= A ANB AER SR sido bimini od Outinright, ¢ field with bruce arnold The Christmas season is now officially here. Santa's parade on December ) ushered in the season as far as the children and the shop keepers are concerned. And last week the appearance of a Mr. Scrooge brought in the season's horrors, to make if official for adults. Mr. Scrooge, in Port Perry's case, is.a landlord who shall remain nameless but who exists nevertheless, who decided to kick some- ane out of his premises at the start of the Christmas season, apparently without legal notice and with no regard whatsoever for the. laws of Ontario or the common decency of mankind. This is not the first time a landlord has taken advantage of a less fortunate family in the Scugog area since | moved here last January. Three cases-of inhumane, and probably illegal, evictions have been brought to my attention in ~ the past year. There were probably a lot more. Most go "unnoticed because a_lot of people do not know who to complain to when their rights are stolen by an unscrupulous landlord. Ontario has a Landlord and Tenant Act. It says what. you, if you rent, have to do to treat your landlord fairly and legally. Such things as repairing any damage caused by you, your family or your guests. It tells the landlord what he must do. Just because he owns the house does not mean he can do what he wants with it. He could do as he pleased if he lived in the place himself, if he kept it empty or maybe if he donated it to some needy family. But if he takes rent money from you he has legal obligations to give you something for your money. Things like, "quiet enjoyment." That means he does not walk in without knocking and make a nuisance of himself. It also means that, if for any reason he wants you to move and if you do not have a lease, he must give you at least one full rent period to leave. That means that if you pay by the month and he wants you to go as soon as possible, and if you pay on the first day of the month there is no way you have to get out before January 31. He must give you one full month beginning when you pay your rent on January 1. He may not, ever, under any circumstances, walk in and announce, "! want you out in the morning." In fac: he can not ever throw you out personally. A law enforcement officer can though. If your landlord treats you legally, and you ignore him, he must take you to court. If he is in the right a judge will decide so and then if you do not move you will be, "removed." If .Scrooge tries to throw you out this ~ Christmas give me a call at home. 985-2977. Wagg Bros. Texaco e licenced mechanics ° REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 985-7262 272 Scugog Road Port Perry, Ont. WANTED Cars for Scrap PLUS Late Model Wrecks ANY MAKE PHONE FOR QUICK PICK UP. SCALA BROS. PARTS & WRECKING R.R. 4, Port Perry 985-3132 Wrecking Licence No. C162 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 1973 -- 19 Greenbank and area news Snow! Snow! Beautiful snow! - Sunday snowfall brought out the snowmobiles and of course the little fender benders occurred. Gary Spence had an accident, in Cannington on Sunday. No one was hurt, although he had to phone home for someone to come and get him. So Shirley's husband Philip Morris, who was visit- ing at Spence's, left to pick him up. He too was in an accident north of Sunder- land. Only property damage resulted, so they all ended up hitch-hiking home to Green- bank. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stager of Kitchener visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence for the week- end were able to get Shirley and Philip, Nancy Spence and Debbie McGee back to Toronto Sunday evening without mishap. Mrs. Jean Sommerville, Mr. and Mrs. Art Couves and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diamond attended the General Motors Retirees' Dinner at the Civic Auditorium in Oshawa last Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Isham, Saskatchewan, formerly of the Marsh Hill area, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couperth- waite on their return trip - from England and Scotland, visiting friends and former neighbours in the sur- rounding area including a day spent with Ron and Rosie Yankee near Listowel. Mrs. Mabel Pearson vis- ited in Toronto last Thursday with her sister Mrs. Wes Major. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mount visited in Newmarket on Sunday with his sister Mr. and Mr. Norman Fry and Recover microphones - A rash of recent thefts at the Port Perry High School was cleared up last week. The thefts which included 3 microphones, and money and personal belongings of a number of students occurred during the past couple of months. One juvenile was taken into custody and is scheduled to appear in court. On Sunday evening Mr. A. Landry of Scarboro reported his 1970 Ski-Doo Elan valued al $400 was stolen off his trailer which was parked on "the causeway and Hwy. 7A at the east limits of Port Perry. The incident is being investi- gated by Const. Bob Crosier. On Sunday morning a dis- pute between two motorists Prince Albert News Las{ Thursday evening a combined Christmas meeting of units 1 and 2 of U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Presi- dent Dorothy Hope com- menced by reading an appro- priate poem. Electa Vance (manse rep) related a few ideas and plans of the interior of it. Empha- sis were discussed concern- ing the festive dinner for Sr. Citizens of our midst and the group "Friendly Visitors." The purchasing of new table- cloths are in the agenda. The enthusiastic young group unit 2, indicated a desire to assist financially the laying of carpeting on basement floor. So perhaps a new project in the air. A fitting devotion was well given by Dorothy Hope, Mary Pearsell, Marjorie Chambers, Betty Deeth. ova Hunter ably gave a seasonal and true monolog entitled 'Christ -- Christ- mas". Following last hymn a hol plate was served by Norma Robinson, Grace Beacock, Linda McMillan, Luanne Popowich. We were pleased to see more mem- bers present and happy to have Mrs. Telow with us. Better health is wished Mr. Lindsay and Mr. Grimshaw who are hospitalized. Mrs. H. Jeffrey accom- panied her sister Mrs. A Harper to Lindsay on Monday visiting another sister Mrs. G. Plaunt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock were Sunday evening dinner compay with their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and sons Seagrave. resulted in two Oshawa youths being charged with a number of driving offences. A motorist coming into Port Perry was cut off by another vehicle. When he attempted to pass the vehicle it swerved and refused to let him by. Later after parking his ve- hicle, the motorist observed the other vehicle came up and pushed his parked vehi- © cle 40 feet down Water St. Charged: with dangerous driving and driving while disqualified is William Har- vey, age 21, of Oshawa. Charged with careless dri- ving and drinking under age is Wilfred Arsenault, age 17, also of Oshawa. Both parties were from the same vehicle: They attended and enjoved the = Christmas Pageant" and White Gift church servi¢e hen grand- son Lee was among the many various ages taking: part. Mrs. Holt and daughter Mrs. D. Golt of Hamilton enjoved a recent weekend with their friends Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Marlyn. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock all attended the memorial ser- - vice for their cousin the late Mr. W. Douglas Taylor, Oshawa. Douglas at a much vounger age lived in our area. other members of the fam- ily. A large crowd attended the farm sale of Mr. Luther Watson this past week. "An Evening of Song' was presented at the High School on Friday and Saturday evenings, with several of our young people taking part. An excellent performance was reported, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry who celebrated their 25th Wed- ding Anniversary on Satur- day evening, by having a dance and buffet for their many friends in Utica Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blen- kin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Raines of Saintfield were guests of Mrs. Mabel Pear- son on Sunday. We were sorry to hear that Mr. LeRay Till is confined to Hospital where he is recover- ing from a slight heart altack, also Glen Spence who Has had minor surgery. Mr. and Mrs. John Skinner and daughter, Marnie, also John Phoenix "of Taronto were guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Phoenix on Sunday. Visiting with Mr. and Mr. Robt. Baird on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mustard of Leaskdale and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snodden and fam- ity of Pinedale. A good crowd attended the euchre party last Friday evening. Winners were: Ladies High - Mrs. Annie Clements Ladies Second - Mrs. Ruth Teil Ladies Low - Mrs. Mable Pearson Ladies Door Prize - Narrine Cook Mens High - Wm. Carnegie Mens Second - John Cook Mens Low - Archie Em- pringham Mens Door Prize - Everett Hooper Next party will be held on Friday, December 22. Mrs. call FRANK VALE ELECTRIC Open for BUSINESS in GREENBANK ELECTRICAL! Don't Do It Yourself. Call Today 985-3402 WES PLUMBING - HEATING - PORT PERRY - LANE - ELECTRIC - 985-2413 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE Uxbrid or Friday, January 11 to March CALL 852-7831 ge Swimming Pool "Uxpool Scuba Course" 10 Lessons. . . A.C.U.C. Certification Wednesday, January 9 to March $H 5.00