set a piece which will be reviewed again the first of Jane Several Island residents have pone South by plane, car ar bus. We trust the energy, crisis will not spoil thew vacation, "Head" ladies, don't for- aot the Tuck Shop this week. The Women's Insti- tute meets this week at the Scugog Island Hall. The meeting is on Conservation with a guest speaker. There is a possibility of a Garden Club being organized by 4-H and being taught after March 11. Leaders will be needed and therefore there will be discussions. Well, folks don't forget there is another euchre at the Scugog Island Hall at 8 p.m. sharp on Monday night next. The Stichmann's two new houses are both sold and now occupied. Therefore, we wish to welcome the new residents and trust that they 3 IF WHEN You CALL I YOUR VOICE IS SAD, WE KNOW DEAR FRIEND YOU NEED US BAD THOM SON Heating & Air Conditioning 985-3365 Starting at: WILSON FORD PINTO SEDAN Accent group 5) 82500 Plus Handling, Provincial Sales Tax and Licence Wilson Ford Sales MANCHESTER - ONTARIO Phone 985.7373 will get to know the people of the: Community and enjoy their life among us. First we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Wood from Whitby with their daughter Carol 14 and son Stewart 11. Then. we welcome the two newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ralph from Toronto. Mrs. Ralph is the niece of Don Ashbrige and has known the Island since childhood. There will be an Official Bd. meeting for Scugog Pas- toral Charge at "Grace" Church on Thursday even- ing. This includes elders, stewards and heads of Organizations. On Sunday, Rev. Geo. Wylie was at "Grace" church with 2 laymen to assist him with the service. Mr. Crawford Smythe is a well known public man as he is President of the Gray Coach lines, President of Kiwanis at Scarborough and involved with T. T. C. Both men are prominent in the Presbyterian Church. On Sunday, Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs of Port Perry took part in a church parade to the Angli- can Church. Some Island children also took part. The church was filled to capacity and it 'was all a wonderful experience. Rev. Rose held the children's attention with his interesting, adoptive, and well illustrated parable of "The Sower." On Tuesday morning members of the "Head" U.C.W. and friends of Mrs. Carol Jordan gathered at the home of Mrs. Beryl Pearce to extend best wishes to Carol, prior to her moving away to another area. The Jordan family has lived at the "Centre" and "Head" -for several years. We wish to express appreciation for Carol's help in the choir, church plays and U.C.W. activities. We trust they will wish to join us on future occasions. On Sunday at "Grace" there will likely be a Dedication Service for the 3 new Stewards, Mrs. Helen Hope, Mrs. Ivan Fralick and Mr. Geo. Samells. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins upon the arrival of their first grand- child, a dear little girl. Uxbridge 852-7761 a) PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 1974 -- 7 Seagrave and area news Things are beginning to stir here now. This being Scout Week we" have been asked to mention that the Scouts will be meeting in Greenbank Hall on March 7th from 7 until 9 p.m. Parents of boys who might be interested are asked to call Mr. Ray Desautels 985- 7703 or Mr. Harold Lotta 985-2043. . The 4H Sewing Club is starting soon too, possibly this week. Mrs. Nicholls will again be in charge with Mrs. Belair as her assistant and this year's project is lounge wear. What happened to Mrs. Cliff Short? She was suppor- ting the Flamingo hockey team at the Sunday night game when the shield for protecting the public collap- sed right on top of her and knocked her out completely. Friends picked her up and took her to hospital where i.*Come-as-you-are" she got patched up and spent the night. U.C.W. had their February meeting last Wednesday night. It was one of those turn-about affairs with busi- ness first. Most of the stand- ing committee just said "no repor(" but we found that there had been 4 get-well cards, 2 boxes and 1 sympat- hy card sent and 2 calls made. The ladies turned thumbs down on a spring tea but decided on a bake sale for May 18th and agreed to cater for the Rutherford horse show on June 8th. Unit 2 will be staging the lunch- eon this year on March 27th. Names were drawn for the fellowship sisterhood and some suggestions made for the World's Day of Prayer. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Roy Puckrin and con- sisted of hymns, scripture read by Mrs. Boe, prayer by Mrs. Keith Puckrin, the topic entitled "'Failuye" given by Mr§. Nodwell and an accord- ian solo by Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Nodwell introduced Mrs. Sin- clair of Port Perry who gave a short talk and showed pictures of Russia to the members who pronounced them very good. Mrs. Reta Boe visited Mrs. Wilson Boe in Orillia hospital on Monday and reports that she is showing some im- provement and able to walk with a walker now. Mr. Richard (Dick) Sysum still has some old friends around Seagrave so he was staying with Mrs. M. Stone and visiting them this last week. Miss Karen Carr spent the week-end in Port Perry with her friend Kathleen Donnell- ly. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Carr were supper guest of the Carrs. SAVE! SAVE / SAVE / I BAYER ASPIRIN 100's Vicks FORMULA 44 COUGH SYRUP Sugg. list*1.39 until BRUTONS [tC yo, STAY MUIR 0 7aN 4% Va\ 3 {of ROLLIE A fs Sn OT S.R. ""Stan" Bruton is retiring at the end of February after 28 years as a pharmacist in Port Perry. Mr. J.A. "Jim* pharmacist who trained at the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan, Lawrence, a will be taking over the business. This "Thank You" Sale has been arranged to mark the occasion. It conveys Stan Bruton's appreciation to the citizens of Port Perry and district for their patronage over the years and will be a means of introducing the new owner, and new citizen of Port Perry, Mr. Lawrence. The store will continue under the name Bruton's |.D.A. Pharmacy. Come in and take advantage of these and other low, low prices. oz. $109. CREST TOOTHPASTE a ------ » 6 ounce 10 ounee. { $1.99] Sva9- Lis Suag. The B.L.. Wanamakers had Sunday evening supper with son Ron, his wife and family is Oshawa. We are glad to have some new from Sun Valley this week and would be pleased to have some from Robin- glade and Mariposa Estates at any time. News from Sun Valley This coming week Mrs. Arc- hie Walker hopes to be rid of (continued on page 8) YES WE CAN $2,000 - $50,000 2nd & 3rd Mtges We are now making loans on all types of properties in your area. Call direct coll ect -- Prompt Investment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto, 366-9586 evgs. 231-8146. Low cost, any purpose, Ontario wide. MANY MORE UNADVERTISED Seas INSTORE LIQUID DETERGENT 24 oz. Bottle aE rTr rtd BRUTON'S m-m--»-2- PHARMACY 985-3548 PORT PERRY 985-2511