al _. 4 Readers'opinion "Regional Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Editor: After reading. a report in the Port Perry Star, where ¢ Councillor Rose has voted in favour of: increasing the Regional Councillors sal- aries by 20 percent to $12,000.00 a year, I felt com- pelled to: find the reason. I spoke to Rev. Rose and here is his reasoning. He had a choice of two evils in order to be compensated for his work on Regional Council % before January 1, 1974. The first choice was deemed illegal by their lawyer. The second was to raise their own already too high pay for 1974. I feel he had a third way to vote, and the only possible way to be fair to the tax- payers. Mayor Malcolm went on record as being com- $ pletely opposed to any form of a raise' and why could not Councillor Rose. Is Councillor Rose not aware of the possibility that while he is receiving $12,000.00 from Regional Council alone, which is a part time job, that at least 50 percent of the taxpayers in the Township of Scugog do not receive $10,000.00 as their # total income for one year? I question where 'else a person can receive a 20 percent pay increase after only six weeks employ- ment. Apparently Councillor Rose figures if he cuts the spending in a department he should be compensated. I ¢ make this statement sup- ported by the fact that he was the main spokesman in cutting from the Fire Departments request at least three much needed items, both for better main- tenance and safer and more efficient operation. Several other items under study by our Regional & Government which bother me are, the.widening of Lilla Street and Scugog Street in Port Perry. This will cer- tainly mean expropriating properties on both streets. It is only the weekend traffic which poses any problem on either streets. This week- end traffic is through traffic and leaves very little money #®- in Port Perry. Why shouldn't MONKEY AROUND WITH YOUR 2 Monkeying around with your tax return can cost you money. let: H & R BLOCK prepare and dou- ble check your return for accuracy. You'll go ape COMPLETE '® when you see how fast, RETURNS easy and inexpensive it is at H & R BLOCK--A good place to place your confidence. Sp GUARANTEE i we mike any error in the preparation of your tax return that costs you any terest or penalty on 28d ional taves Bue, while we do not assume the habihnty for the 2dditional ta 2s. we will pay thatanterest and penalty. (RSRIBLO CI LTD. % Canada's Largest Tax Service With Over 6000 Offices in North America NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY GREENBANK 985-2416 HEE VERS 18 SARE TNR Council gone too far, too fast" this traffic be rerouted around Port Perry as it is done in other towns? I understand there is a study underway to instal a traffic light at the corner of Queen Street and Lilla Street. Imagine the diffi- culites and smashed fenders on a slippery day at this corner should lights be installed. Jt me that this Regional Council has gone too far too fast. Is it not time that we the taxpayers, who have to pay for these ridicu- lous salaries and proposals, gathered to-gether and took some action to prevent our taxes from sky rocketing? The next meeting of our Ratepayers Association is going to be a very important meeting. It" has a small membership at present. Let us get behind this Associ- ation and everybody become involved or it will soon be that only the councillors will be able to pay their taxes. The Ratepayers Associ- ation has been successful in the past in steering council along a more beneficial route, and 1 feel that only through the partici- pation of many taxpayers are we going to be able to survive this Regional Government. Sincerely and very concerned Raymond Penney Will circulate petition Mr. Editor: A proposal will be made to Regional Council to re- construct Lilla Street (Port Perry) likely this spring or summer at an estimated cost of $750,000. The change will convert Lilla Street from its present two lane to curb and gutter, and four lanes (two driving lanes plus two park- ing lanes which can later be used as driving lanes). We do not argue the fact that repairs may have to be made some-time in the future, but why the overhaul and waste of money now? 1. Traffic problems? A survey made of the average daily traffic on Lilla Street revealed approximately 2.500 vehicles per day. Engineering specifications for Lilla Street in its present form indicates a capacity in excess of 1,500 vehicles per hour at 30 m.p.h. Road condition? Try it yourself. What requires this amount of change and spend- ing? A potential four lanes of traffic on Lilla Street will of course require traffic lights, turning lanes, split our town and encourage faster traffic and all for what reason. There is nothing at this time that justifies spending close to a million dollars on Lilla Street. A. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST for appointment call 985-2383 or Zenith 59240 TT How are our dollars being used? 1. Fire Department budget = Up 50 percent. 2. Salaries for 30 Council- lors -- $360,000. 3. Proposed Lilla Street change (not yet before coun- cil) -- $750,000. 4. Discussion of a new regional building --_ $120,000.000 (verified by the CKLB news desk). This money would construct 3,000 new homes at $40,000 each. You don't think this is possible? How close would you have been on an estim- "ate for councillors salaries last October, 1973. Petitions will be circulated regarding Lilla Street on February 21st and 22nd so we can measure your reaction. If you can't b e contacted, petition will be available for signature at Carnegies Crest Hardware, and the Port Perry Star Office. Yours truly, Dave Muir PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 1974 -- 5 Takes exception to 'statement"in Star Dear Sir: We would like to take exception to the statements published recently in your paper regarding Area and Local Ambulance Services January 23, 1974. First Regional Govern- ment has nothing whatso- ever to do with Area Ambu- lances. They are controlled by ~~ Ambulance Service Branch of the Ontario Hospi- tal Insurance Plan, under authority of the Provincial . Government and financed by members premiums. Second, all Ambulance Services are not owned by the Provincial Goverment, as some are Privately owned and financed through them. Third, perhaps the most important correction to the published article is that the people of Port Perry and Area canrest assured that if, and it happens quite fre- quently, an ambulance from Oshawa or Whitby is called, the Ambulance Crew will have had much more train- ing than the minimum train- ing and are certainly much better trained than the pre- sent service which is ser- vicing the Port Perry and immediate area. Fourth, it has always been the policy of the Ambulance Crews to take the patient to the nearest hospital that can render the best service to the patient, thereby relieving an unnecessary transfer. Finally we would suggest that the Scugog Ratepayers Association and the Scugog Council petition Ambulance Service Branch to have the Ambulance Service which they can rely on be fully trained and stationed where the majority of the popula- tion -is and not four and a half miles from downtown Port Perry, on Concession three of Reach Township, one hundred yards east of Highway No. 12. Where roads travelled are notorious for being snow clogged. Sincerely, J.R. Town, W.C. Town Ambulance Service. 2535252626; cache ead 25250 2525252505262525 2525252525255 2505252025252 552525255 5252525252526 25 25262525 2525252526262626 52606 fad 29252525252 [on Lo Lope Ln Loge Loge age Lope Lom Lyn pe 1 5e52525252525¢2 ® VINYL YARD GOODS HUNDREDS OF PATTERNS - ® CARPETS by Caravelle, Barrymore and Ventura Shags, Twists, Splush, e SHAG RAKES e VINYL ASBESTOS TILES ! e PEEL & STICK TILES t ® Aluminum Thresholds assorted styles - 3 ft. lengths Indoor-Outaoor 7 | TREWAX STRAD FLOOR FINISHES 2.40 1.49 PERRY 180) 12" and 6' widths $5.95 each e UNDER PADS eo UNDER LAY eo MACLOCK Carpet Holding Tape KE SCUGOG LUMBER - 985-7391 - PORT PERRY Everyone deserves | | BEAUTIFUL | FLOORS | and we have Floor Coverings so beautiful you'll think you can't 'afford them... but '3. 95 yd. up is 20¢ 325252525¢52525¢ ICICACHC TTA TT: pp Lope Loge Lop Loge [oye Loge Loup Le yEae5e5e52525252525 CCC eae5e5¢ 1526252525252525 2526260630006 06 Teple EOE EE09052525252525252525252525252525¢25 Lop ope Loge ope Lop Loe egw Loge Ve ope [| ICICI PCICICICICIC Raa 0 id (RT% 1 alia Cove Pe TE wl