Dish cdabit dint dbickidiiniinl maki hn Christmas is theme at Wl meeting by M. Cawker Public Relations Officer The Dec. meeting of Honeydale W.1, was held on the afternoon of thé 6th in the "Municipal Hall with a' good attendance. A delicious Pot Luck Luncheon was served prior to the meeting. Mrs.Ina. DeYonge and committee in charge. Vice © President Mrs. Dorothy Naples chaired the business portion opening at 2 p.m. with the Ode and Mary Stewar Collect. All present were welcomed most cord- ially, including one visitor. The Roll Call was given by Mrs. Dorothy Naples, Dis. Director for the Branch. A decision was made to carry on with the Mystery Sister for 1974. The programme presented at the Community Nursing Home in Nov. by Honey- dale members was greatly appreciated and members feel we could do this more often. We do thank Annie Toombs and Luella Kennedy for the fine music so will- ingly given. Many a foot was tapping when Annie in her usual happy fashion played both old and new numbers during the Tea hour. Luella's lovely Alto voice contributed greatly to the program. The shut-ins will be re- membered at Christmas. Mrs. Grace Bassant is con- vener of this pleasant duty. So sorry some members are ill, and do wish for them a speedy return health. A fine shower of attrac- tive, as well as useful gifts, was turned in by the mem- bers for the Ontario Hospital patients to add a little cheer to. their lonely lives, -- a very worthwhile project for the Branch. Mrs. Ina DeYonge took the floor for the programme, Utica and area Service will be held in Utica United Church on Sun- day, December. 16 at 11°;30 a.m. Sunday School meets at 10:15 a.m. On Sunday eve- ning Dec. 16 at 7:30 the Sunday School will be hold- ing their Christmas Party in the church. Everyone is wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Breznikar had the misfortune to lose their home and all its con- tents on the sixth concession of Reach, northwest of Utica last Friday. Any contribu- Ld . 0000000 OCOCOOCOOOOOOOOCOOROOOOOO0 PORT PERRY AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 985-2347 HAS THE PARTS YOU NEED FOR: ® Cars ® Trucks ® Tractors ® Industrial Equipment ® Small Engines ® Marine ® Snowmobiles FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS Also complete line of metric and standard wrench sizes for domestic and industrial uses. Castrol and Red-X Oils and Additives Equipment & Tool Rentals Welding Supplies Wrench Set THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - 15 pc. Metric Snowmobile Reg.>24% 318.95 Auto paint for cars, snowmobiles etc. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We honour CHARGEX ET RR ® ONE DAY DELIVERY ON ITEMS NOT STOCKED © ©00000000000000000000000000¢0 SERVICE CALLS - CARPENTRY General Call 985-7679 to good- - Thompson and called on Mrs. Irene Philp who spoke fittingly on the Motto --- "Law and the Women in Ontario." Irene read excerpts from a book to do with Jaw and women. Anyone wishing to procure same, the address is "Law and the woman in Ontario," Administrative Labor, Women's Bureau. 400 University Avenue, Toronto, M7A 1C9. Mrs. Alpha Samells read a fine poem entitled "Old Ontario" by John Murray Gibbons. Mrs. De Boer and Mrs. Haan read the beautiful Christmas story of the birth "tions would be very much appreciated by the family. Boxes for contributions are located int he Utica Store and the Utica Farm Equipment Shop. Mrs. W. Scott of London and Mrs. D. Robison of- Sacramento, California spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier. A community pre- sentation and euchre. party was held in Utica Hall on Nov. 30 to honour Mr. and Mrs. Doug Geer. Mr. Larry Ross has re- cently been appointed Post- master at Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish of Port Perry called on Mrs. Bruce Bailey on Friday eve- ning. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a parly in Utica Community Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burnett of Port Perry. Mrs. Chet Geer and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKinley of Willow- dale. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutcliffe. Shawn and "Sherri of Janetville and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crawford were Sunday visitors with the Sutcliffes. Miss Jewel MacCannell has been visiling with Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacCannell of Peterborough. Recent visitors with Mrs. James E. Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Milt Parkin, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell, Mrs. Ivan Gray. Mrs. Bill Harper, Mrs. Yvonne Williams and Kristy and Miss Lynne Page. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Geer of Richmond Hill visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Geer on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. were supper guests of Mr. Mrs. Bill Goslin. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butsony on Sunday Dennis and evening. On Sunday Dec. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson ELECTRICAL ® PLUMBING Electric Heating Pumps FREE ESTIMATES RON RANKIN and SONS Sunday ol Jesus, most fitting for the Christmas program. Carol'singing was enjoyed with Mrs. May Allan, song leader, and Mrs. Alpha Samells accompanying al the piano. A gift exchange completed an interesting aflernpon. The Jan. meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Clara Warren and group "Topic'". "Family Affairs" to be held on the first Thursday in the Municipal Hall, 2 p.m. A warm welcome is exten- ded to the ladies of the community to attend. News visited Mr. Wm. Baker who is living with his brother at Ernstown, R. R. 3, Bath, PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 1973 -- 7 Asthmatic children's course completed The ight week Physic a Conditioning Asthmatic Children held alt Uxpool, Uxbridge and con ducted by the Ontario County TH and Respiratory Disease Association ended last week Mrs. Angus Jewell, Vice: President presented Certifi- cates of Accomplisment te the children participating trom Uxbridge and the sur rounding areca Dro Tan Tavlor spoke briefly to the parents and on 'hehall of the Uxpool Board thanked the TB-RD Associ ation lor arranging such a worthwhile programme al U'xpool The Associalion had Course for CHEAFCU Ga ota vine sul oles Jarbara Wright, regis tered. physiotherapist, ta conduct the special breath mp exercises and appreci ation, was expressed to her Also to Mr. David Ferguson Uxpool Director, for his splendid cooperahion Mrs Fred FReask, Mrs William Low. Uxbridge: Mrs. Go Harrison and Mrs BR. Tomkinson, Leaskdale members of the Association assisted with the pro gramme. A follow-up refresher course, for those participa ting. will be held for onc evening in about six months tine. HESS HARDWARE Coffee Tables for Mom! THE PALACIO GROUP Vi N & by Heirloom Mediterranean Styling i with gracious mouldings, massive hardware, Brown Pecan finish. Fy e Handrubbed by Heirloom Classic French Provincial Style e Antique brass hardware - @ Walnut finish Fitton, Poker, 475 Collection 985-2211 =EEEa8 985-2211 Carnegie Bros. Lid. HARDWARE Queen St - Port Perry assistance --and FE SU --a a ~~ Nt