TEER BUY + SELL: RENT - SWAP HIRE * BUY = = Sd = =) a ml =I = 1 Wh SELL. RENT 14-PORT PERRY STAR--Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 1973 ™ ; ¥ For Sal Wanted to Buy | Help Wanted For Rent |Work Wanted of ale : For Sale ANY ENGLISH SADDLES,| EXPERIENCED married per- 3° ROOM . APARTMENT. INTERIOR PAINTING and HOLSTEIN BULL CALF. one ] br idles or bits. Phone 852-6658. | son for general farm work. 5, 0 985-7063 ' decorating, resaonable rates, week old, also hardwood| #63 METEOR, good condi 3-Dec. 5 Must be good with beef ' free estimates. Call 985-3637. firewood. Phone 985-7470 tion, tape deck and radio, cattle and large machinery. 4--Dec. 19 : : snow tires, good on gas. Phone REGISTERED FEMALE Hous Sabhed {iiios hehe. ru alae 2 . . ji ht Y " Y Ja i : rite 0X . or vailable Dec. BE. GE S pipe from a coal craddle. All ING: PUREGRE "_ Gibson' | Phone 357.3871. unused. Only $75.00. Phone "BRED Short- R | E tat CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO +3 2 Dec. 5 985-2817. horn cows with Hereford ea stave Conservation Authority will o p= o : : J ---- -- Cross calves at side. Phone accept written application for Will Give Away CUSTOM Foultry Killing. TELEVISION -- 23" R.C.A. 985-3333. The Dotse of Homa the position of secretary-trea- Year round. Sunderland Victor B. & W. Good condition, surer, annual salary $13,000 tol PERSIAN KITTENS, 1 black, | 357-3546. (Dec.26/73) $75. Phone 985-2547. TOYS, puppets, and other JOHN $14,000. Position is senior exe-| 1 tiger, in urgent need of a novelties, hand-crafted, cutive officer of the authority| home. Phone 985-3305. MISTER -T.V. TOWERS" BLACK AND WHITE T.V., reasonable. Open House and RIEG ER responsible for municipal, 378 Ki st 'W Oshawa console, 4 years old. Phone liason, accounting, budget "9, 03.9528" 985-2715. Sale -- 15 James Street, Realtor preparation, correspondence. Work Wanted TY: Sales. Servi dete a ~~ Uxbridge, Thursday, Dec. 6, 9 Mail application and resume t¥s NAL : eth Mice FRENCH Provincial Stereo,[to 4:30, 7 to 9 or call Pat to 69 King Street, East|RELIABLE MOTHER will Pig Bin Wl ois AM-FM radio, good condition] McMillan 852-7244. Lake Scudo Oshawa LIH-1B4. Markflook after pre-school child- and black & white -- 985-7261, after 6:00 p.m. $5,000 down. 5 A furni-| envelopes confidential. ren, hot lunches, call after 5 also Repairs IDES OF BEEF Farm fresh, | shed cottage, some conveni- -- p.m. 985-3577. | Open 9 - 9 HEAVY CHEVY, 1971 Che- oven fed. Cut and wrapped, | ences, dod swimming, on| WHY GET "SNOWED v velle, 400, 3 speed, 31,000| Barway Farms. Telephone| treed lot. Full price $15,000. UNDER" BY CHRISTMAS miles, quad player, lots of 852-7867 . : ca SEE BILLS? EARN easy, extra,| extras, winterized, asking ' Feb. 27| Maple Street Port Perry | spare-time money to pay them $2,900. Phone 985-2491. Featuring a large 3 bed- 1971 PONTIAC LAUREN- TIAN 4 door Sedan P.S., P.B., 41,000 miles. Asking $1,900. Wanted to Buy room brick backsplit with carport and large family room with sliding glass doors on the main floor and den, Saturdays 986-5527. 20" R.C.S. PORTABLE T.V. black and white, 11% years old, COAL OR WOODSTOVE, gramophone, furniture, coal oil lamp, china, etc. Call Vera Lee Antiques. 985-7723 dining area, 1% baths, fully broadloomed, decorated, on a large lot 80 x 164 and land- scaped. Many extras. Mort- gage has been arranged on hardwood, also stove wood. Phone 986-4896. THOS.N.SHEA LTD. REALTOR Call Marjorie Tripp. 100 ft. Marj. Tripp. LAKEFRONT - $18,900 the cold winter week-ends and hot summer holidays. LAKEFRONT LOT waterfrontage with new. 15 x 20 garage. Partially wooded, good road. Listed at $15,500. Call sealers. Call Dan Stone 985- 7057. storage. Phone - Blackstock Easy commuting to Osh- Rolling land, partly wood- gid isso) Miglagr 154 ann 986-4791. 4--Dec.12 awa or Go Train. Good ed with pond sites, excel- UIBRIDGE BRADFORD arranged on these properties -value a $37,500.00. George lent view. Asking $79,500. ua hse Eswicy up to $25,000 at 9% per cent. FLORIDA BEACH HOUSE, Beaton. Lawrence Morrison. SUTTON RICHMOND HILL Call for further information. available for January and Nestleton d BEAVERTON CLAREMONT PORT PERRY BARRIE LILY WOODBRIDGE 'Featuring 3 bedroom bun. galow with carport, holly- wood style dining room area, fully broadloomed and rec. room facilities. Landscaping MARION HOPKINS Sales Manager 985-7215 or 668-8848 as an AVON Representative. Call: Mrs. J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Avenue, New- market, Ontario, 942-7521. REGISTERED NURSE, R.N.A,, and a nursing assis- tant for a 35 bed nursing home in the Uxbridge. area. For For Rent" INDOOR BOAT and trailer February -at St. Petersburg Beach. Right on the sand, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fully equipped. Can sleep seven $600.00 per month. Phone 985-7665. REALTY LTD. REALTOR REAL 189 QUEEN STREET, % these properties up to | further information, call col-| ¥ as DHF. Phone 885 7454 after T.F. $30,000 at 9% per cent. Call| lect to 852.3267 between the / PORT PERRY, ONT. P ANYTHING ANTIQUE, old | for further information. hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 4 GreehBank _or collectible. Especially | Ta 12-- Dec.| § very attractive, 1% storey Oshawa Area FIREPLACE LOGS, dry furniture, crocks or fruit Bungalow / ¥ 7 room frame home, col- 25 acre commuter farm / our-lok siding, on large / dry lot. 3 bedrooms, large % kitchen and living room, with all modern conveni- 13% baths, double garage. ences, barn for horses. '3 bedroom frame bun- galow, large family size kitchen, attached garage, plus second attached gar- agé and workshop. all modern conveniences, on Four bedroom furnished waterfront cottage, 3 pe. well landscaped and treed . 0 bath, franklin fireplace, dock. Lot 100 x 205. Owner Rng eS a gow Pulling ge oe " must 1° ss : this one. ,900.00. Ken sell. Call Marjorie Tripp. Middleton, $41, 900... Maurice Baker. } CAESAREA - $11,500 Port Perry Furnished. insulated, three bedroom cottage with Custom built 3 bedroom Oakwood Area 3 pc. bath. Access to beach. Ideal property for bungalow on large lands- 100 acres vacant land, caped lot, completely dec- orated plaster walls, broadloomed floors, 12' by 42' double drive under ga- rage in basement. Central location. $43,900.00 with 9 percent 1st mortgage. Ken Middleton. FEE EE EE EE EE EN EE EEN ENN RENNES 3306S NNN -% in area of country estate land, partly wooded, good springs. road frontage, excellent ESTATE LIMITED NNN NNNNNN NNN homes. 8 room farm home Port Perry East 22 acres scenic rolling Over 1200 foot corner property, 70 acres wooded, balance pasture. Well and ponds, good building site. Asking only $30,000.00 with terms. Bruce Currie. Sunderland Area 200 acres well located on " - EE EE IS ISS SS IE OE EE I ER EK KKK AK fos MANA ANANNNS VV NN NNN N NNN NNN LAKEFRONT HOME Blackstock Heights -- 6 room bungalow corner lot, R/ P Three bedroom completely winterized, electrically broadloom throughout, double attached garage. New 3 A Comoe) Dy 1 30' paved Ad, hid Ya {nile heated home. Nicely landscaped lot, garage, good bedroom, split level, close to downtown, call for # x 30' cement block build- rodncti n Te | ery road. Listed at $31,900. Call Marj. Tripp. information. % ing on 66' x 165 lot. Pre- Norkable. sod on ge #4 sently used as welding TWO BEDROOM HOME $25,000 - your choice of 25 acre lots, ponds, 20 acres [| # shop. Priced at $21,500, room brick home, large Waterfront, winterized home, full coloured bath, lot 80 bush, paved road frontage, Little Britain area. Terms. % Fred Smith. -- barn, implement shed, x 225. Listed at $25,900. / ; concrete silo. Excellent - $38,900 - Seagrave area, 4 bedroom, brick and 7 Port Perry Aves ya 00 S100 0 Cosrge LAKE SCUGOG -- $28,900 aluminum split level, Walkout basement, attached ' 40 sooia Sores pos Der eaton or Bruce Currie Ideal vacation property, enjoy the swimming and garage, wooded ravine lot, immediate possession. [| .% 3 wi Toy Muy fishing, and ski-doo in winter at this spacious insulated / tay old pa NEog. od Sunderland Area 4 bedroom electrically heated property. Family room $37,500 - 93; percent mortgage, 3 bedroom bungalow, % or frame home barn 19 acres on the Beaver with wood burning fireplace, sauna, an extra lot for full basement double attached garage, '%» acre lot, # for horses. Partly wooded River, bordering C.N.R. parking or playground. Enquire to-day. Marj. Tripp. immediate possession. % with spring fed pond. tracks, good hunting or Ideal retreat property or investment property. 3 ACRES -- $10,900 A horse farm. only $49,000. Asking $9,800.00. Bruce Partially wooded building lot with septic tank permit. $45,000 - 9%4 percent mortgage. Three bedroom brick # with terms. George Currie. Listed at $10,900. Call Marj. Tripp. and aluminum backsplit, double attached garage, one % Beaton. acre lot, completely broadloomed, immediate poss- / OFFICE HOURS -- 9 a.m. - 9 p.m ession, / Direct Telephone Lines Port Perry 985.7386 a 25 ACRES $70,000, 50 acres, 1 mile to Port Perry, 1% storey A Oshawa 576-7515 Toronto 364-2516 400 feet highway frontage, partially wooded, never home, completely renovated, fireplace, double 4 ® EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e failing spring fed pond. Asking $36,000 with terms. attached garage, potential investment property. / Call Kay Cracknell. ' Maurice Baker -- 852-7256 / -- 985.304 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - WE , 4 Goorge Botan -- 985.304 5 / Bruce Currie -- 705-357-3392 GUARANTEE THE SALE OF YOUR HOME FOR PROFESSIONAL REAY, ESTATE 4 Ken Middleton -- 985.7548 SERVICE - CALL % Lawrence Morrison -- 705-357-3395 OFFICE HOURS 9 AM. -- 9 PM. 985. 3292 - 293. 3764 4 Fred Smith -- 985-7639 4 985-3031 -- 297-1270 ont yr ere Tory 4 FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - f COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE ® AFTER HOURS CALL oo LARRY DOBLE -- 725-9708 4 MARJORIE TRIPP -- 985.7606 BILL PEETERS -- 985-7214 7 'WE LIST EXCLUSIVE and M.LS. 4 DORIS CLARK -- 852-3551 : . i KATHLEEN CRACKNELL -- 985.7757 LLOYD HAYNES -- 986-4402 4 Real Estate is still your best Investment x 0 EE EE ACA A AAA Ld 4