_zriomy-- Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of James Ephraim Mitchell, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES EPHRAIM MITCHELL, late of the Township of Reach, inf the County of Ontario, Re- tired Gentleman, who died on or about the 21st day of May, 1973, are hereby noti- fied to send fo the under- signed on or before the 29th day of June, 1973. full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 29th day of May, 1973. KELLY, JERMYN, DONALD & ZULY Barristers, Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above ars] Auction Sales FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques, the property of Mrs. WALTER DURWARD, will be held in the village of Sunderland (River St. East). Dining room table and four chairs, writing desk, 4 antique chairs, Glass covered biscuit jar, 3 horse shoe salts, Footed glass dish, Beaver sealer, Eaton sealer, No. of china cups and sau cers, 3 pec. ironstone toilet set. Chesterfield and 1 chair, Hall seat and hat rack (anti que). Antique buffet, Single continental bed and head board (new), Vanity dresser and bench, Pine chairs, Beds, trunks, Dressers, Pine bench (antique) Quilt box, pine chest, 2 steel wardrobes, Ad- miral T.V., full line of fur- niture. Property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. (705 )357-3270 2--June20 3--June20 Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel George Ferris, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of SAM- UEL GEORGE FERRIS. late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gentleman, who died on or about the 14th day of May, 1973, are hereby noti- fied to send to the under- signed on or before the 29th day of June, 1973, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties 'entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 31st day of May, 1973. KELLY, JERMYN, DONALD & ZULY Barristers, Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--June20 Estate Auction Sales SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd Selling at Orono Sale Barn, on Saturday, June 23, 1973 at 12 p.m. Sharp. Approxim- ately 75 registered and grade horses and ponies of vari-[" ous types and sizes. Sale will begin with dozens of saddles, bridles; halters, etc. Sale still open to consign. ments. Terms Cash. Lunch available. STEVE LIPTAY, Auctioneer. 416-263-2117 SATURDAY, JULY 7th 12:30 Auction Sale of Furniture and Antiques including 3 hanging lamps, Harvest tab- les, pine pieces, 3 rope beds, plus many antiques. Full de- tails next week. A very fine sale. The property of MRS. MARGARET MUSTARD, " miles northwest of Uxbridge. Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE THURSDAY, JUNE 28th at 6:30 p.m. at Stouffville Sales Barn, included in sale will be new chesterfields, chairs, coffee and end tables, lamps, mirrors, dressers, carpeting, all sizes and colours, drapes, various sizes to choose from, plaques, bookcases, etc. Many other items too _num- erous to mention. Norm Faulkner 640-3813 and Frank Bennett 887-5570. Auctioneers 2--June27 "| and Hi-Fi. SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd 12:38, FURNITURE - ANTIQUES GARDEN TRACTOR Auction Sale including G.E. "Talisman" Refrigerator, 2 door - coppertone (excellent); Moffat electric stove - Fresto Delux with oven on top, (ex- cellent); Chest Deep freezer, 17' (good); Speed Queen mat- ching washer & dryer (1 yr, like new); 2 pe. chesterfield with matching chair; corner china cabinet; extension tab- le dinette suite - 4 swivel chairs; Lazy boy green leath- er recliner (like new); occa- sional chair - needle point; 2 captain's chairs and anti- que hall rack; hanging elec: tric light (tiffany glass); Dun- can Phyfe drop leaf table; several oil paintings; 4 pec. bedroom suite; dresser chest of drawers; coal oil lamp; Allis Chalmers B-1 Riding Garden Tractor with lawn mower, dump box & Roto tiller; car trailer; chain saw. Many other items. The pro- perty of Jack Brickstock. % mile west of Hwy. 12 on Con. 7, Reach Twp. or 2 miles north of Manchester and % mile west. Property sold. This is an excellent auction, everything well cared for. Sale at 12:30. Lunch avail- able. Lloyd Wilson & W. D. Atkinson, Uxbridge Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 4--June20 SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Auction sale of household furniture and antiques, the property of Mrs. FLORENCE NASMITH and MANSELL GERROW will be held in the town of Port Perry, Queen St. West (across from the public school). Refriger- ator (used one yr.), Inglis washer and dryer, propane gas stove, 2 pine drop leaf tables, Dining room table (butternut) gate leg, wicker table and chair, Radio and record player in cabinet, Writing desk, Cathedral clock (iron front) 8 day clock, Brass bed (good condition), spool bed, Book case with leaded glass doors, 2 cup- boards good condition, Radio Portable Singer sewing machine, Single bed with poster headboard and spool legs. Qu. of antique dishes, Palmette pattern oil lamp, silver plated grape pattern plate, 2 coal oil lamps, medium open compote Daisy and button glass buit- ter dish, Amber glass rail- road lantern, large qu. of other dishes, 2 continental beds, antique chest of draw- ers, 2 large wicker trunks with rope handles, large qu. of other articles. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Gerald Graham, Clerk. LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. (705) 357-3270) 2--June20 Auction Sales THURSDAY, JUNE 28th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw, and Grain, the property of LU. THER WATSON, Lot 7, Con. 13, Reach Twp., 1 mile north of Greenbank, 2 miles west and 1 mile north or 2 miles 'west of Saintfield and 1 mile south (on Marsh Hill Road). 55 head of Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle, 23 Cows & Heifers, several with calves by side, several close spring- ers, 4 bred heifers, Short- horn bull, 3 yrs., 12 year- lings, 9 good calves 7 to 10 mon. Team of roan clyde geldings well matched (have been shown) good to work, show wagon, Antique horse power in good cndition, will be in operation sale day. Harness(brass mounted). Case 530 diesel tractor and loader, McCormick threshing mach- ine, New Idea mower, Spray- er, M.F. baler No. 3, J. D. cultivator, Cockshutt manure spreader, 2 wagons & racks, Buggy (good), cutter (good). 6- H.P. Fairbanks-Morse gaso- line engine (good condition). single plow (made in Ux- bridge), large iron sap ket- The Fulford's home which was on display during the Kinette's House Tour and Teas was tastefully decorated in a Spanish theme. : The backyard produced a pleasant atmosphere also with well kept --_ gardens and a refreshing pool. Auction Sales Auction Sales | tle, full line of farm mach- inery. Owner giving up farming. Terms Cash. Sale at 12:30. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. (705 )357-3270 3--June27 SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd Clearing Auction of House- hold Furniture, tools and garden equip. for TED COATES, located 3'% miles north of Brooklin on #12 highway at Myrtle. Selling: 9 pc. Jacobean dining room suite with 2 interchanging table tops (very ornate & un- usual), two bedroom suites (good condition), 4 captain's chairs, rocking chairs, book- case, washstands, secretary desk, oak desk & chair, sets of wooden chairs, occasional tables, 5 pc. kitchen set, sec- THURSDAY, JUNE 21st Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 43 High Grade Hereford &j Simmental Crossed Cattle, 1948 Hudson 4 door sedan car - 22,000 original miles, good running condition, an- tique sulky, buggy with can- vass top, M.F. 35 gas tractor, M.F. 3 furrow plough 3 pt, 1972 Allied 25 tooth culti- vator 3 pt., New Holland 68 Baler PTO, John Deere 7 ton wagon with rack, 1972 Int. manure spreader, power tools, "Straw. The property of BILL KUYPERS, east half of Lot 81%, Con. 7, Ops Twp. (3 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. #36(Bobcaygeon Hwy.). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ward Holmes, Ed. Allen, clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioner Reaboro, Ontario 1-705-324-9959 tional sofa, quantity of good glass & china including Nip- pon, Carnival, Depression, Ironstone, etc. 10° x 9° Ax- minister rug, McClary range & washer, freezer, humidifier M.F. Tiller (like new), lawn harrows & roller, Toro lawn mower, lawn chairs & table. ladders, snow fences, cement tools, dog 'houses, storage cupboards, - table & circular saws, sander, various type doors, feed racks & bins, old combination safe and many other misc. items. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Sale time 12:30 p.m. HENRY KAHN AUCTION SERVICES Whitby 668-6189. 2--June20 THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 28th, 6:30 p.m. Furniture and Antique Auc- tion Sale, including brass double bed, antique secre- tary desk, antique glassware, wash stand, several chairs, 4 cane bottom chairs, spool bed pine cupboard, curved oak bench, extension table, cedar chest, small parlour table, several oil lamps, dresser, lazy boy recliner chair (like new), gun cabinet, outboard boat motor, 20 gal. oak bar- rel, large anvil and stand, 2 swords, Shop-Boss combina. tion drillpress - lathe-jigsaw, etc. Floor polisher, antique clocks, antique washing ma- chine, pile of wide pine barn boards. Many other articles. The property of TOM SIE- GRISP, 1 mile east of Ux- bridge on Reach Road or 7 miles west of Highway 12 on Reach Road. Sale at 6:30 p.m. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. 2--June27 SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd Auction Sale of Farm Mach- inery, Household Furniture' Antiques. Oliver Tractor with 7" Power Mower, Oliver 70 Tractor, 1969 John Deere 150 bus. Flail Manure Sprea- der PTO, VA Case Tractor with Manure Loader, Int. 45 Baler, PTO. A.C. 60 Combine PTO, Wooden Antique Bar-|: ley Fork, Large Dinner Bell, Piano, Antique Desk. etc. The property of LORNE H. MOORE, Lot 29, Con. 3, Ops Twp., (1 mile north of Lind- say on Hwy. 35 B. North - 1 mile West and 1 mile North or 1 mile South and 1 mile East of Cambray). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ward Holmes, Ed. Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. 2--June20 1-705-324-9959 SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Auction sale of farm stock, Implements, Deep freeze and small amt. of furniture, the property of GORDON AD- AMS, Lot 3, Con. 11, Eldon Twp., 8 miles east of Wood- ville, 1 mile north and 2 miles east (on Goose Lake Rd.) or 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Cambray. 35 head of Hereford and Angus cattle, 12 cows mostly with calves by side or close spring- ers, P. B. Hereford bull 1% yrs., 3 heifers 1 yr. (open), 6 Hereford steers 1% yrs., M.F. No. 35 gas tractor and loader excellent condition (900 hrs.) McCormick manure spreader 110 bu. (new) M.F. mower 3 pt. (new) MLF. 3 furrow trip beam plow (nearly new), Farm trailer dual wheels 14 ft. rack, rubber tired wagon, hay elevator and motor, Qu. of other farm machinery. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 1:30. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. (705) 357-3270 SATURDAY, JUNE 30th Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 71 Holstein i& Charolais Cattle, 1969 - 430 Case Tractor with Case 291 Manure Loader, M.H. 30 Tractor, 1972 Allied Cultiva- tor, 1971 Hydrien Plough, 1970 New Holland 268 Baler, 1970 New Holland Side Rake, 2 roller bearing wagons with racks, 24' hay elevator, New Holland 7 Power Mower, TUESDAY, JUNE 26th Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques, the property of Mrs. MABEL WARE, will be held in the village of Oakwood (Eldon St.) McClary refrig., Gurney gas stove, Easy dryer (new), Beatty washer, Antique din- ing 'room extension table, Qu. of dishes, several anti- que pieces such as, hand painted cocoa pot and 6 cups and saucers, R. S. Germany cream and sugar, Pedestal cake plate, Pickle cruet, Sil- ver tea service, silver plates, Hen on the nest, Glass bread plate with a team of horses pulling a reaper in middle of plate. 6 pec. toilet set (green and gold), China cab- inet (glass ends), China cab- inet and buffet, coleman space heater, Antique wash stands, 3 pc. bedroom suite, 2 beds and dressers, Rocking chairs, trunks, chesterfield & chair, double barrel shot gun garden tiller, full line of furniture. Property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. (705 )357-3270 2--June20 Some Household Items, the Estate of the Late GEORGE COOPER, Lot 12, Con. 3, West 1% Dummer Twp. 2 miles east of Warsaw or 12 miles north east of Peter- borough. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ward Holmes, Ed. Allen, lerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. 2--June27 1-705-324-9959 Liberals will elect delegates The June meeting of the executive of the Liberal Association of Ontario Rid- ings was held at the home of George Munhall, presi- dent of the Pickering Vil- lage Liberal Association. Ron Sproule president of ther Association presided at the meeting. : Brian Spencer reported to the executive on the plans for the general meeting to elect delegates to the two conventions in the fall. This meeting will be held on Wed. June 20th, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. at the Teen Centre in Bay Ridges. Six delegates and six alternate delegates will be elected to attend the Liberal National Convention in Ottawa on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of September, 1973. Also at this meeting, eight Provincial delegates and four Federal delegates will be nominated and elected to attend the Ontario Liberal Leadership Convention to be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on the week-end of the 27th and 28th of October, 1973. Mr. Norm Cafik, Federal Liberal Member, will be in attendance to discuss the proposed social legislation. the guest speaker will be the Provincial Member from Ottawa East, Mr. Albert Roy. Weekly Safety Tip Small Vessel Requirements Ev ery vessel powered by a motor is required by law to have the following safety items on board. One approved life-jacket or life-saving cushion for every person on board. A bailing can or bilge pump, and two paddles or oars equipped with oar-locks. If the boat is equipped with an inboard motor or cooking stove, it must be equipped with a fire exting- uisher. If the vessel is equipped with a motor of 10 H.P. or more, it must be registered and the numbers displayed on the sdie. EFCC LE