4 i 2% 7 3] 5 i RCH TRG LS Np A ANE ded indi biididochi boii a L005 Chief of Police Jon M. Jenkins of the Durham Regional Police Force is pleased to announce the appointments by the Board of Commissioners of Police for the organization of the 'Durham Regional Police. The new organization is as follows; - Deputy Chief of Police in charge of Operations, W.J. Jordan, formerly' Deputy Chief of Police, Oshawa Police Force. Deputy Chief of Police in charge of Administration, T. Chambers, formerly Chief of Police, Ajax Police Force: Executive Officer respon- sible directly to the Chief of Police Inspector T. McCagherty. Duty Superintendents re- A. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST for appointment call 985-2383 or Zenith 59240 New Deadlines Display Advertising: 3P.M.- MONDAY Week of Publication Classified Advertising: (Accounts of meetings, sports reports, etc.) 6 P.M. - MONDAY Week of Publication WILSON FORD Discount on Master Vitamin- Minerals For Cattle, Sheep, Horses ASK FOR PRICES MASTER FEEDS Port Perry - Ontario sponsible for all Uniform Operations, Headquarters Staff, Superintendent E. Barker, Superintendent R. Parker, Superintendent W. Pilkington, Superintendent J.D. Powell. , Superintendent in Charge of all Criminal Investiga- tion "and Criminal Intelli gence, Superintendent K. Young. Superintendent in Charge of Special Services, Super- intendent R. Parker, Super- intendent W. Pilkington, Superintendent J.D. Powell. Superintendent in Charge of all Criminal Investigation and Criminal Intelligence, Superintendent K. Young. Superintendent in Charge of Special Services, Super- intendent N. Smyth, Offficer in Charge of Per- Police will seek parity with Metro Durham Regional Police Association is aiming for equal wages with Metro Toronto policemen. "There is no contract yet, we are still in the negotiating stage," said Thomas Jermyn, member of the Durham ° Police Board. Metro police haven't received their wage demand of $14,600 for a first-class constable, but the associa- tion in Durham will ask for a 24- per cent increase. The association is asking for more of a wage increase than Metro police. "There is as great a demand for service here, as there is in Toronto, on a per capita basis," said Constable Johns, association president. ~ "Other regional munici- palities have wages $300 to $400 more than the current wages of the seven area police forces," he said. Under Bill 162, all police- men in the seven forces are guaranteed no loss in wages or benefits for one year, after the regional police force is formed Jan. 1. According to Johns the 985-2131 Wilson Ford Sales MANCHESTER - ONTARIO Uxbridge 852-7761 Phone 985-7373 association will be going after a shift premium for night duty and a two percent increase instead of the 134 Scugog On Sunday evening "Grace" Church was filled to capacity when parents and friends gathered to be entertained by the children of the Sunday School and Jr. Choir. It was interesting to note the changes in a year and the new group of little ones who are moving up to take their place in partici- pation. There were the usual choruses but with new arrangement and inter-pre- parations, skits, commerc- ials, piano solos, play, duet, gymnastic act, Hillbilly band, acrostic and concluded with the Nativity Scene by Jr. and Primary children and the beautiful rendition of Ave Maria by Mr. Celso Raffin. While the children were all on platform and anxiously watching the door, Santa Claus appeared at the appropriate moment and after happy greetings distri- buted the treats four gener- ous people had helped to donate. (Thanks to these un- named donors). It was a fine gesture, when Mrs. Ethel Freeman and Mrs. Edna Beckett were called up to accept gifts in appreciation of time and efforts they spent in training the children. We also wish to thank Mr. Robt. Cawker, Louise Hope, and Mrs. Bec- kett for the period of intro- ductory music, Mrs. Cawker for her planning, Mrs. Win- grove for drama assistance, Mrs. Lucille Gray for com- postion of the "Welcome" song and many others who "quietly helped in other ways. On Sunday, we were sorry to see that Rev. Pogue's voice was giving him trou- ble, but we were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting and hearing Rev. Geo. Wylie, whom we may meet again. Mr. Pogue's message for the children was very enlightening when he told how Christmas is cele- r"Announces Durham Police appointments sonnel, Ouellette. Officer in Charge of 17 Division Oshawa - Inspector D. Edwards. Officer in Charge of 18 Division Whitby - Inspector G. Robinson. Officer in Charge of Two District Pickering - Inspec- tor R. Bodley. All ranks will be effective January 1st, 1974. wage Inspector G. percent they now receive under the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. Island brated in other lands, especially Zambia where it is summer at this time. On Christmas Eve they dress up and put on white robes, then go to the school, sing carols, and start a procession with candles in bamboo stakes, which they carry through the village as they sing. Candles are left at the doors all night of the Christian homes. There was a fine atten- dance at S.S. But now the Christmas concert is over so what hapens next? Well this Sunday promises to be another specialday when the children will take part in a White Gift Service. Small children or others will please bring a small gift of food wrapped in white paper for distribution where there is need. There will be enve- lopes for adults to give a donation to Mission and Ser- vice. This is an effort on the part of the Sunday School. Please support them. Children will be contacted by phone regarding their parts. Mrs. Grace Love and Mrs. Helen Redman accompanied by three other district ladies spent a couple of days in Desoronto to help organize a new lodge and install officers. Ladies of "Grace" U.C.W., don't forget the Mystery Sister Supper on this Wed. night. Find out who that mysterious lady was, when she presents you with a Christmas gift. Arnold Goose's daughter, Beverley, brought her two children from Orillia to visit for the weekend. Little Chuck will stay with his Grampa until after Christ- mas. Mrs. Lillian Moore was away visiting at her brothers home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Richardson, you will notice, have Christmas trees on their lawn. The Island Scouts and Cubs hope for profit from sale of said trees. Come in and make a choice. NEED MUSIC? for a ~ WEDDING D\ DANCE I PARTY etc. call 985-3089 (after 6p.m.) and ask for Peter of X-Mas Store Hours Start Dec. 13th OPEN EVERY NITE till 9:00 p.m. High-Back Swivel hy See our complete selection of Chairs - Sofas - Bedroom Suites. MOFFAT 24" RANGE Justin time for Christmas Full selection of 24" - 30" Model MSM 2433 WESTINGHOUSE AUT0-2 peed © § OC Washer-Dryer suythe pair 26" ELECTROHOME COLOUR TV. UHF-VHF Auto Colour Lock 26" Screen See our full selection of Electrohome-Philips- Westinghouse- Colour 5 8 9% T.V. & Stereo Open every night til Christmas 0) Hous or Howano