-- RAN RR, re SAEED oF = er Srey tveteed, OR Ned IR de eh SECU PL >» tm VICE SEC 20) - PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, Sept. 26th, 1973 + Manchester News Church Service Sunday 11.15 a.m. Rev. B.R. Pogue in charge. Aniversary service was held at the church Sunday with a good attendance. Special music was-gi ven by the Port Perry High School choir. Rev. Piercy gave a very interesting sermon on life today. 60 people attended a re- tirement and farewell party for Rev. and Mrs. Brown at Grace Church Friday evening. They were presented with a clock fromt he Scugog and Manchester pastoral. Rev. Brown did a lot of research for the Manchester Church to bring its history up to date. Rev. and Mrs. Brown will be residing in Belleville. Ladies don't forget the rummage sale Saturday; Sept. 29th at the church for pick up phone 2571-1145-7701. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson were Mr. and Mrs. Howardsprung of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Proctor of Oshawa. Sunday luncheon guest at the Dobson Home were Mr. and Mrs: Allen Jackson of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Best and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayes of Ajax visited with Sandy and Sally McTavish in Brechin Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Best were into Toronto Airport Sunday to pick up the Franks. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Franks have been vacation- ing in England with their daughters and relatives. Miss Anna Croxall and friend spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. Croxall. Good luck and much happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Franklin and George. DONT FORGET- BLOOD-- COMES ONLY FROM PEOPLE KINSMEN and KINETTE BLOOD DONOR Port Perry United Church Hall OCTOBER 4th,1973 1:30 to 4:30 -- 6:30 t0 8:30 A KIN PROJECT SERVING THE COMMUNITIES' GREATEST NEED CLINIC Fuel all is fuel oil HOME COMFORT SERVICE INCLUDES: © Quality fuel oil always delivered ahead of time ® Free 24-hour heating equipment service ® Easy budget plan ® The Golden Service Warranty for a worry-free furnace HYGRADE-REESOR 985-7951 "But service isn't necessarily service. When you buy fuel oil what you really should be getting is assured heat. That means oil delivery on time all of the time. Top-notch attention to your furnace to insure that it works efficiently all during the heating season. It means annual clean-out and service. It also means availability of other home comfort equipment such as air conditioners, humidifiers and electronic air clean- ers, to name a few. And it means an effective insur- ance policy against expensive furnace breakdown and . such as the Hygrade Golden Service Warranty available at a small premium. repair . . So there's service and then there's Hygrade Service. You do have a choice. in their new home in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mitchell visited with their granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. R. Brockman and family at Ajax Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Roberts attended a family gathering in Grafton Friday evening. The U.C.W. ladies will meet October 4, 1973 at Marion Websters in Port Perry at 2 p.m. The ladies are busy making plans for a Special World of Music at the church for one evening in November. Sorry to hear of Mr. Flo Belanger's accident. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. Belanger is in Hospital in London, Ontario. Recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Art Fielding were Nursing Home News The Monday 17th, we only had one admission A McDay. We also had a, visit from the Kinettes. We had four hos- week beginning tesses being Mesdames Barb Van Haarlem, Diana Diane Tobin. We all had a pleasant hour We all had a pleasant hour playing cards or checkers and finished up with refresh- ments. We look forward to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutton of Brandon, Manitoba. Mr. Cor. Vander Berg, Mr. John Visser of Holland are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Hofstee. Mr. Vander Berg and Mr. Visser have been on a farm in Alberta for the summer. They return to Holland Wednesday where they return to school. Please phone news to 985 - 2758. seeing them. in a month's time. We had a church service on Tuesday 18th. We had a last minute change of ministers. Instead of Mr. Rose (Anglican) who unfor- tunately had to go to hospi- tal we had Mr. Brawn United Minister. We had a pleasant hour of singing hymns and he gave a nice sermon. We all hope Mr. Rose a speedy recovery. We missed Mrs. DeYong at our Thursday Bingo game and sorry to learn of the sudden death of their son-in- law. We all join in sending them our sincere sympathy from the Community Nursing Home. We had quite a good turn out, there being twelve winners. The men were Bill Moroz (2) Mr. Abbot, H. Snowden, Mr. Christie (2) Mr. Brown, and Mr. (continued on page 22) a William Brock AREA COUNCILLOR "I want to keep Scugog a good place to live in, to raise a family in, and to work, farm, do business and find recreation in." - As Area Councillor, | will work for: \ Continued prosperity Controlled growth and effective land use Recreational resource development Tourist trade development Friendly co-operation between local organizations and council Local government responsive to the public will A Regional Government that works for us too! A community with a distinctive flavour and appeal VOTE OCTOBER 1st SS "Ed J. Canning President' ® Heating systems ® Air conditioning ® Electronic air cleaners ® Hot water heaters © Humidifiers and dehumidifiers Switch to the company that's been almost 50 years in the home comfort business. Hygrade! { LZ