- RY ¥ * » \ \ 5 wie GR A LASER 8 > adr tat Rte pat ECR SEL SO 3 lees 4 \ Wye A CP of roe Ya | 3% y aramid SA AN BAT a J ib FONE A WNL EAL ALE PIEPIES NESE SIN TASK TERI 8 5 L Nak ciliates | ak 26 - PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, Sept. 26th, 1973 ELECTRICAL | Greenbank and area news : i "todo > > ith Mr. b Ji R kin There will be no church on weekend in the Niagara by Kinsmen and Kinettes. ded on Ihe WoT 2 y IM Ranki Sunday School service here area. Dinner guests on Sunday Brapion next Sunday. It is Anniver- Mr. and Mrs. Archie With Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rev apd -Mve, : Rounded SIDENTIAL' sary Day at Seagrave. Empringham had an enjoy- Diamond were Mr. and Mrs. an. Sor, Mack Or Iew RE Mrs. Robert Leask's sister apie trio to the West Coast WM: Wallace of Stouff- and son A ' Fp COMMERCIAL able trip to the West Coast _., . minister, is expect 0 tly. The ent ; ) daughter Mrs. Harold Cole yegen) visiting FW Mr. and Mrs. V.. Mount Plone bn Be Tage pe of North Bay have been , 4 sight seeing. Mr. and visited on Sunday Ja Me: ks We Hsing Thanks: isiti i Mr . L. Mount and Mr. visiting with her for a few Mrs. Murray Emrpingham an) ys. i a giving Sunday, October 7. days. d i i Miss Ann Wills of Oshawa ond Me. ong Mis oo market. The Induction service will Empringh di | CARPENTRY -PLUMBING - ELECTRICITY has been visiting with her guoots vith their parents on Miss Marian Couperth- be held in Greenbank | J sister Mrs. Don McKean Sunday. waite entertained several Church on October 10. The Farm Requirements | Mrs. McCormack and | | INDUSTRIA SAPPAL Ak AF Su a rant Ce i 1 the choir leader, Mrs. Lee is : Receikly. Co Mrs. Marion Mundinger of Fisnizat he E LATS OP the asking all members to turn be ' a8 Call 985- 76 79 Mr. Hugh Baird judged Toronto and her daughter anniversary last Saturday. out for practice on Thursday Ny D 4 (R / fa kin & S the Guernsey Champion Miss Ellen Mundinger of It was also Margaret's evening and bring a friend. 30d ivision of Ron Rankin on ship show at Ancaster last Qssenburg, Germany and |. i In preparation the manse i aif | | 2 5 Friday and he and Roberta Mrs. H. Leask of Myrtle birthday. Congratulations. has 'been undergoing a a | enjoyed the rest of the visited on Saturday with Mr. Mr. Hugh Jones of papering and painting face- rg and Mrs. Roy Leask. Beaverton has spent the |ift by several economical S $ = a EN NEE NE Err EIEN a Mr. and Mrs. George past week with his daughter minded ladies. Also some Hed Beaton were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perry. men have been cleaning up Gh on Sunday with Misses Mrs. Myrtle Thomas visi- outside. 1 | Vote October Ist | ini Y 1 . . a in Uxbridge. Fe | The ladies have been on : BEAVER § the go lately. Last Wed. a ' be Mrs. Tait, Mrs. Thomas, ob SE i Mrs. Guy and Mrs. Leta i 7 a LY 1 Grant Leask went on a bus trip to Lf ! Niagara Falls with the P.P. f Tet Senior Citizens. Wednesday (RY EFy i McDermott cvening the Women's | <i FORINDUSTRY Institute were entertained at RCA A for the home of Mrs. Jean * Somerville. We were happy Port Perry Ward to have two new comers to ' our community visit with us. : Mr. and Mrs. Jewell brought ¢ 3 . a carload from Sunder- fa, WE | a ¢ ears service on land to the meeting, Mrs. ; : y f ogg EL ig We'll save you thousands of dollars : Port Perry Counci Brown. ©... and give you a better building! : = On Thursday, Mrs. Baird, oo ) , ¢ Mrs. F. Phoenix, Mrs. A. It's true! Beaver Buildings are ideal for trucking, ¢ McMillan, Mrs. B. Thomson, storage, warehousing, office and Ndbglin Dung. } i i Mrs. Mount, Mrs. Mero and ings of all kinds yet are less than half the cost 0 4 With a keen interest Mrs. Ianson went with the conventional block or steel structures. / $ Honeydale W.I. to visit the i mati hone or write... ROMKE STEL ¢ for the future %, & Erland Lee Home at Stopey For injeriationp 1-416-579-0260 } hi . YG AEH Creek. -- -- ¢ The Blood Doner Clinic at ¢ of t IS community. % J | Port Perry United Church, ." Oct. 4, time 1';30 to 4';30 and - PLANNED BUILDINGS DIVISION * BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LTD. VOTE ) . 570 Harrop Drive, Milton, Ontario Tel: (416) 878-4123, 826-3118 CanIDB Trustee, Board of Education a help you? ~ Township of Scugog of vo one of our representatives he ; J.1. McKiernan ] willbe at The Municipal Building, : ] 12 Spruce St., Uxbridge : " Telephone 852-3301 FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Thursday. October 4.17 : d © » NEW TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG y Many businesses including By : : ON OCTOBER 1st 3 Agriculture « Manufacturing i Tourism e Construction R m mber 0 e Professional Services FREE « e e e Transportation ¢ Wholesale o1UT1 Le [Tate EA -Tale Mag F-Tol aTEoT-TSYA CoM To Tol f -F- LX -R" "Xo 1 {121s | capital; to start a new business and for other purposes For Good Education Pa Ad . " 1 Ar have obtained loans from IDB to acquire land If you need financing for a busi 5S Yolo LT and are unable to obtain it swhere o ---- --- reasonable terms and conditions srhap (or: Lal allo 'ae 10] | \Widb [I GOODE, Gordon X | DEVELOPMENT BANK 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario ) » Qa -_u CCCI CI CIC CICA CICICICICICIC Tek To Tobe [oh Loe [eke Lo Tob Te Te To