id vd a fl ASTIN RAI SO The winners in the Re- membrance Day Literary Competition held by the Royal Canadian Legion have been selected. Public School, Ontario. This is an annual compet- ition and all students in Grades 7 to 13 are free to Blackstock, On January 1, all the people who now work for Port Perry, or Reach, or Cartwright, or Scugog (or . whoever) and do work which straightened out at the Dec. 5 meeting of Regional Council, when Provincial Govern- ment, expérts Murray Law- "spn and Gardner Church pay from the Port Perry municipal office and the Region could pay Scugog for its share of the employees work. On'the other hand they "may nol want to do any such PRs AN ROBIN A SOR A ART DR Cr i 2 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 1973 Scugog Township i Legion litarary winners Works employees - who do they work for? settle this, council wondered, and we decide that the region is going to hire the guy? When should he be notified that he will be working for the Region starting January will become fully a regional were on hand to answer 1" . Essay - Jr. Class, Grades enter. responsibility will be work- questions about regional thing, and in that case no one By December 31 says 7.8.9. Angela Clement, age Public speaking at district ing for one of the four government. knows what could happen. Quorn Park i = & S 5 13. Grade VIII, R.R. No. 1, Nestleton, Ontario. Poem - Jr. Class - Grades 7.8.9. Donald Peshal, age 12, Grade VIII, R. R. No. 1, ~ Janetville, Ontario. level will be held in Port Perry Legion on March 10. Any interested sfudents may submit their name to Royal Canadian Legion, Port Perry to participate in our 'Speak Off."" The winners from Durham Department heads when they stagger back to work after New Years. The only problem is, there are no such employees in the new Scugog area. In answer to: Mr. Mal- colm's questioning Mr. Church explained that if the job division is 50 - 50, half local and half regional, both should offer him a job and Well now, suppose we do " ' ili Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION Poem - Sr. Grades 10, 11, Branch level, move on to Port Perry and each of the the worker should choose PORT PERRY PASTORAL 12. 13. Cher Crowells, age 16, compete in Zone level, then three townships which will which offer he wants to ANGLICAN CHARGE Grade XI. R. R. 2. Black- (0 District and Provincial. be amalgamated on New accept. Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister The United Church of stock. Ontario. Joy Pannabaker placed Year's day have "works" What if things do not work SUNDAY, DEC. 16th-- Canada All Junior winners are second last year at distric employees who do every- out that neatly. Suppose the 'Advent 1m Rev. R. Brawn, Minister from Cartwright Central eye]. © thing. They plow local roads guy now does work which 9.30 a m Service of Lesson SUNDAY, DEC. 16th-- HANKS EXCAVATING SEWER INSTALLATIONS @® Back Hoe Dig Depths up to 1812 feet. \ Port Perry, Ont. Box 489 XN 985.2421 and cut grass in local parks which will remain local functions. They also check sewers and fix water mains and bury garbage, which will be regional functions. So who will they be work- ing for as of January 1? No one has the slightest idea. Mayor Lawrence Mal- * colm has been wrestling with the problem every since his first meeting with the workers several weeks ago. He tried to get it all will be 70 per cent local when the region takes over, and 30 per cent regional? Or the other way around? What if his work is 90 - 10? That, says the experts from Queens Park, may be a matter for the courts to decide. The two councils might want to get together and split the employees wages up, suggested the experts. He could keep working for Scu- 'gog and getting his normal and Carols ST. JOHN'S, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, DEC. 16th-- Advent III 11 a.m. - Service of Lesson and Carols Sunday School. United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. B. R. Pogue SUNDAY, DEC. 16th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER 10:00 a.m. - Port Perry 4:00 p.m. - Christmas Choral Festival Wed., Dec. 19th, 7:30 p.m. Church School Concert 11:30 a.m. - Prince Albert 7:00 p.m. - Church School Concert PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise & Worship 7 p.m. - Evang. Service. 8 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J Rev. George Moore, ; Interim Mod. NT SUNDAY, DEC. 16th-- 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School BURN'S CHURCH Ashburn Service at 11:30 a.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor 9:45 - Bible School, Classes for all. 11 a.m. - Worship Service "Preparations for Christ's Coming", 7 p.m. - Gospel Service "and Carol Sing, Wed. 7:30 - Prayer and Bible Study. 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You need Is payable half yearly or * You can use home-grown grains your own hog feeding program -- it's may be left to compound with CO-OP supplements easy with CO-OP products and services. ® . . 'Registered Trademark EMMERSON Hog feeding programs to fit your farm ; INSURANCE UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIMITED Uxbridge Branch Telephone 852-3321 -- Port Perry - Zenith 8 4130 191 Queen St. Port Perry " i Telephone 985-7306 12 LJ