pr hi | ~ 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR Wednzsiay, Dec. 12th, 1973 Classified Advertising Rates Articles for Sale - At Rest - Card of Thanks - Coming Events - Found - Minimum $1.20 - Over 15 words, 7c. Births Wanted - Lost Etc. per word. Consecutive weeks 6c. per word. IN MEMORIAMS $1.75 including 4-line verse 10c. per line for additional lines. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY $1.75 per col. inch - minimum one inch. LEGAL NOTICES 14c per agate line - Consecutive insertions 10c. REAL ESTATE Transient advertisers - $1.75 per col. inch. Weekly advertisers $1.50 AUCTION SALES First insertion $1.75 per col. Consecutive insertions $1.50 per col. Classified ads must insertion. inch inch be paid by week of If charged, an additional 25c. will be added. 50c. extra will be charged for use of box num BUSINESS DIRECTORY $35.00 per col. inch, six months. $22.50 per col. ber. inch, yearly Annual Classified Ad - $50.00 per inch. PHONE 985-7383 | Card of Thanks Sincere thank you to friends, nejghbours and the Green- bank U.C.W. for flowers, cards and acts of kindness 1 [received while a patient in FLOWERS BY GILLAYNE Designs Tor all oeCasions Open Monday to Saturday 9:00 am. to 6:00 pm. SFriday 9 am. to 9 p.m. Phone 985-7131. Queen St: Port Perry land hospital. Also thanks to the staff of Port Perry Hospital. . Lorna Ferguson N ot 1€Cé 1 wish to thank everyone for ynder new management, the lovely cards and gifts 1 received during my stay in Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Rennie and Dr. Rowsell the nursing staff of Oshawa General. Sincerely, Marg Eden Manchester Auto Wreckers is | now called Scala Bros. Auto Parts and Wrecking. We will buy late model wrecks and pick-up scrap cars. Three miles west of Manchester, Ask for Jim or Joe. Phone 985-3132. I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards and visits, while I was a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Thanks to the staf of G-4; Oshawa Hosp- ital. Ralph Somerville {| coming thanks to Dr. I would like to thank the Karimah Kennels offers you a chance to buy your loved ones a gift that can return your affection all the time and in time for Christmas. Poodle pups -- very fine in tempera- ment and all healthy. Telephone now and see to reserve. 985-3661. people from Greenbank, Pinedale, Seagrave and area for cards, flowers and en- quiries. while 1 was in Port Perry Hospital, and since home. A "sincere McIntyre, Dr. Martin and the Hospital Staff. Elma Roundell In Memoriam Card of Thanks BARRY: In loving memory of a dear mother and father Herkless and Leona who passed away December 8 and December 29. 1962. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together Many thanks for the won- derful care given to me by doctors. nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital and to friends and relatives for cards gifts and inquiries. Thank vou. Jim Grieve 'A shadow o'er our lives has "cast. Our loved one's gone forever. Always remembered by the Barry family, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I wish to thank the Prince Albert community and also the Prince Albert and Port Perry praver groups, friendly visitors for the lovely time and fellowship at the community MARSDEN: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John H. Marss den, who went to be with the Lord, December 4th, 1972. Stella and family centre and the lovely gifts that are very much appreciated. Stella Heayn BEARE -- The family of the late Thelma Beare wish to thank their relatives, neighbours and friends for expressions of sympathy, cards, visits, flowers and memorials received in their bereavement of a loving wife, mother, daughter and sister. --| Sincere thanks is proferred to the Rev. Robert Brawn; to Drs. Beer, MacIntyre, Martin and Millar; to the Nurses and Staff of the Com-, munity Memorial Hospital; to the Victoria Order of Nurses; to the Red Cross Homemakers; to the Staff of the R. H. Cornish School; to the Port Perry Star Staff; to neighbours and the U.C.W. for catering; and to the Mec- Dermott - Panabaker Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be remembered by Bruce Beare, Dale & Dean, John & Katherine Crosier, Jean, Donna and families. SILVALEE REG'D BOARDING KENNEL Epsom, Ontario Phone 985-3286 We ark now open for year round accommodation of your pets, with individual runs, and experienced care. Re- serve early for winter holi- days. T.F. Ives Florist & Greenhouses COMPLETE LINE OF FLORAL ART FRESH & DRIED FLOWERS @ Hours o Mon. - Fri. - 9 am. - 9 p.m. Sat. - Sun. - 9 am. - 5 p.m. Call anytime - 985-2691 Notice We wish to thank our friends and relatives for flowers, cards and letters and those who called on the occasion of VADER: In memory of a dear husband and father Donald Vader, who passed away on December 17; 1970. To dearly loved ever to be forgotten. Remembered by wife Mabel and children. our 70th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader Births I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Drs. Martin, Miller and staff at Port Perry Hospital during Card of Thanks my recent accident. Also special thanks to John and Ralph Ballard and staff, friends. neighbours and rela- tives for the lovely flowers, Thanks to friends and rela- lives for their cards. visits and phone calls while in hospital. Thanks to Dr. Martin and nurses for their care. Alice Ross fruits. gifts, = cards and inquiries. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Sincerely, Martin de Haas Plan ts GREENHOUSE - * FRESH large selection of Poinsettias - Cyclamens - Tropical Plants IVES FLORIST & GREEHOUSES FLOWERS WIRE Free Delivery Port Perry, Ont. D WORLD WIDE Call Anytime 985-2691 BALLARD: Ralph and Gale (nee Forder) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Tonya Gale, weighing 8 pounds, 6 oz. on Monday, December 3, 1973. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forder and Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard, Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. Price and nursing staff. CARNOCHAN: George and Mary Lou (nee Crawford) are thrilled to announce the safe artival of their second daugh- ter. Joy Dawn, born Dec. 5, 1973 at Community Memorial Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz., a sister for Lesley. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mr. Fred Carnochan all of Port Perry. Our special thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff for taking such good care of us. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, Jayne Elizabeth Ballagh and Gillian | 3 Linsley. carrying on business as florists, under the firm name of "Flowers by Gill- avne." in the village of Port Perry, had this day been dissolved by mutual consent with respect to the said Gillian Linsley who retires from the firm. The business in future will be carried on under the same name. by the said Jayne Elizabeth Ballagh, who will pav and discharge all debts and liabilities and receive all moneys payable to the said firm. Daled December, this 4th 1973. G. LINSLEY J. BALLAGH day of Christmas Greetings At Rest John and Betty Obstfeld and boys formerly of R. R. No. 2, Port Perry, now residents of Yellowknife, N.W.T., P.O. Box 338. would like to wish their friends, relatives and former garage customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. PATTERSON, Louise B. at the Colchester Hospital, Truro, N.S. on Nov. 21. Be- loved wife of the late Joseph Patterson. Dear mother of Rachel (Mrs. Wallace Mac- Millan) Isaac's Harbour; Joseph, Truro: Mary, Mon- real; Audrey (Mrs. Melville MacKenzie) Malagash. Pre- deceased by Evelyn, (Mrs. Frank Baker), Port Perry. Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends in Greenbank and area. Merry Gordon Anderson 12--Dec. ON TARGET EVERY TIME Pontiac Buick * « GMC Trucks SALES SERVICE PARTS 150 WATER ST, , PORT PERRY, ONT 085-7309 655-3366 EFFORD'S ALL CANADIAN STEAM VALET BROADLOOM and CARPET STEAM CLEANING No Chemicals - No Shampoo or Foam FOR FREE ESTIMATES Local Call -985-7122 or 985-7505 Long Distance Call Collect DAVE DANCEY Make old appliances look new again WE REFINISH ° Refrigerators e Stoves o Freezers etc. RICK ELLICOTT din 61 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PLANNING _ } \ A WINTER VACATION? } % \ NONQUON TR Worried about gas? Park you car and travel Motor Coach with Trentway Tours Lid. to Florida, California, Mexico. For TRA contact: VEL SERVICE Box 496 - Port Perry Phone 985-2336 SFIS COOGEE 6E,E, /A\ ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION r-- oN 4 § [! CEEGGGELHEGLEGES An Agency of the Government of Ontario 61 NEW COIN OPERATED WASHERS & 61 NEW COIN OPERATED DRYERS FOR: Capri Road (Metro OH- 151) Dunnville .OH-3 Kapuskasing OH-3 Kitchener OH-31 Niagara Falls OH-7 Ottawa OH-36 Tinsdale OH-2 P.C. 30-73 Ottawa OH-42 Parkhill OH-1 Port Perry OH-1 Sudbury OH-18 North Bay OH-4 Brantford OH-8 Tenders will be received for the above until 12:00 noon E.S.T. - December 20, 1973 Housing Corporation. 101 Bloor Street West, by the Ontario Tor- onto, Ontario, M5S 1P8. c/o the Chief Purchasing Officer, 11th floor, from whom details and specifi- cations may be obtained. or telephone 966-3600, ex- -tension 294, quoting reference number as above. Proponents. may bid on one project, a group of projects or all projects. not necessarily accepted. The lowest or any tender SECO ECOOOCEEEEES