"iat | Bddgh doa tb --_--r ~ Nestleton, Caesarea and area The December meeting of Court Lady Snowbird was hosted by Mrs. N. Bobel of Nestleton, in her home. Plans for the children's Christmas treat were fully discussed and settled. A committee was formed to order fruit baskets for the many, senior citizens in our area 'that are ill or infirm. Py Thank you cards were read from the students that re- ceived the prizes donated by Lady Snowbird for outstand- ing work. A motion was then made that our monthly meetings be held on Wednes- day rather than Tuesday as has been the case through the past year. Following the closing of business, the in- stallation of the new officers - was discussed. We hope to have this 'done on January the ninth. As this was our last meet- ing of the year, each girl brought a gift and these were exchanged with others. An obsolutely delicious pot - luck supper followed, con- sisting of barbecued chicken 8 wings, lasagne, chilli, meat pie and 'many other delec- table foods. President Sr. Anne Lee thanked our hos- tess and her assistants for a perfectly wonderful evening. . On Tuesday afternoon, Nov. the 26th, the Nestle- ton United church Women held their regular-meeting in the church basement with Mrs. Victor Malcolm as con- venor. Mrs. Neta Holland, President, bid the ladies welcome after which she read a poem entitle "'A Daily Prayer." Mrs. Holland then introduced the guest speaker of the day, Sergeant Wm. " Bowes of the Lindsay Police Dept. Sergeant Bowes selec- ted as the topic for his speech, the illicit use of "narcotics and the devasta- ting effect that they have on "users." Mrs. Holland thanked Sgt. Bowes for an informative, though fright- ing talk. The minutes of the October meeting were then read, followed by the financial report. The ladies decided to forgo the December meeting in preference to joining the Sunday School children in "NEED MUSIC? - for a . "ams WEDDING 985-3089 (after 6p.m.) and ask for Peter NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR WINTER FUEL Eble iniale Mdiian doi a iii their Christmas program. The meeting was brought to a close following the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Bowers and her group. Congratulations from the community are warmly con- veyed to the three Cart- wright girls who won awards at 4-H achievement day in Orono on Nov. the 24th. Marilyn Duff, Nancy Wygerde and Marlene Krockenstoel. We are extremely proud of you. Thanks to the Rohrer- Dorrell bus line and Gor- don's Market in Caesarea, approx. one hundred child- ren were treated to a trip to Port Perry to see the Santa Claus 'parade. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Day' were the dri- vers. Many Mothers accom- panied the children. It is gratifying to know that we live in a community where people do care. By all re- ports the children had a marvelous time. Gordon's Markel as ususal provided extra treats for the children. The dance sponsored by Court Lady Snowbird on Saturday evening, Dec. the Ist in the Blackstock Rec. Centre was huge success. One hundred couples danced to the music of G.B. and the Merrimakers. Mr. Norm Johnstone of the Nestleton Country store kindly donated the spot prizes (once again). A buffet was served around midnight and thoroughly en- Joved. Already we have sev- eral tickets sold for our next dance . . .if we decide to hold another one. Twenty two of our new candles (holders and all) disappeared. souvenir hunters we presume. However it was an evening of fun for all. Driving along the Durham road the other morning, I - saw an oil truck lying on it's side and a Police officer standing guard. With the talk of an oil shortage that has been circulating. I would say that is rather risky. The driver apparently was uinunhurt, thank Heaven. The many friends of Mr. Charles Briggs are sorry to hear that he is ill once again. A prayer for Mr. Briggs. complele recovery is offered on his behalf. The December meeting of the Nestleton Women's In- stitute was held in the lovely home of Mrs. Jos. Wygerde. Mrs. G. Heaslip was conven- or. The president, Mrs. B. DeJong welcomed the ladies in her usual pleasant man- ner. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. Cheer box donations were submitted, followed by a ja SAVE Money on DX Premium Call Collect 668-3381 Quality Fuel Oil DX FUEL OIL Call us today for PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE concerning an Institute rep- resentative to the Hospital Auxiliary. As is the proceedure in the Christmas season, the card and gift list was reviewd with a note of sadness, as names of friends no longer with us were stricken from the list. A reading by Miss Ruth Proutt was beautifully done and in keeping with the scason. Mrs. G. Heaslip read the story of Christmas which was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. B. Heaslip read two poems written by a member concering Christmas. These were read with depth and feeling by Olive and the author was pleased. Mrs. Lawrence Malcom lead WALLPAPER See our large selection of Wallpaper Books. top. 8 feet for: $3558 All Prices the ladies in the singing of "carols. Each carol sung was 11th preceded by the story of its and author, which when told by Gwen Malcolm, was indeed pleasant to hear. Lunch was served by Miss Dec. 23 -- Ruth Proutt and her group: A thank you was voiced on behalf of the ladies to their hostess by Mrs. J. Bolan. The January meeting is to be in the home of Mrs. Allan Beacock, Blackstock. Just a thought . . the modern of communication, none 'shall ever surpass a smile. Let us pray that the."'true meaning"' origin means never escapes us. FORMICA COUNTERS Renew your kitchen with a durable, attractive counter PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 1973 - 9 Epsom news Dec. 21 -- 11:30 a.m. or two. Christmas VINYL FLOORING Beautiful colours and pat- terns to enhance any floor. Durable and easy to instal. Sq. yd. from: $29 KITCHEN FAUCETS Triple chrome plated for centre swing long life: arm. From: $9265 LUMBER HOME BUILDING CENTRE HWY. 7A AT THE LAKE Epsom Euchre Club -- Dec. Dec. 16th -- Utica Church . 'service 11:30 a.m. - : Epsom Christ- mas Concert 8:15 p.m. Worship service at Epsom Dec. 24+ Epsom 7 p.m., Christmas Eve Communion Service. Dec. 19 -- Women's Inst. for Bethesda Reach will be held at the home of Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Harry Boodways. All members come and bring you husband or friend for a Mrs. E. Pot Luck Supper. We were so sorry to learn that new neighbours on the 6th . concession PORT PERRY ONT. ' Christmas Carol and and Mrs. Houghland Whitby. lost their (continued on page 15) Make the most of your walls with woodgrain panelling! Choose from over 50 different kinds of panels to suit any room "in your home. See our large selection today. Panels start at: '3.75 CARPETS Indoor -Outdoor, Shags, Hard Twists and Plush. Sq. Yd. From: $945 i= Sparkling, ll © exciting \ kitchens Built to your own spe- cifications ... let us / create the kitchens to FRY) suit your needs and ® taste. Quality construct" ion with beautiful wood- grains or colour panels will make your dream kitchen come true: Visit our showroom today! TOILET SEATS Choose from a selection of colours; durable solid plas- tic. From: 4% 985-7335 home last week by fire. They have been able to rent a trailer and will make it their home until they can rebuild. Will someone let us know if there is gny way we can help Mr. and Mrs. Brezniker and family? Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry took: the family until they got their mobile home moved in, proving once more thé old adage "you can do without relatives but you sure need good neighbours." Bruce Houghland visited on Mon- day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mary Barnett visited with Mrs. Cawker one day