» Real Estate For Sale BEAT THE HIGH COST of Living. Well built small frame house -- 4rooms, Nestleton area. Purchaser must move 10 own lot. Oil space heater included. $3,000. or bes! offer. Phone weekends only. 986 5153. Wanted to Rent FARM LAND, suitable for crop in Greenbank area. Phone 985 2708. APARTMENT, Port Perry area. Young couple, no children, soon as possible 985 - 2217. 2 CAR GARAGE or bigger with hydro and heating if possible within 10 miles of Port Perry. Phone after 6 p.m. 985.7794. (Feb. 27) Wanted to Buy 2 or 3 BEDROOM HOME priced around $20,000 to $25,000. Phone 759-7338, Toronto (Feb. 27) * ANYTHING ANTIQUE, old or collectible. Especially furniture, crocks or fruit sealers. Call Dan Stone 985.7057. COAL STOVE, gramophone, fur. niture, coal oil lamp, china etc. Call Vera Lee Antiques. 985.7723. BARN WANTED | for wrecking.. Phone 985 2698. B 'Wanted ROOM AND BOARD for elderly lady in Port Perry. Phone 985-7137. FIRST MORTGAGE of $15,000. on a $25,000 apartment house. Apply to Box 11, Port Perry Star. (Mar. 13) Help W Wanted MEAT CUTTER with experi ence, reasonable hours, good wages. Apply Box No. 10, Port Perry Star. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted for Moor Park Restau rant. Night shift. Must have own Iransportation. Apply in per- son anytime. Highway No. 12 and Thickson Road, just north of Brooklin. LOOKING FOR A REAL CHALLENGE? Become an Avon Representative. "Your hours are your own, you're responsible for a sales territory all your own and you can make the most of a real earning opportunity. For more information, call: 942-7521, Mrs. J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. Will Give Av Away FREE TO GOOD HOME, gold and white border collie pup, 5 months, male, had needles, Rouse rained, Phone 985.3585. Miscellaneous "LEARN 10 DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS eo Now you can train right herein Canada! ® Tuition Tax Deductible! ® Placement assistance guaranteed! ® Weekend training also available! For application and interview, write: Safety Department, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd, 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario. Or call 416 864.9381 (Formerly Trans Canada Transport Training.) ment, Pl 'a LAR A" 7 EA i Work Wanted INTERIOR DECORATING and Painting, at reasonable prices. Free estimates. Phone 985-2930. (Feb. 203. PLASTERING Shieco Repairs, Cement work. Free estimate. Phone id 7288. WILLIAMS PAINTING CONTRACTORS Seagrave, Ont Guaranteed Work 357 3008 T.F. SNOWPLOUGHING Driveways Parking Lols. Reasonable Rates. Call Ken Kerr, 9852672. T.F. 1d SNOWPLOUGHING 985-2435. Phone Jan. 9 CUSTOM poultry Killing, year around, Sunderland, 357 - 3546. (ape, 3) SPRING CLEAN UP -- Four handymen and a truck at your disposal to clean up your base: garage, property and make minor repairs to your home and other odd jobs. Very reasonable. Call 579-1560 or 357 3936. SAVE GAS -- Have your engine analysed for $8.00. Call Harold Peck 986 - 4252 for appointment. T.F. AUTOMOBILE IGNITION ANALYZER Ignition Check, $3.00, Keith Lyle, Phone 985-7030. BUILDING REPAIRS and reno- vations. Specializing in rec. rooms, plastering and stucco work. Call 942 8336. (Mar. 6) CAWKER BROS. ABBATTOIR Custom Killing and Cutting Freezer Orders, cut and trimmed to your specifications. Danny Cawker Bus. 416-985-2221 Res. 705-357-3420 WHITE'S T.V. ANTENNAS ROTORS TOWERS UHF. - V.H.F. Colour Aerials Serving the Port Perry Area at no exlra charge. Phone Oshawa 576-5606 T1.F. DEAD or CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Prompt Pick-up. For direct line call long distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call Anytime Ed Peconi & Son Woodville, Ontario Licence No. 324C-66 MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723-9525 T.V. Towers, Sales Service and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors and black & white also Repairs Open 9-9 Serving Port Perry and area for five years. McINTYRE UPHOLSTERY PORT PERRY, ONT. ® RECOVERING © REPAIRS ® RESTYLING ® REFINISHING To all Upholstered Articles Vast selection of modern materials. Workmanship guaranteed. For free ' , Vv K; le leet bnicadit iin alsin le WN ' SOA TL ¥ TV Work Wanted SNOWMOBILE REPAIRS ALL MAKES - Scugog Small Engines Phone 985-2252 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up Promptly. Telephone Collect. HAMPTON 426 2632721 (24 hour service) MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R. 5, Bowmanville Licence No. 364C 72 REG AND LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 years experience) LIVESTOCK FURNITURE SALES Sunderland 705-357-3270 ANNIS - GAUSLIN Licenced Auctioneers Farm & Estate Sales Furniture (Modern & Antique) John Annis 942-4500 Earl Gauslin 640-3079 Feb 1 75 WALKER-LIPTAY LTD. AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK-ESTATES BLOOD HORSES For bookings or Information Contact Steve Liptay, Hampton 263 2117 Bill Walker, Markham, 294 4970 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 HOLSTEINS Holstein Dispersal of 55 Grade Cows and sprinaina heifers for J.W. Kelley, Newmarket, Selling at the Stouffville Cow Palace, "4 mile north of Stouff- ville on Hwy. 47. (This sale will . immediately _follow the Elidor "Dispersal at 11:30 a.m.). This is an old established herd that has used Unit sires for many years. 50 milk cows feature 15 fresh and sprinagina at sale time. Balance * bred for summer and fall. These cows are large with good udders. The herd has been culled heavily with result that cows are young - many 2nd and 3rd calvers. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase young cows ready to work. 1,150 Ib. No. 1 Milk Quota (Subject to OMMB) available by contacting owner. Cattle Folders available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridae, Onlario. Phone 416-852-3524 (Feb. 21) GIGANTIC AUCTION SATURDAY, FEB. 23 12 NOON Property of Midtown Furniture and Ski-Doo Sales, will be held at warehouse 25 Cambridge Street, N., Lindsay. complete remaining stock. New Ski-Doos and used Snowmobiles (about 20) suits, oil bools, covers, helmets, elc. New Westinghouse appliances, color televisions, dryers, auto- matic washer, Frost free refrig- erator; automatic stove, dish washer, spin washer, 23 cu. ft. freezer, console stereo, com ponent stereo, sewing machines, bunk beds, chrome sels, bed room suite, recliner, swivel rocker, tea wagon, dining room suite, chesterfield set, davenport set, mattresses, 2 arctic cats, chain saw, double trailer, snow blower, all items (except used snowmobiles) are new and carry full warranty. Absolutely no reserve. Warehouse must be 'cleared, terms cash, snowmo- biles $50.00 deposit, balance cheque or finance on pick up, 12 noon sharp. Mitchell Mclean Auctioneers, 324 2791, Lindsay. estimates call 985-3513 Auction Sales ont. Auction Sales THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 11:30 A.M. Complete Elldor Holstein Dis- persal owned by Ellis H. Britton, Claremont, Ont. Selling at Stouffville Cow Palace, V4 mile north of Stouffville on Hwy. 47. 44 Head, 33 Registered, 11 Grade. Owner Sampler D.H.I.A. tested, classified. This is a very high testing herd with good produc tion. This herd is entirely from United sires and features a very smooth 5 yr. old by Dividend Clipper with BCA of 130-143, due before sale time to Shore Anthony Lad (VG). Also a smart 3 yr. old by "Apex sells fresh with a heifer calf by Perseus Mark. Several fresh. Many bred for summer and fall. A fine aroup of good uddered cows and arowthy heifers. This dispersal will be followed immediately by the milking herd dispersal for Joe Kelley, Newmarket. Folders Available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. (Feb. 21} SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23 Auction Sale of household furni ture and Antiques. The property of GEO. KERR will be held in the Village of Zephy across from Public School. G.E. Frig, Moffat stove with overhead oven (good), 2 chrome sels, 2 pc. Leatherette chesterfield, French Provincial cotfee and end tables, win beds and dresser, lamps, antique lamp made from old round wooden knife sharpener, number of antiques, broad axe, deer head, double barrelled shot gun. Simplicity spin dry washing machine, large quantity of tools and other furniture. Property sold. Terms cash, owners mov ina to Vancouver. Sale at 1 p.m Rea and Larry Johnson, auction eers, Phone (705) 357 3270. THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 160 HOLSTEINS Sale called quickly due to sudden death. Complete Roselandvale Holstein Dispersal owned by Edgar and Glenn Werry, R. R. 1, Hampton. Selling at the Stouff- ville Cow Palace Ys mile north of Stouffville on Hwy. 47. This herd is entirely home bred. During the past 35 years it has been one of Durham County's top breeding herds. 75 milk cows, 35 bred heifers, 50 open heifers & calves. The cows are young, large with exceptional sharpness and tall front ends. At the present time there are 9 Very Good and the herd will be reclassified before the sale. Typical of the type selling is: Roselandvale Petro Diana (Very Good) a June 18, 1969 "Fond Ivanhoe due in July. 11 AM. Her dam is Very Good by "Romeo," 2nd Dam "Very Good'* by 'Almerson."" Rose- landvale Ivanhoe Lass also "Very Good" another beautiful young-cow - her 3 direct dams are all "Very Good." The heifers are extremely powerful, well grown heifers 26 head by Waybrook Sir Winston (VG), 20 by Seiling Petro (Ex), 22 by Rockman Senator (Ex), 13 by Rocket Kemp (VG), 13 by Crown - Royal (Ex) others by Ivanhoe, President, Rockman, Romeo, and Bertrand. Several fresh & Springing many bred for summer and fall. Although fhis herd has never been on test perhaps the potential can best be described by the fact that 9 cows that have left the herd in the last 7 years have gone Excellent for their new owners. Records hai e been made to over 25,000 milk 1,000 fat. A herd with top" breeding families. Do not miss this Sale!!! Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manager, Ont. 416-852-3524. (Feb. 20) NEED MUSIC? for a WEDDING DANCE PARTY etc. call 985- 3089 (after 6p.m.) "PORT PERRY STAR -- lo 2 20,17413 ~ October, Special warning If you pick up one of the Region's weekly news- papers and go through the local news columns you will read where Mr. and Mrs. so and so. of such and such an address will be holidaying in Florida during the last two weeks of February. If you stop to think about it, you are advertising the fact that your house is vacant for two weeks. Thieves read the newspapers also. If you live in the Whitby Detachment area, before you leave, con- tact our office and advise the desk officer when you will be away and have your resi- dence entered on the property check list. This way it will be checked by patrol cars while you are away. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Murwiri"Stone, deceased. All persons having claims ag ainst the Estate of Murwin Stone, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 29th day of 1973 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or hefore the 13th, day of March, 1974, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sard date the assests of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there to, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 11th day of February, 1974. KELLY, JERMYN & ZULY, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above Estate. (Feb. 27) il Church PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. R. Brawn, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 24th-- 10:00 a.m. - Combined Church & Sunday School. 11:30 a.m. - Prince Albert Combined Church and Sunday School. CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 24th-- Quinquagesima 9:30 a.m, Morning Prayer and Church School. Wed. Feb. 27th: Ash Wednesday 10 a.m. Holy Communion and Penitential Service. ST. JOHN'S, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, FEB. 24th-- Quinquagesima 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School Wed. Feb. 27th: Ash Wednesday 8 p.m. Holy Communion and Penitential Service. United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. B. R. Pogue SUNDAY, FEB. 24th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER N , REMEMBER 140 in the Junior Judging Contest held in conjunction with the All-Canadian Hol- stems for season. Miss Prince tess at a the current show Ena Keizibrink, Albert, was hos- miscellaneous shower held in honour of Miss Jane Hammess, Whitby, whose marriage lo Hermann Keizibrink takes place shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murphy, Port Perry, are happy lo announce the birth of their son Mark, on their wedding anniversary, February 14th. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, February 20, 1961 David St. Pierre, Clare- mont won the Russell Morri- son Trophy for the fourth consecutive time at the Ontario County Seed Judging Competition held at the Port Perry High School on Feb- ruary 15th. Neil Clark. son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Clark. Port Perry has been awarded his yellow helt in Judo. He has been taking lessons since October. Mrs. Woods of Eleanor's Flowers gave an interesting floral arrangement demon- stration at a general meeting of the Port Perry U.C.W. on February 11th. Nearly 1.000 children and parents from the Port Perry, Area enjoyed a successful ice carnival of the Memorial -Recreation Centre. A few of the prize winners were Deborah Short, Ricky De- Shane. Penny Venning and Charles Nelson. Services PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. I. MacLean Evangelistic Services with Rev. & Mrs. L. MacPherson Feb. 17 - Mar, 3 Sundays: 10 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Tues. - Fri.: 7:45 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Duff SUNDAY, FEB. 24th-- 15:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School BURN'S CHURCH Ashburn Service at 11:30 a.m. Rev. John Duff PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor 9:45 - Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship "Taking God's Name in Vain". 7 p.m. Evening Gospel Service. Hymn Sing "Some Erroneous Views" Wed. 7:30 - Family Prayer and Bible Hour ea, oy x! a A Se _ a a a iE ee