nin 2 \ py 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 1973 AN 4 ' . LJ \ Blackstock and d vi | LO¢ n r na views e ACIESLOCI a area news ar l The Senior Qitizens held Satwday callers of Mr. Pat Sleep on Thursday Guests in addition to the A family gathering in the Also gifts were brought for RAY their card party on Dec. 4 and Mrs. "Wilbert Archer afternoon. Plans were made honoured couple were Mrs. form of an evening dinner the Children's Aid. NY and as a "thank you they were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer for the lunch to b e sold at Werry's brother Mr. and partly was celebrating two Minutes and correspon- BA had a free night. ' Archer Of Whitby. Sunday intermission of fhe Pop Mrs. Frank Harkness of Ida birthdays. Mrs. Ruth Wilson dence were read, the treas- His Adraw was held on a clock visitors were Mrs. Ed. Concert on Saturday, Dec." and her sister Mrs. Lola 'and Valerie, West Hill, Mr. urer's report given and the SE | which had been donated ~ Minaker, Mrs. Jim Dugan, 15. More tickets were given Dawson and son Jim of and Mrs. Bruce Knapp, rollcall, "A Christmas gift I ie by Frank Real Estate and Mrs. Orville Hicks and Mrs. oul to sell for this event. The Fraserville, Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa. Glenda was cele- would like to receive' Laid was won by Tennyson Murray Ruth all of Lochlin. preliminary ladies' list was Rob Mairs. Congratulations, brating her birthday as is proved to be difficult to "3 Samells. Glad to report that Bob revised for the 1974 Fair List. Mr. and Mrs. Werry. Mrs. McQuade, who will be answer bul "those who did & We were very pleased to Bryans is slowly improving, Sunday evening dinner Mr. and Mrs. Norton 92 on Wednesday. Many had interesting replies. have a carload come from but he is still in Intensive guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hary VanCamp, Listowel were happy returns, Mrs. Cards were signed. for the Senior Citizens Club of » Care Unit of Sunnybrook VanCamp were Mr.and Mrs. weckend guests of Mr.and McQuade. those of our members who Omemee. Winners for the Hospital. Mrs. Jessie Glenn ~~ VanCamip, Bill, Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Guests of Mr. and Mrs. . were unavoidably absent cards were Ladies' High Gunler is able to be home Robert and Paul, Mr. and Aileen. Percy VanCamp and Aileen' and cheer boxes arranged Mrs. Edith Anderson, Sec- following surgery in Port Mrs. John Dowson all of Port Glad to report that Mrs. for Saturday evening dinner for. ond - Mrs. Lorna Richards, Third - Mrs. Anne Manns. Men's High Bill Chap- man, Second - Earl Prescott, Perry Hospital. Earl Brad- burn has also returned home. Grant McLaughlin is in Oshawa Hospital following Perry celebrating Donna's birthday. A family dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Tennyson Samells has re- turned home after five weeks in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Frank Bailey was rushed to A SERV ERE AEE AY LA AN SAE I Flat nin fav lh FEA were Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, Miss Barbara Rid- TD FAG I LAN Kin HAY SHRARIASIN ¥ WY The mystery sister plan is tobe continued. Names were drawn so as to begin in January, 1974. 2 Thirt - Bryon Hyland. The shoulder surgery last week. Mrs. Neil Werry, Larry and Toronto Hospital by ambu- ing, Toronto, Mrs. Stanford The programme consisted next Senior Citizens Euchre The lady Directors of the Joy in honour of Mr. and lance on Saturday. Her VanCamp, Miss Doreen of singing of carols. A " will .be on Dec. 18 and also Blackstock Agricultural Mrs. Wilbert Werry's 50th many friends hope she will VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. charade by group in charge ey the Christmas Party. Society met at the home of wedding anniversary. soon be better. Harry VanCamp, Mrs. W.W. said, "We wish you a Merry hel : VanCamp and Mr. Jack Christmas." Reading, i VanCamp. "Under the Spreading Grapefruit Tree" was given A few games of Bingo con- vened by Mrs. Skelding finished off the programme and a pleasant afternoon. Blackstock W.I. The December meeting of the Blackstock Women's Institute was enjoyed by 22 members, 8 local ladies and 1 child who, after singing the Institute Grace, sat down to a delightful pot luck dinner. The main dish was chicken pie along with turnips, salad, jellies, cake, pie, cookies, tea and mints. As usual the quality was excellent, the, quantity plentiful. From a small decorated Christmas tree, gifts were distributed to everyone pre- sent, the: members from their mystery sister, the gifts from good old Santa. EB ARYA GC iS CY vp E-- New Deadlines Display Advertising: 3 P.M. - MONDAY Week of Publication Classified Advertising: (Accounts of meetings, sports reports, etc.) 6 P.M. - MONDAY Week of Publication DESERT FIOWER GIFT SET 3 0z Dusting Powder ) 2 oz Hand & Body Lotion 1': 02 Splash on Cologne Christmas Shopping with a difference at UXPOOL FAMILY MEMBERSHIP 5()-%0 SQUASH MEMBERSHIP $3()-%0 till Dec. 31st. 40" Beginning Jan. 1/74 GIFT = 3 -oz 3 3% Colonna plus oz. Stick I 99.. MEN'S Black or Brown LADIES Brown, Navy. Gold. Tan A GREAT GIfT gy SNA < MAGICUBES FLASHCUBES 48 S139 3 CUBES Rev]: 13 (AFA TLT TY) (PN AETY ITY) SUGG. LIST $2.40 SUGG. LIST $1.80 $ '_*Tye-Sil' 3-Roll Paper Cc CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP 04 2670210 TOTALLENGIN SUGG LISTSI4Y HERE ARE A FEW MORE OF OUR MANY GIFT SPECIALS BAG-FULL-0-BOWS 36 STICK-ON ASSTO. COLOUR BOWS PLAIN & FANCY -- SUGG. LIST 99¢ Swi de S488 SKINNY DIP spuaskoN $1 67 Girls & Boys SuBILES 188 lll " Bathing Suits *10% MOIRS 118. BOX SKINNY DIP 202. KITTEN' CHOCOLATES a8 SPRAY COLOGNE $4 67 & plus LL Assorted Creams & Haid Centres SUGG. LIST $2.25 1] 4) .62 118. BOX CHOCOLATES ROMAN B anckuncic: S188 AMER. $177 | 8 Sport Bags DESERT FLOWER AN BRIO seanveoloane S279 EEN ONO. 5718 y t SEIT SE Squash Equipmen TUBE TALCUM 3 10 al Lotion $913 q q P SUGG. LIST $1.35 user SUGG. LIST $3 we Swim & Sport Gear PAPER-MATE M ' ' phonies SP A S48 oe MIS SE Memon Sof Swimming Books of Tickets GIFT SETS wore COLOGNE Itypesin 2 sizes SUGG. LIST $4.00 Children $4-25° BRUT 33 S30 OLD SPICE $188 Birman amet ies CRON S00 1st es 08 ur Students $6-25 PAPER-MATE 'Profile' OLD SPICE PEN & PENCIL SET $88 Pee LOTION SUGG. LIST $4.95 SUGG. LIST $2.10 $133 use Py Ty ) BRUTONS BH -ED-A DRUGS 985-3548 PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE 985-2511 Adults $9-°° CALL UXPOOL UXBRIDGE 852- 1831 {on on Con {on { «